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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Rita, that is looking really good. I didn't save the names to the reels, like I did with the hst's exchange and now I wish I had. Belay that - I do have that info, because it is entered in the book of the exchange that is progressing (very) slowly - snail's pace is faster.... must get back to entering more up on it. Unfortunately I haven't heard from Roseanne/Romira in ages and she collected all the recipes

    Talking of exchange books anyone heard anything about the Sottt's one?


      BEAUTIFUL! Truly a real treasure. I really like the personal touch.


        Thanks for showing , Rita ! Looks really nice ! Might give mine a re-think !



          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Rita your quilt is beautiful. What a great idea to include the names on the blocks.


              Thanks for all the lovely comments. If anybody else is thinking of doing this please be aware that it uses a lot of thread, I have just run out of the thread I was using. Fortunately I have a near match for it but I don't think I will be able to get the quilt done without ordering more. :roll: And it takes a lot of time too.

              When I was thinking about doing this I decided to have a look at the Wot RoTT show and tell page to see if anybody else had done anything like it. I was very disappointed to see that the start and finish date for including a quilt on the page was so short that there are only two quilts there....and one of those is Edyta Sitar's! Surely TQS can change the cut off date for putting a quilt on the page??? I would love to see what others have done with their spools.


                Rita, I love the addition of the names on your quilt. I think it is worth the time and effort even if you have to wait and order more thread. What a great idea! Very creative.


                  Rita, I went back and looked at the Applique on your spool quilt. I adore your Shamrocks! Very creative Irish touch. You pulled together a lot of meaning in your quilt. Very well done! :P


                    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                    When I was thinking about doing this I decided to have a look at the Wot RoTT show and tell page to see if anybody else had done anything like it. I was very disappointed to see that the start and finish date for including a quilt on the page was so short that there are only two quilts there....and one of those is Edyta Sitar's! Surely TQS can change the cut off date for putting a quilt on the page??? I would love to see what others have done with their spools.

                    Rita, your quilt is great! I also love your shamrocks!

                    Good catch on the date to enter quilts on show & tell. We'll have to see if we can get that changed. Maybe that is why there are still only two uploaded there. I think I saw a similar comment for other show & tell sections. The 2 quilts on there are Bren's (Millboroquilter) and mine! To add people's names on mine I free motion quilted their names and place in the plain blocks between the spools. They are not necessarily next to the person's reel, but at least they are all in there.



                      Lorna I looked at your quilt with the names stitched in fm and I thought it would take forever so I did it with the embroidery letters on my machine. I think it's taking a lot longer!

                      Jeanne, thanks for the comment about my border. I wanted to do something that related to Ireland without being too twee. We inherited a beautiful tablecloth from my DH's family embroidered by his grandmother with fabulous shamrocks so I drew my inspiration from that.

                      Lois, I am glad you like the addition of the names. I was thinking that it would have been a lot simpler to add the names all around the edge of the border where it joins the blocks and that way one would only have to have the width of the border under the harp space of the machine all the time. Pity I didn't think of it until now. :roll: :lol: Oh well, I will get there in the end.


                        Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                        When I was thinking about doing this I decided to have a look at the Wot RoTT show and tell page to see if anybody else had done anything like it. I was very disappointed to see that the start and finish date for including a quilt on the page was so short that there are only two quilts there....and one of those is Edyta Sitar's! Surely TQS can change the cut off date for putting a quilt on the page??? I would love to see what others have done with their spools.
                        WHOO-HOO!! John has extended the end date for another year! If you have any Wot RoTT photos, please post them for us to see!!

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Margo, You are the best!


                            Brilliant - it will be so nice to see what others have done with their reels.


                              So, if we have something to add in our blurb, we send it to Captain John?


                                Originally posted by crocus999
                                So, if we have something to add in our blurb, we send it to Captain John?
                                Terrie, if you want to add something to your comments on a forum topic, just click on the EDIT icon! You will find it just to the left of your profile photo.
                                (The EDIT icon will only appear next to your own comments.)

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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