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A good book to read

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    I am listening to "The Canterbury Tales" on my iPod and let me tell you, this is one instance where I am glad I am listening to it instead of reading it. The English from the 1400's is nothing like what we speak.


      Ritzy, how are you finding this experience? Can you understand it & does it take lots of concentration?


        Okay, pardon me for showing my ignorance here but since I know nothing about MP3 players, would someone please enlighten me? And, somehow you can download books to them? Help?

        Alexander McCall Smith's The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is delightful. The whole series is simply wonderful.

        JoAnne in southern California


          "JoAnne: Okay, pardon me for showing my ignorance here but since I know nothing about MP3 players, would someone please enlighten me? And, somehow you can download books to them? Help?"

          MP3 players are small devices that play music or audio files. I am a huge fan of that allows you to download audio books from your local library (if they are members). At their website you can search (Find Free Downloads button) to see if your local library is a member, information on which MP3 players are compatibale, etc. Email me if you need more information. Sandy


            Jo Anne I just finished reading The No1 Ladies' Detective Agency 10 minutes ago! I keep getting it out of the library and not reading it for some reason. It is so charming. I'll have to read more of the series now. Karen
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Hello Ladies,
              I am reading a book called "This Old Quilt". It's a collection of short stories, or excerpts from larger books, that have something to do with quilting. There are wonderful pictures of quilts, women quilting, artwork that in some way depicts quilting and quilting memorabilia.

              One of the things I love about this book is that it is great "'bedtime" reading. Each story or excerpt is only a few pages long and so you can read the book in snippets, and totally out of order if you want.

              I'm sorry I don't remember the author :? . I'm on my lunch hour at work, and don't have the book with me.

              The book is hard-cover and is pretty enough to sit on your coffee table or bedside table.

              Have a great weekend!

              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Originally posted by MeginFL
                Hello Ladies,
                I am reading a book called "This Old Quilt".

                Just a funny follow-up: I was checking out a few more threads before I make myself go back to work. I found a thread called "New To Me" and Sherry (aka ipquilter) talked about this book back in 2007. So, I guess I can also say "new to me"!
                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Sandy, thanks for the info about MP3 players. I checked and my local library is a member of Net Library. Now, to see about getting one of those little gems. Then I wouldn't need the three cd players I have placed throughout the house. My son just called and he said "Ipod!" He's wanted me to get one but I didn't see the need.

                  Karen, I've read seven of the the #1 Ladies Detective Agency books and each one was great. I like your description; "charming". I'll have to get another soon.

                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Your son will help get you fixed up. Overdrive is so easy to use and I love looking through the books and trying new authors.


                      Alexander McCall Smith's The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is delightful. The whole series is simply wonderful.

                      JoAnne in southern California
                      I LOVE this series! I have all 8 of them and I heard there was a new one out. Gotta check that out today.

                      HBO Family (didn't know HBO had a family section) has made this a series. It is slightly different but still sweet.


                      I just got back from B & N and realized that I have 9 of the series. The newest one, Tea for ...something is in hardback only. At $24.95, I thought I would check it out at the library and pick it up when it gets to paperback. I have some of the series in hardback and don't remember them being so costly.


                        Yep, Sandy, you rock. I looked up books online from my local library, found Overdrive and am already on chapter 6 of a sequel to Pillars of the Earth. I've learned how to bookmark & today will explore burning to a CD to take in my car. Thanks!


                          Susan - I have been told (but haven't done it yet) that I can purchase a connection that will allow me to play my MP3 player over my car radio and that would eliminate burning to a CD. I have turned my whole hallway at the office on to Overdrive.


                            Now I've checked out downloadable videos because I don't have TV...just got on on the Medici's and the Renaissance. My dear son says that mp3 players are cheap & that an FM transfer thingy is needed to play it in the car. I have one by Belkin for my iPod, but Overdrive doesn't appear to support Ipod format. Anyway, I"m just loving hearing a book while I quilt & do the dishes. Since I have to travel from time to time, this may warrant pursuing.
                            Good listening AnD quilting!


                              ps, OverDrive won't allow CD burning from library files


                                Ok, so I'm going to have to change pictures because I'm sick of looking at myself here...
                                News to me, and maybe someone else: I was able to put one of the audio books on my antique iPod mini...way cool, so now we just use the fm gadget & will be able to listen through car speakers.


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