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    :lol: don't put them between your legs. I'll take a pic

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Here you go

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Wendy the "Thongs" are very pretty. I thought they were going to be sandals. In Australia thongs are what you wear on your feet.
        Good job we all speak the same language..........or not!
        Quilt show tomorrow I'm really looking forward to it I will probably spend too much money (Don't tell the old fella).
        Isn't retirement wonderful?
        Have a great day.


          And pray tell, what do you do with them? Book marks? Am I dense? I need so much help understanding nearly everything! :unsure: :huh:


            Sorry Lois yes bookmarks

            I made them for my team at Christmas a few years ago and some hang them from the car mirror

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Originally posted by "twiglet" post=130823
              Here you go

              These are so nice. And you give them away to your friends? They are very lucky! How big are the bikes? And where did you find them?
              Oh, I so want to come see all of you!!! It would be such fun to spend an afternoon really getting to know each other.
              Well, until my ship comes in(and I can find the dock it's at), I'm off to the Stitchin Room.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Twiglet, your tongs are adorable. I could not wait to find out just "what" they were. I would not have guessed bookmark! I used the word for my favorite shoes as a younger lady and underwear that looks very uncomfortable.

                Judith, the colors in your arcs are so pretty. I noticed the instructions showed color values. Did you buy a kit or is that how the instructions would look if only the pattern was purchased.

                Pemela, I have my ABC BOM top finished and ready to start quilting. I also downloaded the images thinking why rethink perfection! I am wondering about the thread for quilting. Are you using different colors on the blocks? On the border is the decorative stitch done before or while quilting?

                Sew Happy, Susan


                  I bought the pattern, which is printed in black and white. It uses 2 1/2" strips to make the arc units of the wedding ring. The strips have to be sorted so the values of the small pieces in the arcs go from lignt to dark across the arc.
                  Some people spend days selecting and sorting their 2 1/2" strips and take a class for this quilt. Judy Niemeyer made arrangements with Hoffman Batiks for them to put together two groups of coordinated strip sets, with the strips already arranged from light to dark for each arc. Judy Niemeyer picked the fabrics and the order. That is a huge help. I found a good price for the Judy Niemeyer Bali Pop Sets online at Hancocks of Paducah. I am soooo glad I bought the sets she put together. Much easier. I would have been so confused otherwise, trying to figure it out myself without a class. Like a lot of other things, it is simple once you get it. Until then it can be very frustrating.
                  I thought it quite ingenious the way she has you make the arcs. Not sure I can describe it well. If you like, I will see if I can take a picture at my virtual retreat tonight!

                  Happy quilting,


                    I'll look forward to seeing that.

                    Luann I got the bikes at a quilt show but you can get them on internet They are 1 1/4" wide. Pierced shells work well with green and blue beads. I use waxed linen cord but I'm sure other fine cord or ribbon would work well.
                    Here's a tutorial

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Lois, I'm in the same class as you. Even the picture didn't help. I usually use...a a bookmark! This is very creative!

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Wendy - Love the quilted quilt and the bookmarks!
                        Judith - I bought the pattern too but haven't started it, perhaps I should.

                        Barb :-)

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Judith, I would love to see pics. I wondered about how someone picked the colors. Buying the Bali pop sets was a smart move. I have seen ads for Judy's classes. I live in such a rural area I would have a 2 to 3 hour drive one way. Just too far. Nice to know the instructions that come with the patterns are understandable.

                          Hope everyone is having a great day. The rain and wind were terrific here this morning. A little calmer now.


                            Over the past several days of my virtual retreat I've been working on a little art quilt. It's part of a course I'm doing on Academy of Quilting. I painted fabric for my water, painted and melted cellophane for my bubbles, and a bunch of other little techniques that I had not tried before. Then I cut up the water fabric, made rocks, etc. Here!s where it sits at the moment.

                            And this morning I dyed up 16 pieces inspired by Ricky and Alex in show 1612. They are at batching stage.

                            Well, onto the next project,,,


                              Originally posted by "crocus999" post=130832
                              Lois, I'm in the same class as you. Even the picture didn't help. I usually use...a a bookmark! This is very creative!
                              Whereas I will use any old scrap of paper, or the receipt from buying the book.... with one exception - a book called 'Women's Work, The First 20,000 Years' about Women, Cloth and Society in Early Times, then I use a book mark from Maree in Tasmania :kiss: (it is a great read of a book too).

                              My sewing room is coming together :woohoo: only one unit left to put up. The rest are all filled. But I am strongly considering offloading some of the magazines I have been hoarding, but never getting back to re-reading. First up is a collection of Sewing World - dressmaking from about 2004 -09. after that a possible cull of embroidery/quilting mags (after checking the contents ) and probably various copies of 'Threads' magazines too. Then I might be able to use some of the shelving for fabric instead :whistle:

                              Bad news on the motor front today, my car failed it's MOT (legally required ticket to say that it is roadworthy) and the cost of repairs will be about the same as it is worth with probably more big bills to come after that. So we will be scrapping it and looking for something cheapish with an MOT for me this weekend. NOT what we had planned, I had been hoping that it would carry on for another 6 months or so and then go shopping for something a bit nicer and with no pressure to find it straight away Hey-ho, that is life for you, two steps forward, one step back ( or is it one step forward and two back?)


                                Rosemary - Sounds like your room is coming together. I need to go thru my magazines too. Sorry to hear about your car, too bad you can't tease it along a little longer.


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