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    Originally posted by crocus999
    Lois, how's your arm?
    I am able to do some sewing. I am working on the 2010 BOM, Star Crazy. I had all the blocks cut out and packaged in individual sandwich bags so they'd be ready for retreats. They are keeping me busy now. I have a Bonnie Hunter Leaders and Enders project cut and ready to go which I am working on simultaneously. I will be in trouble when I run out of stuff already cut out. My arm gets tired and a little achey but because I have no cast I am surprized at the degree of flexibility I am capable of and comfortable with. Now, doing anything that requires much strength is out. I am using a Clover mini iron to press seams. A larger iron is out of the question. If I run out of sewing projects I have plenty of drawers that need to be decluttered and reorganized. I just can't complain. I am not needing pain medication, but I do enjoy a glass of wine at the end of the day. It could have been so much worse. I am especially grateful for increased chatter in the Forum and I am so very happy that you, Terrie, are well enough to join in.


      You're doing really well Lois, what a brave person carrying on doing so much I hope they are quilting drawers. It's a really good excuse to neglect housework

      Clara how amazing, I saw a road runner once I didn't think they existed. I hope the clarinets didn't sound like my dad playing.

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        :lol: :lol: :lol:

        living in Central Denmark
        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


          Glad you're able to still do some quilt-related things while recovering, Lois. Hope you have a full recovery before you need more fabric cut and that it continues to go smoothly.


            Lois so glad to hear you are quilting while recovering. Just do not overdo, but enjoy what you can do.


              I am so glad I live in the UK...we get foxes in our street occasionally and last Sunday there was a stag beetle on our garden step...ugly brutes I picked it up and put it in the flower bed as I think they are endangered, but that's about it.


                Thanks for the kind wishes everyone!


                  I am so glad you are still able to do some sewing Lois. But do be careful, I would imagine that you could have a relapse if you have to do any housework! :lol:


                    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                    I am so glad you are still able to do some sewing Lois. But do be careful, I would imagine that you could have a relapse if you have to do any housework! :lol:
                    You are so, so right. And, don't forget yard work. Yardwork is sure to cause relapse. But the gentle sewing is oh so therapeutic.


                      Just be sure that it is 'gentle', and take care now.


                        This is an update on where I have been today. Shopping online. JoAnn's is have an online sale of particular interest to quilters. First of all, Quilting notions are all 50% off, secondly included in Quilting Notions is EQ7 for Macs @ $94.97. What's even better is that there is: third, Free Shipping for all purchases in excess of $50.00. Needless to say, what I've been up to today is creating serious damage to the balance in my bank account. But it's been so much fun. Not sure how long the sale lasts.


                          This summer has been crazy! :shock: Besides Loren's surgery, Kate (our youngest granddaughter) decided that since she liked winning Grand Champion last year with her 4-H project that she should sew again this year and that grandma should help. :? Keep in mind--I didn't know what was happening with Loren and his surgery so we were really working against time.

                          Backtrack a little with me to last year. Last year Kate wanted to do first year sewing for 4-H. Kate was a great student and did her best even when having to rip stitches out. She did a pretty difficult quilt block(for a beginner) and she appliquéd it on to a pillow casing. She worked really hard and we got it done in good time. It was a joy watching her as she saw her ribbons and rejoiced in being able to take her pillow to State for competition. Grandma was happy--Kate was happy. :lol:

                          This year: slouching in the chair, lingering when asked to come press her fabric, moaning, groaning, complaining (about everything) and many tears. :x All of a sudden, after just threading the needle on the machine--she couldn't thread the needle. She could not sew a straight line (of course that is hard to do when you are laying on top of the fabric you are feeding through the machine and you are not sitting up straight so you can see where you are going).

                          Now, I know that if I had let her rip every thing out that she careless put in, she probably would have straightened up but we were under a time restraint and I was trying to keep her from being frustrated (bad grandma!). The harder I tried to get her on track--the harder she made the process. :roll:

                          Enters my mother. :x Mom does not hesitate to say that Kate is her favorite great-granddaughter. I asked her to pick Kate up so we could work on her project (friends car in shop for repairs, Loren at work with his car, friend using my car---running out of time to get project done). So, mom goes and gets her and drops her at the door.

                          First twenty minutes ( I am not exaggerating--twenty minutes) of constant complaints and "I can't"s. I finally called my mom, told her to come get the child that she didn't want to work and I didn't want the fight (bad, bad, grandma). Mom takes her, talks to her, and tells her "she is only ten and I am expecting too much from her" :roll: . I reminded my mother that the project Kate did last year was harder and that I didn't have all the arguing and disrespect. Anyway, now we have a kid who thinks she can blame her laziness on being a 10 year old--not happening! :evil:

                          Finally, I told my mother she was welcome to work with her darling and I would go in the other room (bad, bad, bad grandma). It only took my mom about 15 minutes to decide that Kate was not working and she took her home :twisted: .

                          Kate's mom also was able to experience Kate's behavior during one of our sessions. So, we finally got the project from Hades done (four placemats that were very basic), I taught her the happy dance and told her how happy I was to still have a youngest granddaughter and took her home. :mrgreen:

                          I told my daughter that I hoped Kate didn't get a champion ribbon because her work was not what it was last year or what she was capable of (I also was hoping that she would see that you have to put the work in if you want to be rewarded)(AWFUL grandma!!!). Daughter agreed as she had seen Kate's behavior (bad mom).

                          Fair week: so yesterday I went to the fair to see how Kate did with the judges (keep in mind that she refused to go to hear what the judges said because she knew her work was not good) ( you see the problem here?). She received a first place ribbon and because no other child did placemats, she received a reserve champion ribbon. Today, daughter calls and says that with her reserve champion ribbon Kate received an invitation to show her work at State (mom is dismayed, grandma is dismayed--terrible, awful adults :? ).

                          Kate assured her mother that next year she won't act like she did this year when grandma helps her with her next 4-H project :shock: . I think there will be some rules laid down and a contract signed because THIS grandma is not going through that again(terrible, awful grandma who hopes a year lets me forget).


                            Oh poor Ritzy I'm glad I didn't have girls :roll:

                            She must have some natural talent to have done so well

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Ritzy, congratulations on still having a youngest grand daughter that is able to sit down comfortably, and without any pain :wink:

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Rosemary--according to her I did spank her bottom. I suggested to her that IF I truly had she would have known it because she would not have been comfortable sitting. Gotta' love 'em but don't have to tolerate them.

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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