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    Originally posted by twiglet
    Yoohoo Lorna I'm done and my offering will be in the post soon probably Thursday. I'll send you the email
    Congratulations, Wendy!! Doesn't it feel so good???

    Enjoy your turn, Lorna! It's stressful, but a lot of fun!



      Well done there Wendy We are now into the home straight with this (always excepting the labels & 100 words description mumble mumble...)

      Had a bright idea last night :idea: instead of going straight in and starting another quilt top, to whit Celtic Solstice, it would make far more sense to get on and make the back for my WotRott, which I have decided to do as a scrappy round the world a la Bonnie Hunter, using up pieces of all the fq's everyone so generously sent me.

      So this evening I have entirely emptied the blue bag that Lorna handed over, ironed everything, folded them in half lining up the selvedges, and cut 2 x 2 1/2" strips by 18". There are some great fabrics in there, (now I have had a proper look at them all) some I know that I would not have bought for myself, but are great all the same. I have to admit to being amused by the date on one of the selvedges - 1996! :shock: is that one matured enough to be cut into yet? :lol: It has also been fun re-reading all the notes that were also sent.

      The other bonus is that I have now decide how to fold & store my fq's in a sensible fashion and have got started with sothing them out by colour - although would it make more sense to sort them by value :? Oh well tidily folded is a good start :wink:


        Originally posted by PosyP
        Well done there Wendy We are now into the home straight with this (always excepting the labels & 100 words description mumble mumble...)
        :roll: :roll: :twisted: :twisted:


          Congratulations Wendy. Isn't it so very nice to be done!!! Enjoy your reprieve. Have fun Lorna. Now I've got to seriously get busy on a label for mine.


            Congrats, Wendy!

            Rosemary, Can't wait to see your WotRott quilt completed. Not very many people have finished theirs.

            Guess I will go check my email... 'nite, everyone.



              To fudge something here is to skirt around it - so I guess that would suggest that the fudge factor is something in or around something rather than being exact and precise. Is that right Lois?

              Well done Wendy, I am so glad for you that you have completed your mission impossible. Now Lorna, your mission, should you choose to accept it ...... good luck and may the force be with you! :lol:


                Yes. That's how we use the term. Ricky used the term in today's episode which was oh so good BTW! Alex, wondered if our friends across the pond and around the world used it in the same way. I like these word things we get into now and again. Thought I'd asked the question. Thanks for the responses.

                Rosemary, I like the idea to used left overs for my backs. Using all the gifts folks sent you will make you WotR0t quilt all the more special. Can't wait to see it.


                  I worked in an office years ago, and they spoke of 'fudging the books', which meant put in figures that made it work out even in the end. (although false.) I was 19 and aghast at the thought that some 'professional people' would lie and cheat in their own business. That's what it meant to me. ops:


                    Terrie, I would agree that "fudging the books" is a bit more serious offense than easing fullness in a seam.


                      Big congrats, Wendy! Bet it feels good to be sending CW along... Lorna, enjoy the journey, have lots of fun with it! Isn't your turn the last? Wow!!!


                        Originally posted by crocus999
                        I worked in an office years ago, and they spoke of 'fudging the books', which meant put in figures that made it work out even in the end. (although false.) I was 19 and aghast at the thought that some 'professional people' would lie and cheat in their own business. That's what it meant to me. ops:
                        Here if we are having that sort of problem with the books we call it 'cooking the books' - no idea where that phrase comes from. It is also sometimes called 'creative accounting' :roll:


                          Originally posted by loise98
                          Rosemary, I like the idea to used left overs for my backs. Using all the gifts folks sent you will make you WotR0t quilt all the more special. Can't wait to see it.
                          Well, I've cut 2 x 2.5" slices off of every fq, then I started doing some maths and worked out that I will need to cut another 2 slices off to be able to make my backing big enough :roll: . I have stitched the first quarter into strip sets, which now need pressing & cross cutting etc. But it is nice to have a plan I can work on. I haven't achieved complete randomness, because I have lined the colours up blue, red, neutral/pale, green, and then the last 3 strips are just as them come, although I have swapped one or two about to get better contrast. I guess I have cut into just over half of the fabrics I was sent, but it is one way to get your backing fabric - host an exchange :wink:


                            Originally posted by PosyP
                            Originally posted by crocus999
                            I worked in an office years ago, and they spoke of 'fudging the books', which meant put in figures that made it work out even in the end. (although false.) I was 19 and aghast at the thought that some 'professional people' would lie and cheat in their own business. That's what it meant to me. ops:
                            Here if we are having that sort of problem with the books we call it 'cooking the books' - no idea where that phrase comes from. It is also sometimes called 'creative accounting' :roll:
                            We use both of those phrases, too.

                            I don't know if this is accepted usage, but to me "cooking the books" is more negative than "fudging the books". Cooking the books brings to my mind completely making up the numbers while fudging the books seems more like tweaking some numbers just because things aren't quite adding up right because you have a mistake you can't find. "Creative accounting", again to me, seems more like "cooking" than "fudging". But this is probably all just me....



                              That is how we would interpret it here too Nancy.


                                Ideas have been perculating in my head. Wendy's quilt is very lovely!

                                Unfortunately, my FIL just passed away. We leave tomorrow to go to Florida. I'll be back next Tuesday. Any ideas have to stay in my head until then. Or perhaps I should take a sketch pad.


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