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The Prayer List

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    prayers for a good recovery, and for you Happy.


      hi, I wanted to tell you the great news! My aunt had her MRI and the black spot was gone! Yippee!! Thank you for your prayers for her, and thank God for all He does for us!

      Please keep my other aunt and uncle and my cousin in your prayers as she is still struggling with brain cancer.


        So glad to hear about your aunts MRI. I know how it feels waiting for the worse yet praying for the best with those. Patti I am so glad that they caught your CA in time but like you I feel they were in there why not just take what your not using anymore right. And Ritzy you seriously need a VACATION AND A HUG!!! I hope next year goes a lot easier for you. I will pray so hard for you.
        I am so sorry I was not on line more this summer and the past couple months due to family obligations. My brother Steve fell off a ladder and broke a vertebre in his neck and his back he also broke a rib and punctured a lung. Fortunately they are hair line fractures and they are not displaced so he should heal fine. My father also fell and displaced his shoulder and broke 2 ribs.

        It hasn't been all bad news though we have 2 new babies. 1 little boy named Eathan whose heart is doing fine now. The other Delanie she is beautiful and tiny. Well I just thought I usually get on here to talk about my pain I just thought I would let you know about our blessings.


          Glad to hear about the 2 little joy in your life also hope thing go ok with your brother and dad


            Prayers that your surgery goes well Happy!


              Got back from Williamsburg today every thing went well and all I'am taking for pain is tyl can not pick up heavy things but doing good


                Great news--I was praying.


                  Great to hear you are doing well, Happy ! I'm praying for a smooth healing process for you.


                    Please add our dear friend Paul to the prayer list. He is undergoing surgery for colon cancer.

                    Coast of South Carolina USA
                    Sewing/Quilting on my Viking Sapphire 870


                      I'm so glad you are doing well, Happy. You have been through too much. Pam, I'm sending up prayers for your friend who is going through colon cancer surgery. Carolyn in Kerrville, TX


                        Prayers for everyone on the way. And please pray for my mom who has a lumbar fracture and is in a brace. she is 85.


                          Dana posted on the blog on behalf of Wanda that Wanda's uncle passed away this morning. This was a very important person in Wanda's life so prayers are going out to her and her whole family. God is Good, All the Time, All the Time, God is Good. Hugs to you Wanda and to everyone else here. Ann


                            Wanda sorry to hear about your uncle you will be in my thoughts over the next few days. I would like you all to keep the people in Fort Hood in Texas what a sad day


                              Joan I will send prayers for your mother but also for you, you have been thru so much trying to help her and now THIS. Peace be with you...

                              And Wanda I know this is trying for you as well. Know that you are in our hearts.



                                Saying prayers for you all. Judy in Torrance


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