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Where is everybody?

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    Where is everybody?

    I know I don't contribute to the forum very often anymore. I am just so busy (now that I am retired...LOL). But lately there have been fewer and fewer postings by fewer and fewer folks and the past few days they seem even less. Has everyone moved to Facebook? :shock: This forum has been a wonderful resource for me when I needed some help with quilting, when I wanted to make some quilting friends, and yes, even when I needed a pat on the back on a quilt I have made, and even just for chatting over quilting in general. I hope it will come back full force.

    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14

    I agree, Betty Jo!

    in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


      I've been sewing some going-away gifts for co-workers, working, gardening, trying to lose weight, preparing for a 4th of July weekend trip to climb Ben Nevis in Scotland and enjoying this gorgeous sunshine. What have you been up to?



        Just busy with summertime stuff and also getting ready to visit family for the 4th.
        I'll be taking 5 quilts with me for various relatives! It feels GREAT to have my mojo back!!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Margo, I need a "like" button for your comments :-) Betty Jo, I've noticed the same thing about the blogs. I come on here 3 - 4 times a week but rarely say anything. I, too, have made a lot of good friends through TQS.


            I've been away for a few days & had "read only" access to email, FB and the Forum. I'm almost done with FB, getting annoyed with lots of postings (learned about Unfollow).

            I'm excited. I just picked up my first QOV quilt top from a delightful shop called Serendipity in Dagsboro, Delaware. This shop has a once a month all day event to make tops, with lots of people from Dover AFB, some with grizzly jobs, coming to help. They also include the batting and backing for long-armers. All I have to do is quilt!

            I've been spending time online finding appropriate quilting patterns.

            Margo, so glad to hear you have your mojo back


              Yes, indeed ! It has been very, very quiet here. I've been thinking folks have been enjoying spring/summer
              as for many it was long in coming....sewing and catching up !! Chinese Whispers is done and Mug Rugs have
              slowed down. BOM is getting done..even with pattern glitches...easy fixes, really ladies ! :lol:
              Maybe we need to show off some of our work !! What have you all been doin'?? Garden Pics are nice, too.


                BJ, I'm glad you started this thread! I've had a very busy spring. Early April was the Ogallala Quilt Show, and I entered four quilts (one of which I finished at 2 am the morning they had to be turned in ops: ), then in late April I was lucky enough to be able to go to Paducah !!! which was awesome! Immediately after I returned, I tackled a huge copyediting project (1400 manuscript pages to be edited in a month—I didn't pick up a needle the whole month :cry: but when that check comes in, I can buy the sewing cabinet I want, so it was worth it), and now I'm working diligently on my quilt for the Hoffman challenge. Once I get that off, I'll try to blog again. I, too, have made a lot of wonderful friends through this Forum, so I'd like to see it be a very active place!


                  Margo, I'm glad your getting back into the swing of things! I look forward to seeing some pictures!!

                  I've been busy with work and finishing up my Laura Nownes quilt. I'll post some pictures on that forum when I get a chance.


                    Sew nice to see you all and what you are doing. I have been working for about a year on a single quilt I began the design work on in 2012. :shock: It's my Chaucer silk quilt that puts a folk artsy central theme into an illuminated manuscript style quilt, thereby mixing up two centuries. LOL Here's my design picture (not the quilt, just a design).

                    I have completed the top and am currently quilting it. I decided not to put the small gold border on it, but to just bind it in black. I'm using silk dupioni for the center and silk/cotton Radiance for everything else, even the back. I'm going to paint the border after I finish the quilting. I did some practice on this and like the results:

                    The appliques are really tiny and I used Pat Holly's method she presented in quilt show #608 and Superior silk thread.

                    I cannot figure out what to name it. Suggestions are welcome.

                    Here's a blog I did about my plans:

                    I am really getting fed up with Facebook and am really reducing my activities there. It takes lots of precious time, and I even got blocked by another quilter because she completely misunderstood something I said (hoof in mouth, or rather hoof on keyboard) and apologies did not seem enough. ops: This forum has a much friendlier feeling. :wink:

                    Sew Robin, this is the first year since I started entering Hoffman Challenges in 2008 that I decided not to enter. I have so many quilts in my plans, and I keep coming up with more. Good luck on your entry. is beyond question that your getting your mojo back is something we all rejoice about, and yes, I hope to goodness this website and this forum continues for a long time to come.

                    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                      Wow, there is some work in that quilt...It's looking great and I look forward to seeing the finished quilt.
                      I don't have any ideas what to call it but I'm sure one of the TQS family will come up with something.
                      Good luck.


                        Oh, wow, BJ!! Your quilt is stunning!! Can't wait to see it complete! How did you get the lettering into it? Was it printed on fabric? As to name, how about simply "Aprille"? I'm having trouble coming up with a name for my Hoffman challenge quilt, too. Maybe it will tell me as I get closer to completion :?


                          Thanks! I did an in-the-hoop embroidery with white thread on the black Radiance and it came out really well. I'm quilting around the words now...slow work, and then I have added some additional swirls on each side of the text box like the border and will be painting those. I think sometimes we have to complete our quilts before they say their names. LOL

                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                            I'm glad to see the response to your question, BJ! My daily habit is that I check the forum every morning and evening and have noticed the decline in posts too. I was really glad to see the response to the Jacqueline de Jonge quilt just to see that there are plenty of quilters paying attention to this site, just not posting on the forum. I've loved TQS a long time and feel that I know so many of you because of all of our posts over the years.


                              I have missed my TQS friends also. BJ your quilt is awesome!

                              We have moved, that is my excuse. I retired 12-31-13 and thought I'd have lots of time for quilting. Ha! I just realized that we have been moving for 6 months. We built a new home, sold our home in Northern CA and moved to Eastern WA. We've also sold my mom's home and moved her up here to an apt.... twice! (She didn't like the first apt.) All since May. My sewing room is finally coming together. Yay! I'm so excited to have a room just for me to sew in. I'm still sorting through decades of sewing stuff that has been hidden in storage.

                              I have enjoyed making some mug rugs during all this turmoil. Thank goodness for that!

                              It seems my creative energy has been left in a box somewhere. I'm hoping when we get a little more settled, I will find the box it is in and let it out!

                              Take care everyone!



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