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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    Oooh..I LOVE Lindor chocolates :woohoo: :woohoo: yum!!!!!


      Virtual Retreat, Volume II?
      I'm impressed!

      If anyone wants to join the mystery quilt I'm doing with my guild, please PM me with your address. I will be sending out the first clue during the first week of September.

      I finished a charity quilt, so will post a pic in a day or two.


        Hi - I am new to the community altho not new to TQS or quilting ( I made my first quilt in 1972). However, I am a new retiree (40 yrs a nurse) and now have time time time. Have been watching all the shows and am now going to join in!.

        This retreat is a great idea. I have started 2 quilts and am dabbling in some small samplers. I am trying a few new techniques. First time using freezer paper and glue and first time doing paper piecing just this month. I have always pieced by hand and machine but only quilted by hand. I love handwork. Ginny Beyer is my inspiration. I am just now dabbling in machine quilting but doubt that I will pursue it. Again, I love hand work.

        Any hand quilters in this group?
        Am thinking about a baby-ish quilt as I have 2 to make for.

        My goal is to use my scraps and stash before I shop again. Pretty unrealistic isn't it?!!



          Unrealistic? Perhaps, but a worthwhile goal just the same!!
          Welcome aboard, hope you like chocolates, as we pass the dish of M&Ms for you to get a handful,,,,

          PS I'm doing another giveaway. This time just for commenting on any, or all, of this month's posts. Hope to see some of your friendly faces,,


            My sister is named LuAnn - with the capital A. She prefers Lu but she will always be LuAnn to me. As for the chocolates, I learned to treasure chocolate on my Aunt Marcella's knee.
            Do we post photos to this area? Have not yet navigated around.
            Thank you for the welcome.
            P.S. LSD are my real initials - maybe is why I like the bright colors?


              Yes post pictures with your messages. We enjoy seeing whatever is going on in our fellow retreaters lives!! Never got into LSD back in the day, but definitely a flower child that loves colors!!


                Hello Linda - welcome to the retreat - you'll enjoy yourself here and get lots of inspiration for just about everything under the sun, if it'll help you to get things done is another question entirely. :blush:
                I also hand quilt. As I do a bit of traveling for work, I always have a hand-project going on. For the past 2 1/2 years it's been a hexie-Quilt and it'll takee at least that much longer. When I'm home I generally stick to the machine as it's much faster and my time precious... I keep getting sidetracked :blink: :unsure: :blink:
                Here a looksie:

                I've laid it out on my bed so you can get a feel of it... On the go I have a small Baggie with thread, needles, travel scissors and a bunch of hexies (the hexies are 5/8 inch per side / 1 1/4 inch diagonal), which I sew into pieces of 10-15 flowers. These go onto the large piece whenever I have a trip/visit where I can take larger bits... (a large bit that was done last winter when I had my knee fixed)... There are a bunch more small pieces waiting for attachment :P
                My other passion is photography - so you poor folk keep getting those pictures in here as well...


                  I love the colors of your hexie quilt. And keep those pictures coming,


                    Thanks, Luann. They are mostly batiks / practically every fabric that comes into the house has at least one 2" length turned into hexies...
                    The idea is to end up with a wild and jumbled flower garden, i.e. A garden that has been abandoned for years and has made it's own organization, everything mixed into each other... i.e. Exactly the way I quilt, cook & live: a little of this, a bit of that, look what wants to go together and just let it grow... :silly: :silly: :silly:
                    I'm fairly good at organized chaos - I believe I would be the perfect companion for Doctor Who ... Unfortunately he hasn't realized it yet :P well we still have time - and I am flexible :P


                      You are my kind of neighbor! I'm glad you've chosen to sit next to me at the retreat. My very best garden ever was a corner under a small likac bush that we worked up, threw massive amounts of wildflower seed into, and let it grow. The kids at the day care down the street loved it too. They'd ask if the could have certain colors of flowers and I was more than happy to have those little munchkins running through my yard gather handfuls of color!! I guess it's obvious I love kids more than a pretty flower bed!


                        Just thought you all might be resting on your lounge chairs, so the pictures are probably in proper perspective for a lazy summer afternoon!! :silly: B) :whistle:


                          In York with Izzy last week and found some m&m's for real! and thoroughtly enjoying them

                          Here have a few.

                          Only problem is they are a bit small compared to my usual candy coated chocolates - Minstrels.

                          So I will see you a couple of m&m's and raise you a couple of Minstrels.... :P

                          Welcome to the forum & the retreat Linda.


                            Love how your hexi quilt is coming along, Lotti! I also love chaotic color so it really appeals to me.


                              I gotta find me some of those minstrels, and mint dark chocolate M&Ms wow, I've not seen those!
                              Off to do some chocolate shopping, perhaps I could catch a few groceries at the same time, nah he


                       the hexis!
                                I've never tried the mint m& mint chocolate though :P the minstrels look good..yum!
                                Welcome to the retreat Linda!


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