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    Originally posted by "crocus999" post=130535
    I really like all the pics I've seen on here. I've skimmed through the comments. Going to be grandmothering for the next two days, with a proper 'tea' with 2 3 y.o. granddaughters.

    Wendy, I love your space - I'd be right at home there!

    Not officially at this retreat, just lurking...
    Lurk away! And a question about your profile picture. What is the name of the plant behind you? It is so pretty.

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Originally posted by "twiglet" post=130519
      Luann I love your shibori and would have a go at that this retreat but I have to get a quilt done this week for a friend who has had 2 adorable little boys. So I'm going to be quilting my Laura Nownes quilt. Yes I know I have said this several times over the last couple of years but I'm going to get on with it.

      I shall be in Annis's workshop for my virtual retreat and actually in my little messy hole I love.

      my quilt waiting for me

      I've been knocking up some birds for a craft stall I booked in a moment of madness for a craft fair in November. They need embellishing so I may get some of these done.

      and I'd love to start making things with my recent fabric purchases

      Luann did you use indigo for your shibori
      Wendy, yes, I used an indigo vat for the ones in the picture. Sorry that I missed answering your question earlier. Actually, I answered it in the lost reply and then I forgot it in the one that didn't get lost. If that makes sense!!

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Can you tell us more about it please.

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          The plant behind me is called a Japanese Maple. It's leaves look like maple leaves, and the flowers I call 'fairy skirts' - they look like upside down crocuses (and you know I love those!)

          Wendy, Canadian English lesson: (maybe American too??) When someone here in Canada knocks up, it's always a woman and the gal who gets 'knocked up', has been naughty and her secret life has been found out because she's pregnant. Otherwise, no one would know that she was dong 'it'. A man I know once said " I've got 4 daughters, so I have a 25% chance that one of them will get 'knocked up'

          Imagine how I had to put my mind around you knocking up birds. :blush: :blush:

          Well, this is a retreat, and conversation does get a bit scanty sometimes, non?

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            :lol: well we haven't had a misunderstanding for a while . Yes we use the term like that as well :lol:

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Terrie - many, many years ago my cousin was an exchange student in Australia. After his first dinner, he said, "that was good, I'm stuffed!". Well, stuffed is American slang for "full tummy" and it was meant as a complement to the cook. Apparently "stuffed" is Australian slang for pregnant, so they were rather shocked. :lol:


              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Thanks funny!

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  This is turning out to be quite funny. I can just see all of us chuckling at this info. I'm so glad you're all 'retreating' with me! Now that's a new meaning for that word. :silly:
                  Not doing much, I'm currently 'on call' for my hubby, as he is trying to get AT&T service fixed on our TV. He's been on the phone for almost an hour now. I just heard him say, I just got flashed. I'd better go check on his clothing situation! Giggles!!

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Ok. I am just going to apologize in advance for any thing "odd" I say! Also, not a posting pro so am going to just jump in the fun and let the details work themselves out. The first image is a Tumbling block quilt I just started for my nephew. I wanted something subdued and not bright. I believe the fabric choices qualify.

                    I love ice dyeing. This is one of my pieces.

                    I went to a fun three day class with Ricky and Alex. I used my dyed fabric to create this piece inspired by what I learned for Ricky. I what to use it for the middle of something. That is waiting to be decided.


                      Welcome! Glad you're here and that you aren't standing on any formality about posting. That's how I hoped it would go. Just people sharing their way of doing a 'virtual retreat'.
                      I really like your fabrics in both pictures. Did you dye the Browns in the tumbling block quilt? They look like they are low water immersion dyed.
                      And your convergence piece is awesome. By any chance did you take a picture of the fabrics before you started the process? If not can you give us an idea of what each one looked like? When I did one I used 4 very different patterns and it turned out quite nice. I'll look for a picture of that one, as I gave it away a couple of years ago. It was the only quilt I ever ripped out more seams than I could count! I said I was going to keep it forever, but that didn't happen. Not too long ago I got a bright idea about doing this again, but with curvy lines and all cuts done with fabric stacked on top of each other. There was a lot to learn from that experiment but I do have 4 interesting pieces to work into something bigger. I'll check for photos of those also.
                      Glad you joined in the fun.


                        Well, day one of my retreat is done. I had great intentions, but with the hubby home, rain in the forecast, and a request to go out to lunch,, well I'll just say things didn't go as planned. But, I did get the fabric chosen to use for the water in my next art quilt.

                        It's a batik that I hope will do a lot of the work for me. I don't have a specific picture I'm trying to represent. It's more of a composite of many pictures. And I've gotten some rocks cut out and pinned about the water. I'm pleased with a couple of them, but tomorrow will be soon enough to decide if they get to stay, or be replaced with other fabrics.

                        Your comments are welcome.


                          I love your water fabric, AnnieLu. It will be fun to watch you develop your art quilt. The brown fabric is purchased batik. The ice dyed fabric I sent with the convergence picture was likely one used to create that piece. I used two pieces from that same dye group.

                          Twiglet, your birds are fun. I made some for decorating a tree several years ago. Thanks for sharing your sew happy area. I will take a pic of mine at some point and share.

                          It was comforting to hear other people's days do not always go as planned. My husband is just beginning retirement life. I have enjoyed that blissful state for a few years. I am learning my days are subject to change at a moments notice!

                          This is another convergence art quilt. I created flowers to cover my not perfect seams!


                            I love your flowered convergence quilt. What are it's dimensions? Did you have the opportunity to catch the first segment of the latest quilt Show? Ricky and Alex do a bit of dyeing. I think that I may be doing some later during this retreat month of mine. I'll post pics if I do.


                              Popping in to say Hi! I think most know I'm Heather, now back in Texas after 6 years in Brazil, but can't figure out how to change my signature line to reflect that. We've been in the new house for almost a year now and settled in nicely....What will I work on though during our virtual retreat...? Hmmm. probably will work on some of the place mats I'm doing, but those are just boring in between work. Here is one finished one, and the stack of what they look like before I quilt them....

                              What I need to work on is an improv Christmas quilt that I've messed with in fits & starts, and am not certain if it will finish up or become something different. I began by trying to mesh traditional fabrics (given to me, and used for my Christmas tree skirt and then Christmas stockings for the family) with more contemporary fabrics that I like better, to try and make a couch throw for Christmas that would mesh my style with the style of the tree skirt. I think I pulled in too many fabrics though and am not certain it is going to work to become a complete quilt. No pictures of that mess just now, but if I get it out to work on I'll post photos....

                              In the meantime, I am also working on a first-ever garment piece for sweet husband is taking me to Argentina for a weekend (using air miles he's accumulated in all his extensive work travel, and while he's there on business so hotel is covered, etc.). and we'll go see a Tango show while there. I'm attempting to sew a corset-style top for the occasion, to wear with a skirt and then a wrap/sweater/jacket/something over it. As I do NOT do garment sewing, we'll see if I'm successful or not.....

                              Here's the view from my sewing machine, so you can see where I'm working


                                Art momma your convergences are great and the ice dyed fabric is very effective. I thought of you Luann at the beginning of this show and wondered if you'd folded some of your shibori that way.

                                I've been absent from retreat today, had to work but hope to get some quilting done this evening. I'm just going to do loops and squiggle quilting and add the boys names every so often.

                                On my chair I sit on a speed pieced quilt made years ago which stops the bench taking chunks out of the chair arms and the hexagons are crocheted.

                                Would you believe it my chicken just ran off with my biscuit while I was chatting!

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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