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Chinese Whispers

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    Susan, Not in the least insulted. What you said only made me think I might not have been really fair to my MIL. I understand that in some families people take unfair advantage of other members who are willing. I do let her know what I can and cannot do. It's just so frustrating sometimes and I had to vent a bit.

    We got 4-5 inches of snow. The outside temp when I came home this evening was 8F. We did not have as much wind as I expected. We have water dripping in some pipes that run up the outside walls of the house. It sure is cold.


      Stay warm all of you over there in Snowland. Your weather is headed across the Atlantic and we are expecting severe flooding here in the next couple of days. The winds and rain have been ferocious. But it's perfect for sitting inside nice and warm by the sewing machine putting together my Celtic Solstice mystery quilt.

      Wendy, how are you doing on CW? Are you done and ready to post to Lorna? I can't believe that there is only one more Chinese Whisper to go. It seems like only yesterday. :roll:


        Lois, this is a good place to vent, and we all need to once in a while.

        Rita, I hope your are spared from damage due to the weather and rains. And please show us you solstice quilt when you're done. I have copied out all the pages and the reveal! It's wonderful. I think I'm going to make one. Not sure which colours, though.

        What can I lurk into when the CW is done? Maybe into my own room/'atelier' and stash and finish some UFO's :roll:


          I am make the Celtic Stoltice Quilt too. I have just a few of Part # 2 to finish then I can start putting the whole thing together. I am so glad I did it. I loved the colors and had most of what I needed on hand. I love the Reveal and can't wait to put it together.


            I'm still here Rita and on the go again. Watch out Lorna you'll get an email soon and that'll get you scratching your head :lol:

            I gave it a steam then got carried away and spritzed it as well forgetting it had 100% wool batting. Worked a dream I have a flat quilt 8) 8) with texture :lol: and a bit smaller :roll: perhaps Maureen won't notice. So I couldn't do the finish I wanted but sewed some tape along edges before binding. This quilt has certainly been a learning exercise! Thank you for your advice it was great.

            Enjoy your snowballs girls

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
              Stay warm all of you over there in Snowland. Your weather is headed across the Atlantic and we are expecting severe flooding here in the next couple of days. The winds and rain have been ferocious. But it's perfect for sitting inside nice and warm by the sewing machine putting together my Celtic Solstice mystery quilt.

              Wendy, how are you doing on CW? Are you done and ready to post to Lorna? I can't believe that there is only one more Chinese Whisper to go. It seems like only yesterday. :roll:

              Rita, I would have loved to be able to sit last evening and sew while listening to the wind outside. But, no, our electricity went out. Also, please don't rush Wendy. Rushing is not good for the creative energy.



                Oops, and there is Wendy's post!

                I'm ready! Bring it on!



                  So exciting that you are so close, Wendy!

                  Looks like I won't be making it to the show to see the quilts. My niece's graduation is scheduled for the same weekend, so I'll be in Kansas instead. But I will also be thinking of all of you and hope that you will send me pictures of the exhibit! I'm so excited to see what everyone made and the progression from the beginning photo to Lorna's yet-to-be-conceived masterpiece!



                    You can breathe again Lorna I'm taking the binding off and redoing it to make my quilt big enough. :roll:

                    Nancy we will keep you updated and take lots of pictures. Perhaps the hotel will have wifi and we can Skype you :P It is getting exciting now it's near the end and we can see the quilt's journey.

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Nancy - Now that is just downright antisocial of your niece's uni. to put their graduation on the same weekend as our quilt show - can't you ask them to change it or something? :P

                      Wendy, perhaps you ought to borrow the spare from Rita :wink: , cos her's turned out a bit big originally and she had to take off her binding to reduce it...

                      Loved the reveal of Celtic Solstice, that has definitely gone onto my list of quilts I want to make - hey if I actually get organised it would be great for leaders & enders too..... a girl can dream any way :roll: :lol:

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Yes go on Rita put it in the post that'll do fine :lol:

                        The Celtic Solstice is gorgeous but huge! Will be interesting to see your versions peoples.

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          I really love Celtic Solstice ...even that sm. is too big these will make it even smaller !!
                          Sorting fabric now. !


                            Wendy, it's in the post! :lol: (Not) But I know how you feel, in reverse of course. Thank goodness there is plenty of time still.

                            I really wasn't sure I would like doing a mystery quilt and I wasn't even sure that I liked the colour combination for Celtic Solstice while we were working on it and to tell you the truth I was dreading the reveal in case I thought it was hideous. So I was absolutely thrilled when I saw the revealed quilt. I so enjoyed 'working blind' from week to week not knowing what was coming or how long it would take - except for a broad 6-8 weeks timeline. It's a perfect amount of time too. I wish TQS would do a mystery quilt like that rather than one that takes almost a year to complete. It's hard to sustain interest in a quilt over such a long period of time. I have 11 blocks left to piece together and then I can start connecting the blocks. Still sashing and borders to make though so it could be a while yet.


                              I hear you, Rita. I was amazed that I actually managed to follow along with last year's bom, as the year before I lost interest after about 6 months. Mind you that is what was so nice about the Laura Nownes Sampler quilt class, it was short and sweet. I guess Alex's Holiday Lights quilt also comes into that category too.


                                i thought I was finished with all the clues for Celtic Solstice. I was behind on clue #2 and yes, Rita, I sewed some of those chevrons together wrong. I kept making the same mistake more than once. That is with more than one group of them. I was doing them in batches of 10. As I went back looking at the tutorial I think some of the angles are shown incorrectly and I kept getting confused. Am I right about that, or is there something really wrong with my brain. I still have to make at least 10 more of them. Not my favorite clue. But I love the quilt and I am so glad I did it. Can't wait to sew it all together. Perhaps this is what I get for being distracted from getting some of my Mug Rugs done.


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