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    Lovely purse and happy birthday Rosemary, hope you get spoilt rotten

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Your quilt is looking great! Keep up the effort and it'll be finished in no time! When I'm working on something like that, I just keep telling myself that every stitch gets me one stitch closer to the end. And, before you know it, it's done!

      Lovely purse!!



        Oh, I did not expect photos of the purse. Surprises to me also :-) .
        The pattern for the shape of the purse is made by me with the help of Lisa Lam. She has instructions om her website on how to make purses like this.

        living in Central Denmark
        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


          Originally posted by Zarah
          Oh, I did not expect photos of the purse. Surprises to me also :-) .
          The pattern for the shape of the purse is made by me with the help of Lisa Lam. She has instructions om her website on how to make purses like this.
          I looked over Lynette Anderson's website but couldn't find a retail outlet for patterns or kits. Does anybody have any suggestions? Now I will check out Lisa Lam.


            Rosemary I am sure your biceps are getting a good work out trying to put that quilt through your DM. I can't wait to see it when you have finished. The purse is so pretty, what a lovely present.


              Originally posted by loise98
              Originally posted by Zarah
              Oh, I did not expect photos of the purse. Surprises to me also :-) .
              The pattern for the shape of the purse is made by me with the help of Lisa Lam. She has instructions om her website on how to make purses like this.
              I looked over Lynette Anderson's website but couldn't find a retail outlet for patterns or kits. Does anybody have any suggestions? Now I will check out Lisa Lam.
              When I went onto Lynette Anderson's website she had a button for stockists here does that help?


                When I was writing my latest post I was on my brand new Nexus tablet and it did nor work well to write in English, because the language was set to Danish. So I minimized the post.
                The embroidery pattern comes from Lynette Anderson's book It's Quilting Cats & Dogs

                Be aware, this is the UK section of Amazon

                Here is a link to Lisa Lam's website. I have her book The Bag Making Bible and was wondering how you make those frame purses. Then I found her tutorials and there the instructions were found. This is from UK as well


                It is very easy to make. I hope you get inspired

                living in Central Denmark
                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                  Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                  Rosemary I am sure your biceps are getting a good work out trying to put that quilt through your DM. I can't wait to see it when you have finished. The purse is so pretty, what a lovely present.
                  They certainly did. I've now finished everything I can achieve with the walking foot and have 16 large leaf shapes to fill with sprial patterns, so I am trying to work up the courage to go for the fmq, should be interesting.....

                  The blankets are not as heavy as they could have been - seeing as they are ancient and inheritated from my gran's, actually they are part of the reason why I took up quilting instead of beading when I did, I wanted to cover the old blankets so they looked nicer on the guest bed for visitors :wink: and now it is thought of as 'green' and 'recycling' where as originally it was 'what have I got that I can use and it won't cost too much?' 8)

                  living in Central Denmark
                  Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                    Rosemary..I'd love to see a photo of the blankets you're covering !! ?? A pretty common practice
                    in days gone by in our part of the world.


                      Anything happening?????? What's the news where you are??????

                      Every year my group Helensburgh & District Quilters (guild) make a charity quilt, sell raffle tickets and usually make approx. £1,000. This year the charity that was voted for is the local Riding for the Disabled. It is usually a group quilt but this year there was only five of us making it. It is finished now and for the first time we have got it long armed quilted. I have just started putting on the binding and when I get a photo of it I will put it up on the forum.

                      On 2nd March we are having a 21st anniversary Celebration day in a local church hall. We have invited three other groups to join with us. We will supply the lunch in two sittings, as one group has lunch the other will be taken across to the church where they have embroidered panels by Hannah Frew Paterson. There are also beautiful glass windows as well. We will have a trader and this will be the first outing for the charity quilt. There will be quilts from the founder members, which should be very interesting. We will have a few ice-breaking games at the start so people can get to know each other as I will have the groups all mixed up in different tables. In the afternoon we have a speaker from England.

                      I am just putting together the timetable and the rota for the helpers. Once I get the actual numbers with their names I will make up the badges. I think we are going to have a great day.


                        Hi Maureen, it sounds like you have been keeping yourself busy. I look forward to seeing the charity quilt. The celebration day sounds like it will be interesting. Photos please if you can?

                        Our quilting group -'The Sew'n'Sews' - is also making a charity quilt. My friend Hong (sitting beside me in my profile photo especially for Chinese New Year!) wanted to make a quilt to raffle in our children's primary school the funds of which she wants to go towards a PA system. She is a music teacher and wants to leave the school (it's her daughter's final year in primary school) with a decent system before she goes. So we are making a quilt of her design. We have only just started it but the plan is to have smiley faces between 9 patches. All we have done so far is to get the smiley faces fused. I will post a photo when we have the top finished. There will only be one of our group with a child in primary school after that. We all met through the school and have been quilting together for about 11 years now. We have made many quilts which were raffled in the school for various charities.

                        Apart from that I have been working away on the BOM and finally got all my sashing strips finished. That was a lot of work. And today, in between various household chores :roll: I made 2 tote bags. I signed up for a free class on and learned how to make reversible totes. This is what they look like. The brown one is for my daughter the other one is probably for me.

                        Well that's enough out of me, what about everybody else?


                          I just finished a little quilt. Well, almost finished. The facing is now in place waiting to be hand stitched. I just blogged about it to see if I could get a blog to upload. Apparently, there were some technical difficulties with posting blogs. I wanted to try Cathy Miller's Mock Mola technique and I had fabrics I needed to use in a Guild Challenge so I killed two birds with one stone so to speak. There are more pictures and a few more details on my blog.

                          After that I was back to work on one of my Laura Nownes Quilts. Yes, I am making two. One top is done but not quilted and the paper pieced shashing on 22 out of its 35 blocks of the second are done. While I was busy listening to CE courses during the last month, I did manage to get some knitting done. I finished 2 sweaters that were nearly done but sitting in bags for a few years. I wasn't looking forward to sewing them together. My daughter is wearing one and I am now wearing the other. Forgot to take pictures. I hate it when people don't take pictures. Sorry!


                            Sounds like everyone is keeping busy!

                            I finished my Heart Blossom quilt from Ricky's pattern, but still need to take a picture. I'll upload it as soon as I have it. I also started designing the quilting for my mom's tablecloth quilt. I have the inner part designed and am struggling with the outer part, although I just came up with another idea to try so I might be able to get that worked out soon. Again, I'm behind in my pictures, but they'll be following soon.

                            I'm looking forward to a lot of sewing the next couple of weekends. Next Sat is sew day at a friend's house. I'll bring some hand work for that so I don't have to carry my machine for just a day. The following weekend is the spring quilt retreat for one of our local quilt guilds. A friend suggested I should join her at this, even though I haven't been a member of the guild, so I joined the guild and signed up. So I'll be sewing with a new group from Thurs-Sun that weekend. And the weekend after than is the spring retreat for my regular guild, again Thurs-Sun. So I've started thinking about what I'll bring to the retreats. I think I'll leave everything except my machine in the car between the retreats to save packing time!



                              You've all been busy ladies. Sewed most of last weekend, my friend Claudia's qult is going places... And I finally figured out what I should do with and started doing with... On Doris' memory quilt. When she had her good-bye party last may, I took along a width of fabric for everyone to sign and leave their wishes... Well the signatures and drawings have now cured and it's been put in a plain border and now the 'backing is being made up, strip by strip... Plan to bring it to her new home when I go to Canada in mid may...
                              ... That architectural quilt for BJ & Terry's challenge, is however not doing a thing... Not even lurking in my mind these days, hmmmm
                              Now off to the doctor's for my thyroid check-up and to find out what to do about the tendinitis in my right wrist and that nasty tailbone that has been giving me trouble for a good year now... Well, gotta make the best of these appointments don't we, and do it all at once...


                                have a good health soon lotti!


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