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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    Over the past week I got my mystery BOM blocks done for November

    Then I finished 15 star blocks for my Craftsy BOM Summer quilt. Here are 12 of them,

    I then moved on to the November work. It's a center medallion with more angles than I like!

    This is no longer sewn together! It wouldn't lay flat, and I was 1/8" off on measurement. Since all the other work has to fit around this, I decided to review how it was to go together,,, I put triangle 'b' on first, then 'a' ! What was I thinking??? No wonder everything was off kilter. I took them apart, put them in my scrap pile, and pulled all the fabrics back out to recut these pieces tomorrow. Then I'll sew it together, in correct sequence, and it will work, it will, it will, it will!!
    This Craftsy BOM is a FREEBIE on their site. Kimberly Einmo does a great job of explaining just what to do, I just need to listen better!


      [hide]Your mystery quilt fabrics are beautiful as are your other blocks. Looks like you are keeping your machine humming! [/hide]


        All look great!


          Think I have managed to finish all my units for my (ahem) leader & ender Celtic Solstice - except that I got too keen on it for it to stay as a leader & ender and also I redesigned several of the units to change it up a bit. Made using bits of shirts that were off cuts from shortening shirt sleeves, an old skirt that didn't fit anymore, a bundle of floral fqs that were given to me when I left Brownies and some butterflies 'cos I liked them.

          Now to trim them up and build the larger blocks.


            Very nice. Just got my Celtic Solstice pin basted and ready to quilt. So much fun to see it in a completely different fabric choices. It's lovely, Rosemary.


              Love it, Rosemary!

              I have that pattern printed and saved in a "to do at some point" file.....we'll see if I ever do.

              I have been FMQ'ing a quilt for my MIL. I posted the start of that, now I'm nearly done but she comes over today so I had to stop and pack it up (won't have time today to finish it up anyway, and nearly out of thread......). I loosened up the quilting at the suggestion of my good friend, and may or may not go in and undo the beginning parts, as now they stand out quite a lot as "different' from the rest of it, but maybe I will leave it in and call it a feature of the quilt. That is what my friend suggests, "don't go undo!!" but we'll see. I'll likely end up asking DH, see what a non-quilter will see when they look, ya know?

              In a funny, though -- while I was still quilting really dense, I was going through thread at an alarming rate, so quickly ordered a cone of the thread so I'd have enough (I had only bought 2 spools to start, was through one and onto the 2nd and only barely started on the quilting at that time).

              Then I loosened up the quilting quite a bit and am now nearly done and may possibly finish w/o running out of thread. LOL!!! Well, I'll need it for the binding too, and I do also have to undo two smallish parts where I forgot to put the presser foot down (ugh) so the back is horrible there. But just find it funny; luckily the thread was on sale when I ordered

              Here's the "so far"'s truly not fantastic, but it's for a complete non-quilter and I think she'll love it regardless. It's also not terrible, considering first thing I've FMQed. We won't tell her I used her piece as a practice.....


                Heather, your mil's quilt looks wonderful. I can see all the love in it from here! :kiss:

                Rosemary, your quilt reminds me of summertime, when the living is easy..... Very nicely done and how fun to use up all those bits and pieces of other well loved items. Clever.

                I am working on another baby quilt. It's for my grandson Dylan who is to be born in mid January. I was stuck for quite awhile, but found the pattern I wanted to use, pulled all fabrics from my stash hmy: and now have the top done. I just need to add a border and his name and of course quilt it. I've been doing a lot of care for my mother so that pokes into my sewing time. But I'm getting there! I'll post a picture in a day or two.

                Happy weekend my friends!



                  Rosemary, your blocks look so nice. Funny how a leader/endear project can morph into something you want finished,,,

                  Heather, your MIL will be very pleased.

                  It's been a busy week for me with a few monkey wrenches thrown in!! I have a list of things that need to be taken care of, and dusting/wiping all construction dust off is utmost on my list! And,,, I would rather sew than clean.

                  Have a wonderful weekend everyone,


                    Heather keep up the good work. I agree with Geneva. It's filled with love and care. I'd be happy to be your MIL, very happy!


                      Hey Wendy, I saw this on facebook and thought of you! In case you need more projects. :blink:




                        :lol: Fabulous. Just right for ex battery hens poor things. My gang wear their own feather duvets, just moulted so all ready for winter. They usually wait until it turns freezing and icy before dumping their feathers.

                        Great stuff Heather and Rosemary.

                        I've been on my hols and lounging around in temps of 30 degrees plus so not done much sewing. I did go on a workshop today (driving through frost and snow) and made a piece from torn hand dyed sheets. Lots of squares on top of eachother etc., great fun and her fabric was beautiful space dyed.

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Not the best pic I'll take another tomorrow in daylight

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            Rosemary - like your Celtic Solstice blocks.
                            Heather - your quilting looks fantastic your MIL will love it.
                            Geneva - looking forward to picture of latest grandchild quilt. Fun to look at the link for the chicken sweaters too.
                            Wendy - wow like your torn hand dyed sheet blocks what a fun idea. I had no idea you'd had snow/cold weather until you mentioned pretty pictures on the internet.
                            We're at our family second home in the desert for a couple days. (Back to the city tomorrow). Three more applique blocks to go then I'm caught up on My County Homes BOM. Now I'm working on American Quilt Trail counted cross stitch ornaments from a kit.

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              I've been keeping up with all of your posts, and just want to "Ditto" to everything Barb said! Also, can't stop laughing at the knitted chicken sweaters!

                              I went on a quilt retreat with many of my guild members last weekend, and had a wonderful time! Good food, and good quilty fellowship. I decided to work on the things I started in classes at Houston Festival. Here is the Noriko Endo class project that is in progress, and what I spent most of the time on.

                              And here is the wonderful retreat center where we stay. It is about a 15 minute drive from my home.



                                Dawn, it looks lovely - BOTH the project and the retreat center. They almost make me drool...sorry. I was on a quilt retreat (that's why I wasn't here at the Virtual Retreat) . It was held in an old nun's convent. Run by very old nuns. Use. Your. Imagination. The basics. But the grounds were lovely.


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