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Chinese Whispers

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    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
    Maureen, QAYG is my new best friend. I have two very large quilts to quilt in the usual manner but after that I think I will be doing everything else QAYG because it is the easiest on my arms and wrists which is where I really feel it with the large quilts on a domestic machine. I am interested to know why the flax/cotton blend did not sell? Is it less soft? And is the soya blend as soft as the bamboo? Here we usually have a choice of either cotton or wool when available. I love the wool best of all but it is slightly harder to quilt because it has more loft.
    The flax/cotton blend is not as soft as the bamboo and a bit thicker plus it is a lot more expensive than the others so that is probably the main reason it hasn't sold very well. Yes, the soy was as soft as the bamboo. It felt really cuddly and you just wanted to stroke it all the time. Nobody, so far, has asked for the wool


      Congratulations Rosemary, well done. Now enjoy having your life back again, your family will be so pleased to have you back.

      Rita, enjoy your last few days of freedom for a while


        Well done Rosemary

        Bye bye Rita I dread hearing from you again :lol:

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Start cleaning your room, Wendy and if you need the printer, make sure it's under your nose, not the couch or the bed... time will fly as Lois said!

          PS Did I just make the sentence rhyme? :roll: :lol:


            As my dad always said:

            You're a poet
            and you didn't know it
            though your feet show it
            they're Longfellows


              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

              Well you know what they say Wendy, no news is good news. :wink:


                Originally posted by rehak
                As my dad always said:

                You're a poet
                and you didn't know it
                though your feet show it
                they're Longfellows
                :lol: :lol: :lol: Cool dad, Nancy!


                  Laugh not Rita.
                  longfellows are walking up your drive
                  and be ready when they arrive,
                  for now you are cool
                  but soon be a fool
                  for not stocking up with the chocolate!

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    The fridge it is full
                    With bars big and small
                    For DH he knows what I want
                    White chocolate and milk
                    Smooth as dupione silk
                    This is how I can be nonchalant

                    And though big foot may try
                    He will ne're pass him by
                    For he stands there from morning 'til lunar
                    To make sure that this quilt
                    And it's maker don't wilt
                    And it's flying to Wendy much sooner

                    Okay, I think I am hysterical with tiredness now so I am going to bed....don't try to stop me!


                      And it's flying to Wendy much sooner
                      ...and I'm banking on 30 days from when "Chinese Whispers 7" is in Rita's hands, Wendy! What am I saying? Rita already has a photo! :lol: :lol: :twisted:


                        Originally posted by rehak
                        As my dad always said:

                        You're a poet
                        and you didn't know it
                        though your feet show it
                        they're Longfellows
                        You beat me to it. I was thinking the very same thing.

                        Congratulations Rosemary, and best of luck to Rita. This getting exciting. I haven't written my 100 words and I'd better get to it before I forget absolutely everything about making the quilt.

                        Terry, I am wishing you well. Hope your feeling well enough to natter with us soon again!


                          Way to go, Rosemary! I knew you would be sending it in due time. Take inspiration from the photo, Rita, and start the creative juices flowing.

                          Gosh, Wendy, our time is coming very, very soon!

                          Renata, our civiliarn employees started back after the first week. Other services have also started back up. I seem to be receiving mail on a regular basis now. I would say that it is safe to send the package to me now.

                          For the first time I am tarting to get a bit nervous about thi whole thing!



                            Thanks, Lorna. Must feel good to get your folks back at work too--sure they're happy as well.


                              Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                              The fridge it is full
                              With bars big and small
                              For DH he knows what I want
                              White chocolate and milk
                              Smooth as dupione silk
                              This is how I can be nonchalant

                              And though big foot may try
                              He will ne're pass him by
                              For he stands there from morning 'til lunar
                              To make sure that this quilt
                              And it's maker don't wilt
                              And it's flying to Wendy much sooner

                              Okay, I think I am hysterical with tiredness now so I am going to bed....don't try to stop me!
                              Do I detect a touch of Seamus Heaney? :wink:

                              in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                                Touch of mania

                                Originally posted by Renata
                                And it's flying to Wendy much sooner
                                ...and I'm banking on 30 days from when "Chinese Whispers 7" is in Rita's hands, Wendy! What am I saying? Rita already has a photo! :lol: :lol: :twisted:
                                Now then Renata that's middle of November. It'll be with you by Christmas Lorna (If I can find some of that white chocolate and gold)

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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