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Mystery Quilts

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    One more clue coming soon in April. Then in May, I will be giving the final Clues - for both May and June together, because June is super easy -

    Any ideas what I can buy as prizes for the guild ladies who finish? Those who finish get to put their name in a hat and probably I will pick 3 or 4 'winners'

    I thought some Aurifil thread in a small neutral kit might be nice. But what else?? Thanks for any ideas.
    You ladies are such a blessing!


      Geneva, Your quilt is just lovely! This has been a cool mystery as there have been plenty of stopping spots along the way!
      Terrie, what about needles, a project bag, marking pencils, even a few fat quarters for their next project? I notice that people are happy with whatever gift they get! It is great you are having a drawing for those that finish!


        I finished the clues and here is the evidence:

        I'm sure having a great time with this mystery!
        I also posted about it in my blog which you can read about here.


          This is NOT an April Fool's joke. I am literally on my way out the door for the weekend and realized that I need to send you all the next Clue.

          I looked it up on my computer and see that it needs a tad bit of editing before I send it to you. I don not want to confuse you by sending an unedited clue, so, if you can all please bear with me, I will send it out on MONDAY the 4TH.

          I am so sorry. It's been a crazy week that included a heartbreaking funeral for my friends 1-year old granddaughter.

          Thank you for your patience. Hugs, Terrie


            Terrie, we all understand that life happens. Take your time and enjoy the weekend.

            Terry, I read your blog. I loved your response to your brother and SIL. Let them learn what all goes into a quilt. I loved seeing the pictures of the mystery quilt. It is wonderful to see all the different color ways and how they change the appearance of the quilts.


              Terrie, take care.

              Terry, good on ya! I loved your reply to your bro and sil. Just think of all the time you will have to work on your "old" stuff! You are an amazing artist. Just because someone is ignorant of what it takes to be an artist doesn't discount you , it speaks to who they are. I am honored to call you my friend.
              Love your mystery quilts!



                Terrie, no worries! I look at each clue from you as a special gift! In my book, gifts are welcome ANY time!
                Geneva and Lorra, Thank you for your support. I thought that I had thicker skin than that! Guess I need to toughen up. I want to work on projects that feed my spirit. Life is too short to work on projects that don't!


                  Thanks for that Terrie, that means that I am now completely caught up :P and here is the pictures to prove it too :woohoo:

                  Ok, so I got caught out with the directionality of my stripe fabric on the stars, but this doesn't bother me or the owner (who doesn't know/hasn't noticed) especially since trying it for size, reckons this is large enough and so the rest of the borders will be made up and used for the reverse side of it.

                  mystery quilt with it's owner B)


                    Rosemary, it looks great. Izzy looks so much like you. I can tell she is anxious to take possession of that beautiful quilt. Someday strangers will ask if she is your sister and you will proudly say no, my daughter. It will make you feel good and her mad. :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      Awesome mystery top Rosemary, and so is the owner!

                      Barb :-)


                        All the quilts look awesome, enjoyed seeing everyone's progress! Thanks for sharing, Pat


                          Izzy's looking so grown up. Quilt is great

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            How have you mounted your mugrugs?

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              It is an old clip frame that the front acrylic had got broken. So I discarded the acrylic, covered the hard board with a piece of wool suiting glued on the back, and then pinned the muggies to it. It balances on the top edge of the book shelves by it's hanging notch thingy on the back (and happily falls off if knocked even slightly)

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Rosemary, your mystery quilt looks wonderful. Your daughter? I love how confident she looks and cute too!

                                Clever idea for your mug rugs!



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