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Chinese Whispers

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    Oh heck I thought we were just talking about it, didn't realise we were going to make them. (I am talking about next monday not the real one :roll: )

    Nancy and Marilyn I work like you and my quilts develop as I go along, I have no skills in planning in any aspect of my life (except work where I have to). My DH (OH, HU, etc etc) finds me infuriating, the same as I do him because he likes to have everything arranged and thought out.

    Rita I didn't realise that it was such a nasty illness. Hope she's over the acute part soon.

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      [quote="twiglet"]Oh heck I thought we were just talking about it, didn't realise we were going to make them. (I am talking about next monday not the real one :roll: )

      I thought it was just design them. But that is time consuming too. I will do it only if I find time to play.


        My intention was that we should try and exercise our design thinking-caps on a randomly chosen quilt, and to think about how would we interprete it - would we go with the colour scheme, or the block pattern, or something else, that we linked to the original quilt. We don't need to make it up, I suggested sketches as it can be easier to explain with pictures how our though processes work. And on Monday we could all post up our ideas and talk about them as this would give us a safe subject to talk about, and some practise in the mean-time - it's either that or talk about housework :shock: or cooking :wink:

        If anyone wants to try making up their idea, an AAQI quilt would be a sensible size to play with, without getting too large or unwieldy :wink: and is entirely up to them.


          Definitely don't want to talk about housework :x or cooking :? I am happy to do a very simple design idea based on the quilt but not an actual one - I don't think :?:

          Thanks Wendy. Yes it's pretty nasty and she is not in great shape at the moment. We hope for improvement by the end of the week but there is no way of knowing. Fingers crossed.


            I remember being told that I could gargle with soluble asprin or paracetamol for the sore throat, the only problem was/is I loath trying to gargle with anything. Mine turned up sometime in April, was finally diagnosed in late May. I was off work until the end of August and I seem to recall that it was at least a year or two until I felt that I had completely recovered all of my previous energy back. Even then any colds would always affect my neck glands first, and they are still a bit sensitive to bugs.


              Yes it seems to be a particularly vile virus. She has been gargling with soluble aspirin but it hasn't helped much. She is taking paracetamol a couple of times a day but they are not helping much either. The only thing that really helps is Nurofen but the doctor doesn't want her to take them because the enzymes in her liver are sky high. And despite the fact that the temperature is gone now for a couple of days she is still over-heating so wants the window open all the time. Makes the house a bit drafty.


                Rita, has she tried gargling with baking soda or sea salt dissolved in warm water? Some people get relief also from drinking a tbs of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and 1 tbs honey in a cup of water, 2-3 times a day. Organic essential tea tree oil is an excellent natural antiviral, antibiotic, antibacterial , anti fungal, etc. I have used it on myself, my kids, nieces and nephews since they were babies for tonsillitis, cold & flu and sore throat, very successfully. You can rub 1-2 full strength drops with wet in water hands in your neck and chest area. Rub 1-2 full strength drops with wet in water hands in the sole of the feet. I will also get a drop in my index finger and rub it inside the mouth in the gums and as far as I can go near the tonsils without gagging. Essential Tea Tree oil is completely safe, non toxic, neither produce any side effects. Has a strong woodsy taste and smell but it doesn't sting. Wetting your hands befor applying the essential oil or any oil for that matter, helps the absorption of the oil into the skin. Have used Tea Tree oil for over 20 years and like it a lot. I always take a little bottle with me when I travel. Hope she gets better soon.


                  Maureen..................... 10hrs and counting......................

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Thanks Limbania, I will give those a try. At the moment she doesn't want to try anything because her throat is so sore. We are giving her elderflower cordial and honey or other fruit teas with honey. She is in good spirits though which is something. :?


                      That's always a plus Rita :wink: when kids are sick and cranky makes it harder. Keeping her well hydrated is key, although having a sore throat makes it hard but, warm soothing fluids will help a lot. Having a sick children is nerve-wracking so hang in there. Hopefully you're having some stitching time to help you out. Sounds like she's being very well cared for so, she will be healthy soon.


                        Rita, I hope your daughter is feeling a bit better and you are not so worried now. Maybe this will cheer you up: -

                        Guess what everyone, THE photograph has arrive (happy dance). It was taken by a celebrity photographer and it is - - - - - - no! a bit like - - - no! I can’t tell you anything about it except to say it wasn’t anything like I imagined. I will just have to keep looking at it until something clicks in my brain (which I hope is not too long) and get on with making the first one to get sent to Marilyn.

                        I will try to put everything aside and get on with it and finish before the due date so that we have extra times for posting. Maybe everyone could try that as the distances they have to travel and get back is scary.

                        Whisperers, we are on the yellow brick road now and I bet it is going to be very, very exciting journey


                          This was included with the photograph. There was also a cd with images from the 2012 Chines Whispers. They have said they will try and get it on the website for everyone to see.

                          Chinese Whispers 2014

                          As usual there are a few requirements:

                          · Please do not photocopy, scan or take any copies of the photograph which has been kindly loaned by Kim Phillips, photographer.

                          · The original photograph should be returned when you have completed your quilt using the return envelope.

                          · Please do not talk about the photograph or any of the quilts being made to any other members of your group as this could influence them in the design of their quilt.

                          · When you have completed your part of the Challenge please inform your group organiser.


                            I have asked the LLQS about labels for the Chinese Whispers quilts and they agree with what we had spoken about – the name of the quilt could influence the next person. They thought something like:

                            Loch Lomond Quilt Show – Chinese Whispers 2014

                            Group Name – Whispers across the Pond

                            Name of Maker –

                            Number in Group –

                            We can go two ways on this: -

                            We each do our own label with the above and add the name of the quilt to the
                            100 words written as the quilt is finished to explain the quilters thought process.


                            We just put on a label with the name of maker and group no at first. Sewed on so it is easy to take off. Then either yourself can make a label or we can ask Rosemary to design a label for Whispers across the Pond with the above but name of quilt on it as well. These could either be sent to everyone to fill in and then sent back to me with the quilt you are sending back and I would sew it on the appropriate quilt or Rosemary could just send me the labels and I would fill them in before I sew them on.

                            What are your thoughts on this?


                              I am for whatever is simplest and least likely to cause slip ups. Since you and Rosemary might have the most work to do to coordinate getting these labels designed, made and ultimately on the quilts I think the two of you should have the greatest say in the matter. What is the simplest and most foolproof way to get the job done?


                                Originally posted by loise98
                                I am for whatever is simplest and least likely to cause slip ups. Since you and Rosemary might have the most work to do to coordinate getting these labels designed, made and ultimately on the quilts I think the two of you should have the greatest say in the matter. What is the simplest and most foolproof way to get the job done?
                                Exactly what I think!

                                I'm so excited that you have the photo, Maureen! I'm sure something will come to you soon. Can't wait to see the quilt that ends up coming my way!! And really can't wait to see all of our quilts together!!



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