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by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
Trending Forum Posts
by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post
new posts
I've been busy getting acquainted with my new machine. I ordered a set of the Red Snappers and side clamps. They arrived and we got them together after using bar soap on the screws to get them to turn into the rods. I have finished quilting my first quilt on the longarm. And using those red snappers really saved time and no blood was lost. I'm a bit of a finger poker when there are pins involved!!
I will pass this quilt on to the trimmer, and then to the binder. I'm only the sandwich maker on the charity quilts at the moment.
This top was pieced by another member of our guild, so I'm only taking credit for making a proper sized backing and the stitching it into a sandwich!
I've been checking things off my todo list for the last few days. I even got a blogpost up with a tip about those 'snappers'.
Doing another giveaway, this time each comment throughout August will be put into the basket and I'll draw the lucky one (s?) at the end of the month. So, if you have a few minutes, drop on by, make a comment, and perhaps you'll be the winner.
- IP
So much inspiration in this thread already! I love being a part of this community, seeing all of you progress, try new things, stretch yourselves....very inspiring to me!
I made some more progress on the curved piecing that I started in July, then we went on vacation to San Diego and now home, haven't sewn yet in August due to vacation laundry, one son is sick, also husband is sick (but doing better), and many errands getting things organized for the all-too-soon start of school. Today is an at-home day, though, so I should get some sewing in; I'd just hit a really good groove on the curved piecing, so would like to get back to it ASAP!
It's a fun project in & of itself, but also a stepping stone/skill builder for a big project that's been in my head for years, since before I owned a machine....I think I'm getting close to ready to tackle that, soon, which will be a huge deal, but I'll keep you all posted if/when I start it.
Here are the latest progress photos on the curved piecing blocks (from the Radiant Suns pattern); they aren't pressed yet, so excuse the slight lumpiness....
- IP
Today we got up at 5 am, drove an hour and caught the sun rising at Folly Beach, SC
And all the way above the horizon
Ate breakfast at The Lost Dog. I had pineapple pancakes with strawberry coulée and whole strawberries, lots of banana slices and whipped cream on top. Then went back to the beach for a very long walk.
Came home and got the quilting done on this top I was given to do for our guild's charity causes
And a close up of another design from my ProStitcher
Enough for now,
I'm tired and going to head off to bed early tonight.
- IP
Whew! You have all been so busy! I was wondering why I hadn't heard from anyone and then realized I haven't posted on this new thread!
We had a lovely wedding weekend on the Washington coast. Lots of family, fun and love. Here's a picture of my grandson wearing my sunglasses. He's such a sweetie. This was his first time to see the ocean.
I have been waiting for Sybil to end her affair with Mr. Fix It. I need her back to embroider my new granddaughter's name on her quilt. The baby shower is in 3 weeks. :blink: Mr. Fix It says she needs a new L panel and it is back ordered from Bernina. Sigh.... So I have been working on little things, like a Paris mug rug for my daughter in law's birthday. I'll take a picture once I have whizzed around the outside!
Here is the quilt I am making for Victorina Rose. She is due in October.
Ritzy, I am sending good thoughts for your new grandsons. Dorothy I hope your shoulder is much better and you have a fun time in Europe.
I am so impressed with all the wonderful things everyone is working on. This is such a fun retreat! And we also get to have Lotti's wonderful photography and all the delicious candy! (with no calories.)
Off to go shopping with my daughter and grandson....
Take care,
- IP
Put up the link on my blog for dye washing out of fabrics
Love your pictures and quilt. But the best one is your Grandchild!! Adorable.
Yes my machine can be programmed. That takes me plenty of time, but the results are so worthwhile. Now if I can just figure out how to never break a thread or run out of bobbin thread, I could get things quilted much faster.
I think I just need more chocolate!Geneva
- IP
The awards ceremony was just after lunchtime and I haven't heard anything from FoQ, so I am guessing that I haven't won anything
Just have to go and buy fabric for Terrie's mystery quilt and get some hugs in with Lorchan instead.
UPDATE! on some pictures form FoQ posted on facebook I saw my piece and it had a 'Highly Commended' note next to it :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: There was also a picture of the second place winner, and I don't mind being beaten by it, it is gorgeous in a Ritzy colourway.
- IP
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