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    Black and sepia sound interesting. I checked my WP program and Blackadder is not there but when I googled it, it looked like just the sort of print that would be on old maps. I like that idea.


      Rosemary I can't find 'Blackadder' in my word documents either. I like the idea of sepia and I am sure the font is perfect - just like the TV series. (One of my all-time favourites.


        Blackadder font is similiar to the font my name is in. (my personal favourites of the series was Blackadder II - an awful lot of the lines were adopted to our Civil War re-enactment musters, one regiment even had fifers who would play the tune as their regiment marched off the field, it made a change from our drummers beating out 'Nellie the Elephant', or 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' :lol: :lol: :lol: )


          Here I am again, poking in where I don't belong. Here's a link to a site with free fonts:


          in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


            Hi Rosemary - Sepia tones sound great and I really like your font. Will you be making each person's label? Will you be sending them to us as PDF or JPG files? If not, I'm thnking we'll have problems with those who don't have your font. But that also seems like a lot of extra work for you, so I'm not sure what you want to do.




              I was planning on sorting out a basic label, adapting certain details to each individual, and then either printing them all out & sending them as part of an christmas card package, or I can send you a jpg copy to print your own. I don't mind either way.

              But I do need to get going a bit harder with them, having it my mind's eye is not the same as having it drawn up & ready to go :wink: Added to which, I need to find out whereabouts you lot are on the map, besides just somewhere on that large landmass on the left :P :wink:


                Whatever you decide works for me! I'm a little to the left of center....



                  Thanks Charae, hope they don't expect me to stitch that.

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Originally posted by clhdabb
                    Here I am again, poking in where I don't belong. Here's a link to a site with free fonts:
                    Consider yourself a honorable and welcome "Whisper Watcher". Thanks for the information.

                    Nancy, I agree this might end up being a lot of work and expense for Rosemary, especially if she would do the printing. I am hoping she can send a file and we can each print our own.


                      Thanks Charae - now I know what it is. So it's the same as the typeface for the TV series. Well that's fine with me Rosemary. And I am happy to print it out myself - so long as I can open the file you will send (Mac compatibility :roll: ). I would be hard pressed to choose my favourite from the 4 series Rosemary, loved them all. Really regret lending the 4th to someone who never gave it back. :evil:


                        Sepia and blackadder font will look great together Rosemary. I'll be happy to print my own label too and if we need to add text to it, we can download the font from the site that Charae so nicely provided the link for, and add it to word or whatever word processor each one uses.

                        Here's roughly my location. This is a "vintage 20's" look :wink:


                          Kim has updated her photograph website and if you search really really hard, you may see the photo :wink: :wink: or then again you may not :lol: :lol: :lol:

                          Each of you will be receiving an email from Isabel, one of the organizers, when it is your turn to receive the quilt. So if you get an email from the Loch Lomond Quilt Show you know it will be genuine.


                            Maureen, thanks for the link. Wow! her photos are so beautiful. It makes me want to take a photography course.


                              Maureen you are such a tease. I wonder if when it comes to me in 16 months if I can work out which photo it came from :lol:

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Please let us know if you do Wendy! I might try that myself. Of course I wouldn't say anything but, would be interesting, in the end, to see if we were even close enough with our guess. :shock: :roll: :wink:

                                :idea: :idea: :idea: How about when we get our inspiration quilt, we try to guess which one of the photos was provided to our group and put a sticky note, with the name of the photo we think was used, and send it with the statement to Maureen? Would be interesting/fun to see if we were even close or if someone actually guesses right. :wink:

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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