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    Ann, great news!

    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      My understanding is that the stent they put in Jim's esophagus has dropped. He is on a liquid diet and they are taking one day at a time.

      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


        Most of you know I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. Today, after several nerve wracking minutes, that seemed like hours, the ultrasound technician came back to the room and said "everything looks normal". Thank God for "normal" breast ultrasound. This was the great news today. Unfortunately later in the day I got a phone call to let me know that my Great Aunt, who is like a second Mom to me, fell and broke a hip. She's 86 and has osteoporosis. She'll have surgery tomorrow morning. Please pray for everything to go well and for a full recovery.
        I'm praying for all TQS friends needs.

        In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


          Limbania, I already commented on FB but I just have to praise God all over again for your wonderful news! But I am saddened to hear about your great aunt and I will be praying for her.

          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            Well the news for Wayne is not good. Brandi told me yesterday that it really is two tumors, one that is causing the weakness in his right side and the other is near his speech center. They did a biopsy yesterday that turned into full blown surgery. They removed some of the tumors but could not get it all. He has been diagnosed with Stage 4 giloblastoma, a very malignant kind of tumor. They are giving him a year to a year and a half. I know that prayers work miracles and thank you all so much for yours.


              Frances, I am sorry to hear of Wayne's brain cancer. My father in law had Glioblastoma Stage 4 also. Love him all you can....

              Praying for everyone's good health and recovery.

              Limbania I am so happy to hear of your clean bill of health!

              Take care,



                Oh, news like this are sad because one is helpless, other than offering our prayers that he be comfortable and happy. I will pray for that.


                  Francis, I am so sorry. I will continue to pray for Wayne and his family.
                  Limbania--I am praying for your aunt and thanking God for your healing.


                    News like this is so hard to absorb, isn't it? But the older I get, (now nearly 70 years) the more I truly understand that each of us has a journey--and it will be our own and uniquely our own. No experience can in totality, completely prepare me to understand another's journey. Just as Wayne's journey will not be understood by his kids, cousins, wife, or siblings--it is uniquely HIS.

                    We attended a Memorial Service Saturday for a friend of 43 years (a long time in these years of 'mobility') and it was such a celebration of LIFE, that most of us left teary, but smiling and rejoycing that we had had the privilege of knowing this person. I told my daughter I hoped they said such great things about me when it was my time. ha Her response, "I promise we will if it's just not TOO soon!"

                    So, my prayers are that for Wayne, his family and friends, knowing his time is limited, will take the time and opportunity to say important things to him that they want him to know about their relationships.......his impact on their lives, how much they treasure the relationship, how much they love him!

                    In the end, that's the important thing (to me at least) that the person leaves this earth knowing how much we valued them and how much God loves their contribution to others' lives!





                        I'll second that Amen.


                          Here is an update on Wayne. After the first surgery, he regained strength and movement on his right side. He is walking with a cane. On Tuesday of last week, they operated on the second tumor. It was behind his eye, near his speech center. He was awake during the surgery and they were asking questions throughout the surgery. They took out 90% of the tumor. On Wednesday he couldn't talk. The doctors thought it was swelling from the surgery. He was discharged from the hospital on Saturday morning and was at his son's wedding on Saturday night. On Sunday, he was able to say a few words. I don't what the prognosis is right now or what kind of treatment they have planned for him.


                            Everybody please keep Maggie Szafranski in your prayers. Her husband, Wayne, died last night.


                              So very sorry to hear about Wayne! Thank you for letting us know. I will definitely be praying for her!


                                Oh no. I will pray for them.
                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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