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    Pam ,How are you? I have pinned my quilt, back breaking, but I have 2 tables in my work room and am able to push them together .
    I haven't marked the quilt but I have stuck a piece of quilting tape at a 45 degree angle and will sew down the side of that and then use the width of my walking foot to measure the cross hatching.
    Don't yet know what to do with the rest of it, I'm finding the thought of it a bit daunting.
    I'm off to "The National Quilt Championships" a quilt show at Sandown Park racecourse about a half hour drive from where I live. It's not as big as the "Festival of Quilts" at the NEC but it's the only show I can get to now, I'm looking forward to it.
    Hope you are still enjoying the scissors, I love mine......the sound they make when cutting it so comforting.
    What a sad case I am! Glad you are having nice weather ..Not too hot.


      I finished the last three blocks for my disappearing hourglass, arranged them on the design wall, pinned up the border fabric next to it. AND I don't like it. The fabric was from a layer cake, so they coordinate, but some are lighter then others. My background fabric is white and I don't think there is enough contrast with the lighter fabrics. I don't care for the border fabric. Now, I have to decide if I want to use the brighter fabrics from a different layer cake and just replace the blocks with out much contrast; or forget a border and just make more of the brighter blocks to make the quilt the size I want. I wanted this to be a Christmas present for one of my girls, but I can't give one a quilt I don't like. I am just discouraged right now. Maybe I will see if I can get the camera to work well enough to post a picture.


        Originally posted by "lorra" post=130774
        I finished the last three blocks for my disappearing hourglass, arranged them on the design wall, pinned up the border fabric next to it. AND I don't like it. The fabric was from a layer cake, so they coordinate, but some are lighter then others. My background fabric is white and I don't think there is enough contrast with the lighter fabrics. I don't care for the border fabric. Now, I have to decide if I want to use the brighter fabrics from a different layer cake and just replace the blocks with out much contrast; or forget a border and just make more of the brighter blocks to make the quilt the size I want. I wanted this to be a Christmas present for one of my girls, but I can't give one a quilt I don't like. I am just discouraged right now. Maybe I will see if I can get the camera to work well enough to post a picture.
        Do post a picture, everyone here has been very helpful. Someone may give a suggestion that turns out to be just what you wanted. It's always worth a try.


          I edited and added the picture. Her favorite colors or teal or turquoise so that is why I chose that border fabric. Maybe I just need to let it hang longer and see if it grows on me.


            Cathy, I like your quilt. I would try different borders. Maybe some orange with the teal?

            I've enjoyed seeing what everyone else is working on. Such inspiration! Thank you!

            Well, after 2 days off I was back at the sewing room. Had a good time. I got the bargello done! Yay! While I was returning the magic thread that the LQS owner let me borrow I found what I think is a perfect coordinate for the art quilt. I bought a yard. This is the only fabric I have purchased for this quilt.

            And here's a picture of my work table. Those are all the fabrics I used as well as the left over stratas. I suspect they will end up in the quilt somehow. (Plus the wips that are waiting to be decided on. :unsure: )

            Tomorrow and Thursday I am taking care of my mom and grandson, so not much time for sewing. See ya!


              Lighter quilts have become very popular recently. I have seen some beautiful lower contrast quilts.

              Maybe the large turquoise border is too strong a color for a border this large. It may just be the photo, but that much strong color seems to overwelm the quilt.

              Suggestion: Maybe think about using multiple borders, picking up additional colors in the quilt. The turquoise could be one of the borders - or even two of the borders. A smaller area of the turquoise could look great. I would use white for one of the borders too, to help tie it all together.

              Or, maybe you could back the quilt with a bright turquoise or teal.

              It will be beautiful.



                Thanks for the suggestions. I will see what other stash fabrics I have that may work. I do have plenty of the teal for backing. I did think of sashing the blocks, but did not try that yet. I will let you know what I come up with.


                  Geneva, oh my - I love your Bargello and the new fabric is ideal!

                  AnnieLu, you were so right to make a pillow with your pretty painted piece. It is beautiful.

                  Lorra, I too have seen some beautiful low contrast quilts. I think part of your problem with the blue border is that it is much too wide and it is too dark a value. I would play with a color - a purple - the width being just less than half the size of a block. Then white or a very light color - the width of that border just under half the width of the first border. Maybe another border using teal the border width of the first color. Another white border and then another color border - maybe orange. You could finish with a white. The colors should be medium value colors - not dark. I like what you have so far. Play with color combos.



                    Cathy - I love your piecing and colors. Very pretty. I think the thing that bothers my eye is the center is so scrappy, a large solid strip of a new color around the edge is distracting. Edyta Sitar talks about "grounding your scraps" with a consistent fabric - which is your background. I thought of 3 options you might consider 1. a narrow (1/2 to 1 inch) boarder of the teal, then a wider (3-4 inch) boarder of the light colored background fabric (I'm assuming is white based on the picture) 2. another option would be to have 3 equal boarders - white, teal, then white again. or 3. Continue the background color into the boarder and add scrappy half square triangles or flying geese in the center of the boarder strip. Binding could either be in teal again to draw the eye out further, or in white to keep your focus on the beautiful piecing in the center.

                    Best of luck deciding!


                      Geneva - the bargello is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it from here!


                        Cathy - I'd pick dark green and orange: 1" dark green inner border, 1" orange middle border, 2 or 3 " dark green outer border.


                          Lois - Wanted to let you know I really like your new slip covers and congratualtions to the happy couple!


                            Geneva - Love the bargello and the coordinating pieces!


                              Wow so much beautiful work, great advice and beautiful tables of fabric a treat to the eye as I sit having my morning coffee pinned down by my cat. I love this retreat. Thank you Luann

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Cathy, Perhaps you were looking at the quilt with tired eyes. You are disappointed with the border fabric and that might make you more critical of the lighter colors. With some rest it just might look way different to you. I think it is lovely. I love borderless quilts. I see only two blocks that offer very little contrast. I'd be inclined to go without borders. Look at it with rested eyes and spirit.


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