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    We have bears up north here they come up to the patio door and look in. Knock over garbage cans a general nuisance. Pretty frightning they can be very large. If they have cubs near beware. Joan


      Politicians???? Skunks???? Wish we could trap the former like we trap the latter !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      And Bears!! Oh, my ! :shock: ( Yeah...we got those here, too ) And big cats !!


        We also have the skunks, bobcats, mink, opossums, and deer. Bears are fairly close (30 miles or so away). Now we seem to have an abundance of armadillos judging from the road kill. I love to watch the wildlife, but prefer them to stay out of our yard.



          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            WOW once again. Love these off topic conversations.

            living in Central Denmark
            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


              We live in a fairly rural area in a development near small towns. The developments have been growing and with that we have had bears come into the yard. My husband stopped feeding the birds because the bears would destroy the feeders to get the seeds. We have deer from time to time. Norma, I agree I love these conversations too.

              I almost forgot. Once we had a skunk in our garage. Fortunately, he left without an unpleasant episode.


                BJ, you did a great thing, starting this thread! Look at the fun we've been having and how much we've learned about each other! Thank you, BJ!!


                  I forgot all about the skunk, opossums and all the insects---don't even get me started on the insects! We definitely have an abundance of wild creatures living here and Rita, you a correct, the worse are the politicians.


                    Deer, turkey, wild hogs, skunks, buzzards, snakes, dove, barn swallows, rabbits, armadillos, raccoons, squirrels, and more. We don't see all of these every day, but also have a mounted fox and beaver. Then there are the grasshoppers, crickets, etc. And recently there have been 2 large centipedes and several scorpions some of which were found dead because I insisted we get our home exterminated every 3 months if I was going to live in the country. In the city it is mostly squirrels and the neighborhood cats. We used to have lots of geckos in our city house but I haven't seen any lately, just larger lizards outside.


                      :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm glad some of those critters are yours Annis, and not mine, up here in Idaho ! :shock: :lol:


                        Lois, how's your arm?


                          Originally posted by idaho
                          :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm glad some of those critters are yours Annis, and not mine, up here in Idaho ! :shock: :lol:
                          I lived in Idaho about 20 years. But not anywhere near the bears unless we went camping in the mountains. I'm glad we don't have any of them here.

                          Now that I'm back at my city home, I have a few minutes before going to visit my sister who arrived from Virginia Thursday night for a surprise visit (we knew 2 days earlier) and is staying with my other sister. I will tell you a story about the centipedes. Last fall my oldest DGD was getting out of the shower at our guest house when she screamed loudly. Everyone started running to her (I wasn't there). My oldest son, her uncle, almost got there first but she hollered I'm butt naked so he retreated and let her mom go instead. They found out later centipedes bring big money at the pet stores if you capture them alive with all of their body parts. This one had the antennae break off when they captured it. A couple weeks ago her younger sister found the second one in the living room of the guest house. I was there in the kitchen but don't remember any screaming. There was much debate over whether it was dead or alive or maybe even fake. We finally got it in a plastic bag and there is a picture of it somewhere, but not on my camera. It was about 5" long! If you want to know what it looks like look up Texas red-headed centipede.


                            :shock: :shock: :shock: Yikes !!! right up there with snakes and scorpions ! :!:


                              Snakes, turkeys, mice, lizards and turkey buzzards we have too but no scorpions or armadillos. I spent the first 20 years of my life in Chicago where the only wildlife I saw was birds and a rat once. So moving to Indiana has be quite and experience especially spiders and praying mantis.

                              Yes, Lois--how is your elbow?

                              Annis, as much as I hate bugs, I don't think I will look up the picture of your centipede.


                                We currently have a pair of armadillos that live under our house. And a red tailed hawk that will hang out on the fence. We have grasshoppers!!!!!!!! Right now, plenty of them. Scorpions, all kinds of insects, coyotes, racoons, road runners, buzzards, turtles, bobcats, foxes, snakes (good and scary kind) and many other critters. One night we had a pack of coyotes run through and hang out in our back yard briefly. Hubby questioned me if they were really there or still far off. I said I could hear the puffing of their breath after running. They were there! The next morning there was a road runner in our front yard. Coincidence? Humm

                                When out in the country you do get used to the critters. I think you see more of them, because of the habitat being around you. They are also in the city, but spread out more. In Austin, we still saw all those critters, just not nearly as often.

                                We used to have a neighbor that had about 30 elk. I miss them because of their calls at night. They sounded like clarinets to me.


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