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La Passacaglia, EPP, and Grand Illusion

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    OK--that picture is not on this computer. I will have to look and see if it is still on my camera.


      Nope--not on camera. I will have to put some together so I can take a picture for you to see--maybe a mini tutorial.


        Gorgeous quilt!

        in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


          That would be a great idea Ritzy. Maybe you could put it under it's own heading. Next years BOM has 9 hexagon flowers so it would be good to have your method available for anybody who might be interested?


            OK Rita:

            The interfacing I use is called Pel-Tex(at least that is what I think it is called, it has been a while since I bought any since I buy a lot and cut it to size :blush: ). I went online and put in 1/2" hexagon and was able to print up a whole page. Then I scanned and printed to the interfacing. You do not have to use this type. I have used some interfacing that is heavy but does not have fusible on it--I just glued them in place.

            So, here are the pictures--no real perspective (I should have put it on my cutting mat, sorry):

            See how nice and flat it is?
            Guess I should have given you a clearer picture.
            I just do a tiny running stitch so, if I am lucky, the stitches don't show.


              That's great Ritzy. I can get the measure of it from those photos. I bought fusible interfacing in A4 sheets (Made by C&T) which can be used to print out the hexagon images. It's great having the fusible interfacing because then there is no pinning or stitching the hexagon shapes in place so it makes it much faster. You can also leave this stuff in the quilt so there is no having to go back and rip out stitches and remove papers. Wish I had started my quilt like that but I don't think it would work to begin now. I will use the idea for the BOM next year. Thanks again. :cheer:


                Originally posted by "KalamaQuilts" post=123129
                ="ritzy" post=123123 and don't have any of the directions for Bonnie's scrap quilts
                I think when I put up my EPP photos I'll start a new thread if I can't find one already going, I don't know how heavy handed the mods are here and I think we've passed Beginners Corner
                I already feel at home here, thank you.
                Can't say as I have noticed any Mods (although plenty of 'Rockers')on here, heavy handed or not. This is pretty much a QP free zone. Some of the threads stay on topic, but others definitely get sidetracked, 'Mug Rugs exchange here' for one and on 'CW challenge for anyone' here it is actually compulsory, because we are not allowed to discuss the challenge

                PS if you go to the Mug Rug exchange you only need to read the couple of posts to see what it is about,then if you want to stay skip a couple of hundred pages or so to find out what we are talking about now


                  thank you Rosemary. I read through the Houston for Dummies this morning and read the last 4 pages of the mug rugs.
                  Family. Nice.


                    Sharyn. Your quilts are lovely. I made the Celtic Solstice Quilt last year but it is not quite finished. I really like it and want to finish it soon. I am collecting fabrics for the one beginning in a few weeks. It will be fun to compare notes as we go. Thanks for sharing your work. Its so much fun to see these quilts come together. I have a leaders and enders project on the go too.


                      Sharyn, Thanks for starting this thread. It seemed to attract other new folks to the Forum which is a very good thing. We like to see pictures of quilts and new faces in the Forum. Good job! Welcome, Judy and TTime and any others I might have missed. Check out other Threads. We have a good time here. Join in on making Self-Protraits and our virtual New Years Eve party where we all reveal our self portraits. Where are we doing that any how? Don't remember which thread its on. Someone else chime in here and tell these new folk where to go to join in. Nice to have new voices heard here. Makes me happy! :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer:

                      Rita, Your quilts are beautiful.



                        Think this is the correct one.


                          Very pretty. Love your colors. I am making my first Bonnie quilt; Jamestown Landing. It is addicting and I'm having fun I'm trying to find my way around on this new site! :lol:


                            Good morning and thank you all for the welcome. I've read that only 10% of a group post regularly, most just lurk.
                            Me, I'm in for the company

                            another newbie question. When I type my post the size of the print is SO tiny.
                            For this post I clicked on the Enlarge button on the left, but from my computer it is still the teensy print.
                            Anyway to upsize the type while typing?

                            I'll stick another quilt in. I'm sorry, no longer know where this pattern came from. After I quit crying I started quilting and it did help work out some of the grief and anger. It hangs at the top of my stairs.


                              So sorry for your loss. Quilting sure does helps us quilters begin to put one step before the other and move on. Keep stepping. Your work is appreciated.


                                Originally posted by "KalamaQuilts" post=123273
                                Good morning and thank you all for the welcome. I've read that only 10% of a group post regularly, most just lurk.
                                Me, I'm in for the company

                                another newbie question. When I type my post the size of the print is SO tiny.
                                For this post I clicked on the Enlarge button on the left, but from my computer it is still the teensy print.
                                Anyway to upsize the type while typing?

                                I'm here for the company too! :cheer:

                                I use a PC and on my keyboard when things are too small, I can hold Ctrl and then click on the + sign and it gets bigger with each click of +. Can you do that? I just did it to type this. And I do it when I surf the internet via my TV as the couch is so far away (and I don't want to get up for glasses). :silly: <-- this has to be one of my favorites!!

                                @julesquilts on IG 
                                working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                                Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                                Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


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