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    It's now 'marinating', that sounds wonderful...
    Marinating is the last step before the cooking/baking/grilling, hmm sounds like there will be some sewing done very soon :P


      Well I suppose the longer you marinate the quilt the better the flavour. :lol: Happy quilting to you too Marilyn.


        While Marilyn is marinating - or by now probably busily sewing - I went out and emptied my bank account...
        Meet "Fidelius Feichin" - My "Faithful Little Raven"
        (But I'll need Rita to teach me how to pronounce Feichin (and which is the preferred/correct spelling? i also came accross: Fechin & Fehin.

        To get to know each other we went for a long drive this afternoon/evening

        We had sun, rain, heavy rain, snow, sleet and fog - and are now ready for the Swiss winter!


          Marilyn, are you going to come up for air? Lotti, love your Ford Fiesta--it will be one I will look at too when we decide to ditch our 22 yo second car! Hope to hear more about how you're enjoying it.


            Lotti, The photos of you first day with Fidelius Feichin are lovely. I think you the colors of the day black, blue, white & gray would make a lovely quilt. I think I saw just the smallest of tinge of pale, pale pink and yellow sun trying to peek into that cloudy day. Congratulations on the new car!


              Fabulous pictures and welcome little Fiechin

              Marilyn is very quiet, we better not disturb her beavering away.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Lotti -

                He is beautiful! May you have many, many happy years together!!



                  Lotti - great news - what a great Christmas present to yourself. And, thanks for the pictures. I find myself a little wistful while looking at them. So nice and so moody-blue. Aww. Switzerland! Great to inspire a cuppa chocolate by the fire. (now, I just need a fireplace.) But I can do the chocolate.

                  Have fun with Fiechin.

                  How do you pronounce his name _ if it "FEE - CHIN" or "FIE-CHIN" ? or is there a 'KIN' in there somewhere!


                    Thanks... I'll be needing Rita's advice on the proper pronunciation as it's an Irish name. But I got 'FaiShIhn' from the name site...


                      Hi Lotti, I just got back from Vienna tonight - and what do I find - you have bought a new car! Fidelius Feichín is a great name. And if anything goes wrong with him you can just switch it around to Feckin' Fidelius. The way we would pronounce it would be FAY-HEEN. Many happy years with your new friend. May the road rise up to meet you and without a pothole or a thumb tack on it.


                        Well, Rita, thanks for the Irish lesson. I never woulda thunk it the way you say it :lol:


                          Thank you Rita, that's close to what I had in mind when I first saw it, those pronunciation web folk need to learn Irish

                          Hope you had a great time in Vienna. Looking forward to pics and/or a blog. But with Christmas coming up, I can wait 'till next year :P


                            Your new car is a sweetie, Lotti. I hope you have many wonderful experiences ahead of you. And your photos are gorgeous.

                            living in Central Denmark
                            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                              The girls are beginning to feel festive

                              Ciggie is trying to produce some chocolate!

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Wendy, love it, :lol: love it, :lol: love it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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