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    Update on Jerry is the tumor is out and it did not go through the artery like they originally thought. Please continue to pray for him as he is not out of the woods. Thanks friends.

    Sharon--I continue to pray for you and Jason.


      Prayers for all of the TQS members and their families who are going through difficult times.

      The bus group made it back from their first trip to Sendai. It was a 31 hour trip and they fed 1100 people one hot meal, only their 2nd hot meal in 10 days! The team returned exhausted and feeling guilty taking showers. They will sleep, prepare more food, and drive back. The first photo is the group at work. The next 2 the food rations for breakfast and supper.


        Well we found Jason. After only 3 hours sleeping and extreme worry, I called the base unit locator and got the unit desk. By 10 a.m. I was talking with his Sgt. a lovely woman who didn't realize that we didn't know anything. Apparently Jason's medication had a "horrible" reaction at work on Friday and she and another Airman took him to the hospital. He has been on the psych ward since Friday morning and will be there until the end of this week. She was listening to a very distraught mother and due to HIPPA rules they couldn't call. She also said that she just loved my boy and wouldn't let him fall through the cracks. There is still a long way to go, but at least we know where he is and he is alive, we honestly thought he had committed suicide. I know the brain goes through all kinds of things. Thank you all very much again. I know I keep saying it, but it is heartfelt. This site and people are wonderful.

        I will keep you all posted on his/our progress.



          Sharon--so happy to hear that Jason is safe and sound. The same thing happened to us with our daughter. Her doctor sent her to the hospital from an appointment and even though she asked that the unit call her sister (with whom she was living) they did not. We phoned all over the city (Police and all hospitals)trying to find her and finally a kind person at the hospital where she was admitted said that "she could not tell us THAT SHE WAS in the hopital". We were so relieved! I will continue to pray for you all.

          Ritzy--I am glad Jerry's surgery is over and the tumor was not in the artery. I will continue to pray that he can make a full recovery.

          Annis--what a wonderful ministry in Japan. It must be so hard for them to see the suffering and then return to their lives. Also so tiring to make such a long trip. I will continue to pray for them.


            Annis, I will keep your niece's husband and his fellow aid workers in my prayers. They are doing wonderful work!

            Sharon, I am so sorry about Jason. It's good that he's in safe hands and that his Sgt. cares so deeply.

            I'm praying also for all those who are being very quiet about their challenges.

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Ritzy, I have your family and especially Tina and Jerry in my heart.
              How is Beccah doing? Is she getting big yet?

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Well, Beccah has a small baby bump. I am waiting for her to be able to feel him move--yes, they say they are 95% sure it is a boy.

                Sharon--Praise the Lord. I am so glad Jason has been located.

                Jerry is out of ICU but still in the hospital.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Ritzy - glad your husband's news is encouraging after the surgery. Prayers he continues to do well toward a full recovery.

                  Sharon - so happy for you that your son is okay and has someone to watch over him since you can't be there to do it. I pray he continues to make good progress on his road to recovery.

                  Also kudos to the volunteers in Japan helping those people so devastated by this disaster that just doesn't seem to end!


                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Very glad for the bits of good news and I'll keep praying for your family Ritzy and your Jason, Sharon.
                    The volunteers in Japan are really wonderful and I'll keep them in my thoughts also.
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      My husband has his radiation treatment today for his thyroid cancer. Please pray that it goes well. Also please pray that I have the strength to have patience with my little ones as I try to keep them away from him the next four days as they can't be near him or go downstairs with him. My husband has thyroid cancer and with luck between the removal of his whole thyroid and then this radiation treatment we will have gotten rid of all the cancer. As long as we caught it early enough and it hasn't spread anywhere else.

                      Thanks in advance for the prayers as I believe they are helpful.
                      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                        Stacey, I'm sending many prayers for you, your husband, and your family today! I pray the doctors are able to get all the cancer!


                          Prayers are definitely helpful and you can count on mine Stacey.
                          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                            Originally posted by kimmelstacey
                            My husband has his radiation treatment today for his thyroid cancer. Please pray that it goes well. Also please pray that I have the strength to have patience with my little ones as I try to keep them away from him the next four days as they can't be near him or go downstairs with him. My husband has thyroid cancer and with luck between the removal of his whole thyroid and then this radiation treatment we will have gotten rid of all the cancer. As long as we caught it early enough and it hasn't spread anywhere else.

                            Thanks in advance for the prayers as I believe they are helpful.
                            I am praying for you all. My sister had thyroid cancer-- removed her entire thyroid and then the radiation--and she had small kids at the time but managed to help them understand that they had to stay away from her for a week if I remember correctly. That was in 1996 and she is fine and cancer free. I am praying your husband's outcome is just as successful.


                              Jerry has been officially told he has stage 4 cancer. At 140 pounds, I can't imagine what chemo is going to do to him.


                                Oh Ritzy, I'm soooo sorry to hear it. But chemo is getting better all the time, and a lot more targeted, so I pray it will help! Many, many prayers for Jerry!


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