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    Oh my goodness, Frances. Big hugs to your whole family. Your Mom is such a dear lady! I still fondly think of the time she and your dad drove more than an hour from Auburn to Davis to visit with me while I was in California visiting my mom. That was a special treat. It sounds as though she was lucky not to have been hurt worse than she was. Please know I'll be saying many prayers for her speedy recovery and return to quilting. Prayers and hugs for the whole family! Robin


      Frances, your entire family is in my prayers. What a horrible, horrible accident! Please keep us up to date on how Margharita is doing.


        Frances, thank you for letting us know. I will be praying for the whole family and for the health care team working to take care of her. I like that she was worried about the groceries. What a woman! Give her our love. Hugs to you!


          Wow Frances, that sounds pretty scary. I'm glad the outcome wasn't worse. Your mom must be really frustrated since she was just getting back to sewing recently from her last injury. She's in my prayers for a speedy and full healing up!
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            My prayers for comfortable healing for Margarita. And strength for all the family.
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Here's an update on my mom. It's good news, so-so news, and tough news. The good news is that the Neuro doctor cleared her C-spine and took off the cervical collar. Respiratory switched her from a mask to a nasal canula so she is more comfortable. The so-so news is that she has a compression fracture in the spine at T8 but the doctor said it is very minor and should not need surgery. She is also anemic and got two units of blood today. The tough news is that the ankle is a long term injury and the doctor told her that she will go from the hospital to a long care facility for quite some time. He said that this injury is bad at any age, but especially as we get older the recovery is not as good. A lot of times they have to fuse the ankle. He said also that most likely there will be more surgery on the ankle. The other big concern is the possibility of the skin at the surgery site needing a graft.
              Thank you so much for all your prayers. She did have a quilting friend visit her today and they had a nice chat.


                Francis, my prayers are with your mom and you all. The news does sound somewhat positive, though tough to deal with. Hugs.

                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


                  Frances, Been there, done that, sort of.. My mother broke her upper arm at nearly 90 years of age. It was a compound fracture and they would not touch it. At that time (don't know if protocol has changed), they would not attempt to reset bc the added trauma from surgery would interfere with any healing that might take place. They warned her that it might not heal. Well, she'd have nothing of that and began drinking milk like a baby, and indeed, it did heal. I believe Margharita was probably built from that same cloth. I have faith in and am praying for the best possible outcome here. Take care. Sending hugs best wishes and lots of prayers.


                    BTW I was thinking that Ricky and Alex would want to know about Margharita. Tried to send an email to Alex but it looks like she's no longer a member. I sent a message to customer support. Not sure if staff keeps up with what's happening on this thread. If you look at the early shows Margharita in almost always in the audience.



                      I am so sorry your mom will have a long recovery for her ankle. I know all the nursing homes in Placer County, especially Auburn. There are certain ones that you do not want her to go to. Trust me.... Please send me a private message so I can assist your family in making sure Margarita gets the best care possible. And, maybe she can go to an assisted living facility? Those are private pay in CA, but just a thought.

                      Give Margarita a hug for me.



                        Frances - sending positive thoughts your way for your Mom.

                        Geneva - glad you can share care ideas in the Auburn area.



                          Frances, So sorry to hear about your Mom, she really is quite a person. She will be in my thoughts and prayers. Geneva, thank you for assisting in finding care, I know from experience that it can be overwhelming.
                          Take care, Pat


                            Hi everyone,
                            Here is the link for a CaringBridge site for my Mom: Please feel free to drop by and leave a message for her and my Dad. Until she is strong enough to be sitting up for some time to use her iPad, someone will read all messages to her. They discovered a broken bone in her left hand yesterday. Today the is congestion in her lungs, they are worried about pneumonia. The are working on pain control so that she can do the breathing exercises necessary to keep the pneumonia away.


                              Will keep praying for her. Hang in there!


                                Prayers are urgently needed for my mom!! She did sleep well last night but they are putting in a feeding tube today to get nutrition in. Her lungs are really congested and she is starting to have AFIB. She is being monitored by respiratory and cardiac people but it is serious enough that Greg and I are getting on a plane this afternoon to fly out there.


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