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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    Congratulations Karen what lovely little ones

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      How precious! Just adorable. What a treasure that you've captured that moment in a photo. Caitlin and her brother have started out on the right foot. Congratulations.


        Thanks Terrie and congratulations on your little Jack! I've been running around and not sure if I actually post my thoughts or if the comments are just in my head! I am so glad to read that your son is home and I hope he and the recipient continue to have a wonderful recovery.
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Thank you Wendy and Lois!! It''s so nice to hold a newborn again! So far he's quiet and a good sleeper.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Congratulations, Karen! What a lovely family! Sure did miss you at Festival, but I'm guessing you wouldn't have been anywhere else, but with your daughter!

  's first costume! So very cute! Thanks for sharing the new picture!

            Annis, you are just having way too much fun! What a dream come true for you!

            Well, I am back from Houston Festival, and will share pictures of my goodies later this week. It was wonderful sharing in Nancy,s win! She was so cute all day Tuesday! On cloud 9! And, then she placed second only to.........Janet Stone, who also had a quilt in the Merit Quilting category! Way to go, Nancy! You did good!

            It was a different year for Festival! On Saturday morning, VERY early (maybe 3:00 AM) everyone's cell phone rang like a fire alarm. We had flash flood and tornado warnings coming in, off and on. And, lots of lightening and thunder! No one got much sleep! When I got up in the morning it was still pouring. So much so, that it had blown a manhole cover off, and water was spewing up and out like a fountain. Many streets were closed, hotel staff could not get in, and there were fatalities on the roads. Needless to say, attendance at the show was WAY down that day! I visited Sherry (Montanagramma) in her brother's booth, and they were disappointed in the lack of attendance. I stopped by Superior Threads late in the afternoon, and there was only one other customer. A sight never seen before!

            My trip home was quite a trial, but having taken something to relax me, I handle the challenges just fine. My shuttle to the airport was 45 minutes late, but made it in the nick of time. But then, my plane had mechanical problems, and at some point I realized I would not make my connection In MSP, so rebooked. Then a few hours later, when it looked like the flight might even be cancelled, I rebooked again. It took me 12 hours to go from the hotel to my home. LONG day! But, I always figure that at the end of the day, if your plane hasn't crashed, and you have all of your checked luggage, it was a successful trip!


              Originally posted by "Scoopie" post=134057
              Congratulations, Karen! What a lovely family! Sure did miss you at Festival, but I'm guessing you wouldn't have been anywhere else, but with your daughter!
              Thanks Dawn, that's sweet. And thanks for your great report on Festival! Wow Nancy you are right up there second to Janet Stone this year. Who knows next year!! Big congratulations on your win also!
              I'm glad you made it home safely and still had fun in a waterlogged Houston.
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Congratulations on the populations explosions here at TQS, very cute.
                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Congrats on the new grandbaby, Karen! What a cutie he is, and so darling his big sister wanted to share!

                  Dawn & Nancy, again, apologies for not connecting! My very best friend comes in for this, from Illinois (we only see each other this once/year in person) and then we met up with other friends, and time just zapped right by me with me completely forgetting to call either of you. Ack! Can't believe I did that.

                  I had a blast in my class on Thursday -- I was relieved and thrilled that I got into it, as the teacher (Helen Godden) said it sold out "three times over" with people trying to get in; I had signed up first day, early in the morning. Whew! It was a perfect class for me -- free motion quilting, but pretty modern/contemporary, much more my style than the traditional feather wreaths and things. And she was *funny!!* and it was on a sit-down machine so I can translate to my little machine at home. I think I bored my friends to pieces with my "that class was so amazing!!" chatter.....

                  The rain is just as Dawn described; we were in a hotel about 8 blocks (about a mile) down on Saturday morning, and had an umbrella in the car but left it as it was just barely sprinkling when we stepped out of the hotel......that lasted a minute or so and then it was pouring like you would not believe. We were all completely and utterly soaked by the time we arrived to Festival; my feet never dried completely all day, even though I took off my wet socks (shoes were still wet....). Very low attendance on Saturday, but I took advantage of it and got to visit with a 1st place winner in the traditional pieced category -- it was her first quilt, ever! Very inspiring.

                  Anyway, now home I've dumped all my goodies onto my table, finished quilting my Halloween table runner --- did the remaining lines via FMQ and you can barely tell which side is which -- and will clear up, take pictures, and start the next project today or tomorrow (today we have school pictures & family picture scheduled, including senior portraits for my oldest....).

                  Happy to be back in the sewing room and with renewed confidence and energy and plans.
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    This week at the virtual retreat,,,
                    Sunday, did a little Stitchin on my jacket

                    Monday, stayed out of the Hubs way as he anchored my design walls in a more permanent fashion. Command strips worked in Wisconsin, but with 95% humidity for over a week, things are just letting go!
                    Tuesday, Bible Study was cancelled due to more rain and flooding. So, because I haven't been able to do laundry for almost two weeks, we went (in the rain) to the washateria.
                    Wednesday, the repair people can't get to me for at least another week, due to the rain and more serious needs. I do understand, but I'll be glad when my laundry room and guest bathroom have new floor joists and floor boards. So, I went shopping! Yes, in the rain! I just pretended it was a very wet snowfall. Got some supplies for the sewing room.
                    Thursday, I cleaned my art area before my DH returned from an overnight stay with his brother.
                    Friday, went for lunch with the hubs. And when I got home I got busy on a client's quilt.

                    And today I finished up three other quilts for another client

                    So, even though I did very little of my projects, I did get quite a bit done!

                    The repairs are due to start on Monday, but it's raining again! I'm beginning to think this is a rain forest not low country coastal. I plan to work on my Mystery BOM and another BOM I've started. We'll see how this week's plans go.

                    Hope everyone is staying dry, or at least dryer than me!
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      Sorry about the pictures being out of order. I think I need to just go take a nap!
                      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                        You have 'clients'? Oh boy, I'm a post-beginner amateur here sending rows out to a pro. Should be fun. I will not let myself become intimidated. I will not let myself get intimidated, I will not etc....

                        I like your picture of the pocket best.
                        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                          It's not that I'm a pro, I just found some people that like my prices!! LOL

                          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                            You appear to have hit the ground running with quilting for others - and getting in great practise at the same time.
                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              Rememberance Sunday

                              The Eleventh Hour
                              The Eleventh Day(sic)
                              The Eleventh Month

                              We will remember them.
                              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                                Tried to respond to this on your blog but couldn't find the spot to do it. Hope things soon return to relative normal for you. Your progress despite obstacles is encouraging. "Tommorrow is always a new day".


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