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Quilting New Year's Resolutions for 2015???

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    Oh yeah, I didn't notice that. Just goes to show you that nothing is new!!


      Here's an idea for those of us who like to jump from one project to another.


        Very interesting. I like the idea. Like some of the others we mentioned playing games and challenging ourselves in different ways makes it all the more fun.


          Annis, I like The Power of !0 idea. I am trying to figure out how it might be used in conjunction with working on something that has a deadline. Sometimes I get so frustrated with deadlines because I have some real inspiration to begin the next thing on my list. I am wondering if bribing myself with a few hours on something less tedious, or more inspiring at the moment, might be just the impetus to trudge through what needs to be done on the deadline thing. Get another segment done, play a little, and work toward another privilege to play with something less tedious. I may give this a try.


            Let us know how it works for you Lois.


              I printed out the power of 10 also. It sounds like a good idea. Right now I am waiting for the UFO number for February to be posted tomorrow at All People Quilt. I finished the quilt top I was working on for January. Very happy to get it done. I will put it in the longarm tomorrow. I can not stand at the longarm for too long a period, so I like to have a sewing project to work on too. Hopefully I will get much accomplished this year.


                Thanks Annis!
                I've printed the list.......


                  Thanks for passing along The Power of Ten, Annis. It's a great concept. I'll keep it in mind if my projects every get anywhere near ten (but I have lots more than ten ideas for more things I'd like to make! hmy:


                    Thanks from me too Annis. Whilst like Renata, I don't have 10 quilting projects, but if I were to add in my embroidery projects eeek!, definitely have plenty to keep me going.

                    My only problem with it is this 3 hour time limit. If I have cleared my decks and set my machine up for quilting one of my bed quilts, I really don't want to tidy it away again so quickly - heck clearing the decks and setting up could take nearly 3 hours on its own ops: I hope that bit doesn't count :P


                      3 hours doesn't work for me either, as I can easily spend all day on one project and sometimes 2 days in a row. But I have 10 bed runners ready to hand sew the binding to the back. I guess I need to do a couple of those before going back to other projects.


                        Is anyone else working on the 2015 UFO Challenge from All People Quilt? The number for February is 7. Have fun playing. I was going to say working, but it is more like play time to me.


                          I am, Cathy. I was excited to see it was #7. I have a wall hanging for summer, fall and winter and have been trying to get to spring. Well, #7 was my spring wall hanging! I have the center of it done--the lupines that have been hanging on my design wall for the last 4 years. Now to finish it!


                            I would have a very hard time working from a number picked by someone else--probably why I decided not to do it. I have a terrible time following directions--or maybe just being obedient :blush: .
                            Anyway--good for you who are able to do it. Lorna--you Spring wallhanging is going to be beautiful!


                              I am doing the all people quilt UFO. FInshed Jan, my list is downstairs so don't know what 7 is on my list yet. Later today I will check it out.

                              Haven't seen any postings from sue Henyon lately, hope she is OK.



                                And Lorchen and Limbania


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