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    Well Renata, the storms missed us in Scotland so we have been fine. The south of England was getting it really bad. It is usually the other way around.


      Pleased to report it missed us in the Midlands, just heard another due next week. Been several deaths in the South and quite a bit of property damage.

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        A lot milder in this neck of the woods too I am glad to report.


          Very happy to know you are safe--we are hearing that London has taken a beating and it's been quite ferocious in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and France.


            I can report that I never heard sounds in my house like the ones yesterday. It was scaring, but the damage at my house seems to be minimal. I have a wooden fence where parts were put down but I'm nearly finished painting boards for a new one so that was really a help. Then some heavy furniture were laying on the ground and I found a roof tile on the ground. That is the worst because yesterday I couldn't locate where it had been sitting.
            This happened mid afternoon when I thought the storm was over but I was hardly inside my door when it raised again to new heights, so there might be more things to explore in today's daylight. I can't complain, the power stayed on so I could sew :lol: . There were a lot of trees fallen on the roads and people were caught in their cars and train for several hours. Today the sun is shining and the air is clear and bright

            living in Central Denmark
            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


              How frightening, Norma! I am so glad you are safe and that you were able to continue to work during the height of the storm. It's always a comfort to be working with fabric and thread when outside the weather is anything but cosy. Take care. Hope you don't find more damage in the daylight.


                Lois, I didn't, so I'm happy. You bet one of my cats didn't like it either. She was wandering around restlessly while it was really bad

                living in Central Denmark
                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                  So glad to hear from you, Norma, and know that you were safe even though all hell seemed to be breaking loose around you. Glad there was only minimal damage to your house and so cool that you were able to sew through it all!


                    :lol: :lol: :lol:

                    living in Central Denmark
                    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                      Wow, Norma! There is nothing quite so frightening as going through a force of nature. I'm glad all is good with you.

                      in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                        Hey folks, my email account was hacked into today. I have changed the password etc., but in case you get an email from me claiming to have an 'important document' please don't open it and trash it. Honestly, you can't go away for a couple of days.....


                          Oh, phooey !! that's the pits !! :cry: :twisted:


                            That's to bad, Rita. What a pain in the neck! I think it happens all the time. I'll be on the look out for weird mail and I won't open it. I am loving looking at all the winning quilts from Houston. I can't wait to see the BOM. Hope its tomorrow but we might not see it until Friday's newsletter. All I need is another project on the go!


                              Sorry to hear that, RIta. That is such a pain. Thanks for the warning.


                                That's bad Rita.

                                I shall delete all emails from you with attachments :lol: :lol:

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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