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    Well, Loren's defibulator was tested today and is working well. It is keeping his heart at the correct pace 24% of the time since he has had it.


      Is that good & expected? I know nothing except that 24% sounds like a quarter of 100%. My Bipap is a process of time to get to the highest percentage. Is that what's happening here?


        Patti, I really don't know--she was a tech that checks the machine and seemed pleased with the results. We don't see the doctor for another 3 months, unless there are problems--like he gets zapped. I would think that the tech would send her results to the doctor and if he has any concerns his office will contact us. You thought the same thing I thought but they want his heart to beat a certain amount of beats per minute and I guess the pace maker part of the defibulator is doing that--keeping it where they want it.


          I would conclude that too Ritzy from that info. And it sounds like Loren is not feeling dragged down so it sounds like it's doing its job. Good news.


            Ritzy, My mothers pacemaker was checked like that also. The way I understood it was this. If it is 25% it means that 75% of the time Loren's heart is beating at the pace they want and 25% of the time it needs the help of the implant. You should get the doctor to clarify that but that is how I understand those numbers. Sounds to me as though it is working.


              I think Lois is right. I think the percentage is the amount of time the defibulator has to work. The lower the percentage means his rate is staying where it needs to be on it's own 76% of the time. That sounds great to me. Hope the doctor agrees.


                Well we haven't received any calls saying we need to get Loren to the hospital so I would say they are happy with the results. My suspicion is that it is having to help when he is sleeping. Thank you all for the prayers and the encouragement. This has been a difficult time for me. He doesn't seem fazed.


                  I'm glad he's getting better. He doesn't need to be fazed, that's what you're there for! You're doing a good job.
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Originally posted by kfstitcher
                    I'm glad he's getting better. He doesn't need to be fazed, that's what you're there for! You're doing a good job.

                    Keep Calm and Keep Quilting.
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      Ritzy, I bet with the aid of Loren's new gizmo he's feeling a whole lot better than he's felt for a while. It's just so hard to keep a good man down. Was it no pushing and pulling? What about the two of you taking some beautiful walks? The weather is suppose to be cooler. Just an idea.


                        Yes, Lois that is right. Only needed 25% of the time. That's good!


                          I've been going thru a sleep apnea study & found out I average breath stoppage 24/hr which ironically is in the upper medium range. They told me that this can lead to heart damage. This is sounding like Loren having help sleeping might be related. I'm so happy with not walking around with mush brain after getting better sleep with the bipap machine & like Loren want to be up & at 'em. Now sleeping with the bipap machine is a PIA! Trade offs!


                            I've had CPAP for about 8 years and makes my nights a miracle. Hubby said I stopped moving, twitching, thrashing, and actually recently threw myself out of be during a vry active dream 3 times in last few months. Discovered I needed a different type of mask as have become a 'mouth' breather. Who knew?

                            Did you know that there is a primal response to deep sleep that makes us paralyzed during a dream? It would have protected us from being discovered by the larger predators in an ancient time. Well, if you slip out of deep sleep during a dream sequence you loose that protective paralysis and do crazy things like throw yourself out of bed!!!! For a 70 y/o woman, than can lead to bruises or broken parts. Not a good idea. ha Better to have CPAP, right mask, deep sleep, and a rested woman in the morning!
                            And yes, can lead to heart disease, diabetes, stresses on our whole body. I had leg movements 77 times per hour!


                              Loren had quite breathing so many times during his testing for sleep apnea that they sent him home early. So, he had had a CPAP for quite a few years. Since they have his cholesterol and blood pressure under control, his pulse is running lower that is why I think that the pace maker part of his defibulator is working the most while he is sleeping. Don't know it for a fact--just suspicion.


                                Well Lynn I've never heard that paralysis one! My best weapon would probably be roll over on top of the predator & crush & smother him!


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