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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    Love the muggie, Geneva! You are just so artistic and have an incredible eye!


      Rosemary, congratulations with your little lovely little quilt.



        Thanks everyone!

        Wendy, I hope your injury is healing properly. That is scary!

        Rosemary, we are so proud of you!

        Lotti, what a little sweet dog.

        I'm going to check out the mystery quilt....



          Love the French muggle, love the Dots, and love the red and white quilts. Everyone seems to be having a wonderful virtual retreat! (Personally, Good and Plenty are my favorites!)

          I thought all of you would appreciate this...........I was shopping the other day and had a new checker. As he was ringing things up, he stopped and counted the individual radishes in my bag. He came to 10. I asked him why he was counting them, and he told me the machine asked him "Quantity?" I told him "One!" He goes........."Oh! You mean like "one" bunch?" Duh! He then deducted $10 from receipt. hmy:

          Anyway, after the cool down from my Hoffman Challenge, I am now working on a mini (nothing like Rosemary's! Not enough time!). and later, an art quilt for our September guild show. I'll post pictures when they are closer to completion.



            Take care of yourself. Cats can be finicky at times, but if you love your cat you just put up with it!
            Do take ALL of your medications for proper healing!


              Hi, August has been great so far, finished Great Granddaughter's quilt.
              Just need to make a label, before it gets to her.
              "Abi's Blue Bears, play quilt"

              Then my quilter retuned my "Candle Light"
              Two fabric wall hanging. So now it is all,finished except for the label.



                What wonderful quilts, Margarita! Your great granddaughter is really going to love her bears!


                  Gorgeous quilts Margarita
                  Best Wishes Pam


                    I've not have time to check in and read for more than a week now so really behind with my reading.
                    Dorothy; so sorry to hear about your torn rotator cuff
                    Lotti - that cheery little friend is soooooo cute. Please keep those photos coming. Have a great holiday. Minou is sweet too
                    Fingers crossed for the bb day Ritzy
                    Not surprised you are pooped Terrie - I'm tired just reading what you have on your to-do-list
                    Heather, those blocks look like a lot of fun. I don't know what is worse sick children or sick husband!
                    Luann those Guild quilts quilting is very, very nice, you're obviously taking to your new toy like a duck to water. As always it's practise, practise, practise isn't it?
                    Geneva I'm so sorry to hear that Sybil is waiting for an L board; she is a very expensive lady-in-waiting. I've decided next time my Bernina needs a new board it isn't going to have one. Like your quilt - that is a lovely one for a baby and one that will grow with her. Great mug rug - have you serged the edge?
                    Congratulations, Rosemary! Fabulous news and so well deserved. Have a nice time away resting on your laurels ::
                    Annis, I made a quilt years ago like the one you have drawn in your program - it was before I had a digital camera so no pics sadly but the pattern was called Trellis and I have later seen it called Cherry because it was made with cherry fabric and red and green "trellis". It's a great pattern and very versatile. Love your hexies. Isn't batik hard to hand sew? Could you post a link to your website please?
                    Cats are dangerous animals by the sound of it Wendy - stick to chicks, Congratulation on your new bathroom.
                    Margerita, great quilts. Great-granddaughter will love hers.
                    I'm finally getting some FMQ done; haven't done any since May so feel rather rusty but my old Bernina 801 is smooth and it is now quite relaxing. Working on a fruity sampler - the final of 4 samplers.

                    I'm also progressing on my digitizing challenge and learning a lot along the way. Had a scary moment yesterday when a top thread popped during a stitch out of a design and I couldn't get the thread end out of the machine. I had had problems the other day with the same thread breaking but thought I needed a new needle but it was the thread that was the problem. DH came to the rescue just when I was ready to try to get the cover off the machine. He got the thread out and the rest of that spool of thread is now in my thread bin - pyh.
                    Have a great Sunday and thanks to you all for sharing here. Great retreat!


                      When you have a piece of thread caught somewhere and just can't get it out, try running (UNWAXED) dental floss through the thread-path
                      I think this should be a standard item supplied with any sewing machine (of course they'd relabel it Bernina and multiply the price by ten) :blink:


                        Originally posted by "lotti" post=132187
                        When you have a piece of thread caught somewhere and just can't get it out, try running (UNWAXED) dental floss through the thread-path
                        I think this should be a standard item supplied with any sewing machine (of course they'd relabel it Bernina and multiply the price by ten) :blink:
                        Thanks Lotti! I tried a piece of Bear thread but it turned out the thread somehow had wound itself round something which is what DH discovered in his engineering way of looking at things :P I can't open up the top or side of this machine like I can/ could the old machines so I couldn't figure out what was going on. I'll check out the chemist to see if they do un-waxed dental floss. I know what you mean about Bernina - they seem to be very good at that particular party game :whistle:


                          My, oh my - I'm not safe around any sewing machine right now! Just FMQ the teflon baking sheet I have taped to the extension table of the machine to my sampler :sick:
                          Guess I need to find my seam ripper and could you pass that bowl of Lindor please :P Couldn't understand why I suddenly couldn't push the sandwich around :S

                          Ah well needed a coffee break anyway :lol:
                          Hope you lot are doing better!


                            I don't pop up here very often these days much to my shame but I do keep in touch with what is going on and just had to say AWESOME result Rosemary you done well girl .Hope you all have fun at FOQ you lucky things , somebody post some photos for us all to see please.
                            Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


                              For Marianne. For anyone who is celebrating! For anyone who needs to console themselves. For those who want to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and crying with those who are crying. For those who are just 'here'.
                              Yn Harddwch Gogledd Cymru


                                Marianne, the batik hexies are machine sewn. I rarely do any hand sewing except for the back of the binding and some occasional applique. My website is

                                I had one of those days a couple weeks ago. I pinned the binding to the back on one of my wall hangings and was sewing in the ditch on the front, removing the pins before I got to them. Somehow I missed a pin and the head got stuck in the feed dogs. It was also in the fabric so there was no way to get it out without removing my seam guide which was taped to the extension table, the needle, the presser foot, and the stitch plate which had 2 screws, then putting it all back together. Then as I continued sewing I was repositioning and somehow another pin from somewhere else on the quilt back ended up under the needle!


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