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    I say...Freddie Ford ! You've not said what color he's wearing !!


      I have a hard enough time naming my quilts and my pets! Definitely not creative enough to come up with names for cars... :?
      But enjoy him! (If he was a girl, I just came up with "FiFi". Hmmmm) :lol:



        i'm liking freddie - freddie the feisty fiesta - hmmmm was trying to stay away from names of people i know well - but...

        he's black - black metallic - this means: in winter he'll be a kind of dark grey - in late spring a sort of reddish brown (from all the pollen) - and during summer mostly semi-shiny black...


          How about Fernando?
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Originally posted by PosyP
            Hey Maureen, if you don't manage to get it done by the 24th, just remember you will have lots of spare time after christmas to finish things up in :wink: I've been using this planning technique for years and it works for me :lol:
            Good one Rosemary :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


              Originally posted by lotti
              great planning technique, rosemary - i'm definitely adopting that one!

              my main problem at the moment: what to name my new car - i'll get him (yes it's a he) in a week - and he'll need a name - i already have the obligatory canadian flag to put on the bumper!
              my previous cars:
              my dad's oldsmobile that i learned to drive with: angus (named after angus young of AC/DC)
              my little Chevrolet Chevette that i used for college: Billy
              my first car in switzerland - an old mazda i bought off my grandfather: Johnny
              Johnny was killed by an old lady who tried to commit suicide by leaping off the roof - unfortunately she didn't look down first and landed on Johnny - Johnny dead - lady only broke a rib - when i went to visit her in hospital she yelled at me for saving her life - last time i do that! (and then the insurance would't pay for the car because "suicide is exempt"!
              my first brand new car, a little mazda 323 - love, love, love, loved that car: Johnny-two
              Johnny-two was murdered by my mom when she fell asleep at the wheel (never ever ever drive when you're too tired - pull over and have a rest - call a taxi - call a friend - take a hotel room - sleep in the car - it is all much much much cheaper than a new car / the replacement of the motorcycle that gets hit on the way / the replacement of the motorcyclists knee that needs to be reconstructed because it got tangled up in the rear bumper / the cost of the motorcyclists salary because he couldn't work for a year - oh yes - the insurance did pay - but there is that ten to 95% of the cost the insurance can get back from you - NEVER EVER EVER EVER drive with alcohol or drugs in you (then the part you pay is much closer to the 95 %), with the tiredness we/my mom were/was very very very lucky and only got stuck with the minimum of 10%).
              Sam: was a second hand Opel (Vauxhall) Vectra i got to replace Johnny-two - needed a new car quick - and one where i could put a wheelchair in the trunk and have the back-seat passenger(s) get out to help my grandmother get out of the car and into the wheelchair...
              sam rusted away on me and needed to be "buried" 4 years ago. sam was also the first car i owned that did not have a violent death (angus was driven by my younger brother without "noticing" that the oil light is on - motor dead; billy was a gear-shifted car - my mom being used to automatics "non-shifted" the transmission death; johnny and johnny-two you already read about...).
              shortly after sam needed to be put down, i inherited my aunt's old subaru: Pepe-le-Pew - yes he was named after the Cartoon Skunk Pepe-le-Pew - because he "smelled".
              and now it's poor old Pepe's time to go - he'll be given his final rest next week and he'll be replaced with a brand-spankin'-new Ford Fiesta Titanium... but what to name him, here a few ideas:
              Rick (of Casablanca fame?)
              Jimmy (i kind of like this - Jimmy the feisty fiesta...)
              any ideas?
              Lottie, what can I say :!: :!: :!: It is definitely true what they say - truth is always stranger than fiction – you could make a film – ‘the strange and terrible life and death of Lottie’s cars’ :wink: :wink:

              As he is Titanium, why not Titus.


                I vote for Titus!

                Nowhere near finishing up preparation for the holidays. Actually, in some ares, I haven't even begun. ops: I have been busy preparing for the guild Christmas party - planning games, buying and wrapping presents for about 40 ladies, thinking of what to bake as my contribution to the pot-luck ( I bought some boxed cookies yesterday, just in case I don't get to baking, which I do love. Thursday will be spent setting up the hall, decorating said hall, and being nervous about the games. (I've been told to not make them too competitive, as some ladies really get into it a bit too much!) I want to watch the next colour lesson and finish up a few quilty-gifts for Christmas, but I thinkI need 35 hours in a day - just not enough to have 24.

                But I've heard that everything works out in the end, so if it hasn't worked out's just not the end! 8)


                  My Christmas preps have been sort of non-existent so far. The kids wanted stuff which I ordered from the internet so no actual shopping to do for them. Don't know what to get for the parents - what do you get for 84 year olds that they don't already have. I have made them so many quilts that I don't think I could make them another. My mother loves jigsaws but I don't know which ones she has done. Don't know what to get my dad :?: DH and I usually order what we want and say it's from each other (not very romantic I know but it suits us). I have not made my Christmas cake yet - that's for tomorrow or the next day. On Friday we are going to Vienna with our son for a few days. He is studying German so we thought we could do the Christmas markets and he would get to hear german spoken etc. DD didn't want to go so she will be at home with DD No. 1, the cat and the dog.

                  DH finished clearing out the basement :!: :shock: He painted it and we moved the sofa bed into it today. Tomorrow we go to Ikea to get my island unit which I will use as my cutting table. A major milestone in our lives. The basement has been waiting to be done since 2003 :!: (Who says I am not a patient woman?) This is the best Christmas present ever. :mrgreen:


                    I didn't say you're not patient :roll: , but I'm really, really happy that this is going to be for you! I'd be interest in which 'island' you get from Ikea, though.


                      Good for you Rita! Photos are allowed!! :wink:

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Looks like, with the basement cleared and the sofa gone from your sewing space, Rita, you may have already received a very nice Christmas present! And if you happen by Café Sacher in Wien (my birth place by mere chance) on Philharmonikerstrasse, please have a slice of Sachertorte for me (I believe it's home to the original recipe and they ship internationally--I've been tempted to order...). I used to hang out there whenever in Vienna--great coffee too and very close to Wiener Staatsoper, the Opera House, another one of my favorite places there! Have fun! Please take pictures and post if you can! :P


                          I've been looking at the recipe for Sacher Torte for a looooonng time now, but when I about read it's celebrity, and the cost of one at a fancy patisserie near here, I think not yet. Maybe in the new year. :roll:



                            I've got a 'proper' Sacher torte recipe somewhere, terrie... Will try to find it for you over the holidays.
                            I don't like them myself, yes there actually is a person on this planet who thinks things can be tooooooo chocolaty! But then I'm probably certifiable anyway.

                            Have a fabulous time in Vienna. Wow, Vienna during the advent, fabulous. Havn't made it there for the Christmas markets yet, should be fabulous..

                            Still not finished ny brother's birthday quilt, but getting there, so this is the birthday card I just sent him on 12.12.2012 (great date):

                            Have a great day everyone!


                              drool, drool! I love Sacher Torte! My dad sometimes went to Vienna for work trips and always bought one back. Another thing to check out Rita, would be viena schnitzels(sp?) also wonderful.

                              Terri, a bit late in the day but how about a hst jigsaw puzzle game for the ladies give them lots of pieces of coloured card to try out some of the colour exercises from Christine. Or print up various quilts (about 8, preferably quite different looking and onto card rather than paper if possible, or paste it onto card), cut them into pieces and mix them up & scatter them around the room, keep back one piece to give to each team of ladies and let them try & find their pieces and put together their puzzle.


                                Well Renata, I will certainly keep an eye out. I find Sacher Torte a little rich too, like Lotti. I love my chocolate, don't get me wrong, but I find chocolate cakes just too rich. But maybe it will be different in the home of the original. I am sure my DS will have to have a try as he is a big chocolate fan too. So Renata, did you mean you were born in Vienna by sheer chance or was it while eating some sacher torte that your mother gave birth to you in the Cafe Sacher? :lol:


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