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    Margo, you're right! And Alex and Ricky, thank you! -- for everything! I can't even begin to count the ways that TQS has enriched my life, I just know that it has, and I'm grateful! Robin


      I have wondered about some of these questions as well and really appreciate Alex and Ricky's explanations.I'm also glad to hear that the "back stories" will continue as I'm just as interested in quilt artists thoughts,inspirations and life styles as in their techniques.


        Thanks Ricky for following up on Alex comments, and its been very interesting to read about, and learning how the shows are all put together and I now think we all should have a better understanding and appreciation for the overall fantastic TQS and its wonderful team.

        Jill - Australia

        Taree NSW - Australia
        My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


          Thank you, everyone at TQS who make this site and shows available to us. You ALL inspire me to try new things and to do my very best at what I do. You have encouraged me to broaden my horizons.
          I am eternally grateful for what you do for us every day.

          Thank you

          Jean in Windsor, ON

          Taree NSW - Australia
          My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


            it is really time that everyone realised that there is no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved

            I started off as an enthusiastic member but because of problems with viewing the shows gave up on that very quickly so saw no point in rejoining

            Maybe its my loss but I doubt it somehow

            Taree NSW - Australia
            My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


              Originally posted by maureent
              it is really time that everyone realised that there is no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved

              I started off as an enthusiastic member but because of problems with viewing the shows gave up on that very quickly so saw no point in rejoining

              Maybe its my loss but I doubt it somehow
              Maureen, I'm really sorry you feel like nothing has improved since the beginning, and that you don't want to rejoin because you have problems viewing the shows. TQS has so much more to offer than just the shows if you have difficulty with them. I think it is definitely your loss. The more you participate, the more you will get out of it, and your profile speaks volumes.

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Originally posted by maureent
                it is really time that everyone realised that there is no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved

                I started off as an enthusiastic member but because of problems with viewing the shows gave up on that very quickly so saw no point in rejoining

                Maybe its my loss but I doubt it somehow
                There are different opinions on the forum-I've seen them. Sometimes though, people do seem to gush. You may have to probe deeper, go back to the original post to find opposing opinions.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Originally posted by maureent
                  it is really time that everyone realised that there is no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved

                  I started off as an enthusiastic member but because of problems with viewing the shows gave up on that very quickly so saw no point in rejoining

                  Maybe its my loss but I doubt it somehow
                  I usually avoid commenting on things like this but I feel like I need to this time. Life, as you know, is ugly. It is full of heartache and trials and tribulations. We have all experienced it. When I come to this site it is to take my mind off the cares of the world and just enjoy. I don't believe your statement is true. We have differing opinions and that is OK. But, like a family, we should try to get thru them without beating each other up. I hope you can take the time to give us a second look. If not I am sorry for your loss.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Originally posted by Margo
                    Originally posted by maureent
                    it is really time that everyone realised that there is no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved

                    I started off as an enthusiastic member but because of problems with viewing the shows gave up on that very quickly so saw no point in rejoining

                    Maybe its my loss but I doubt it somehow
                    Maureen, I'm really sorry you feel like nothing has improved since the beginning, and that you don't want to rejoin because you have problems viewing the shows. TQS has so much more to offer than just the shows if you have difficulty with them. I think it is definitely your loss. The more you participate, the more you will get out of it, and your profile speaks volumes.
                    Maureen, I'm sorry I came down on your comment. Of course you are able to voice your own opinion on this web site.

                    It is just that a lot of TQS members are dealing with some really difficult issues and I for one think of TQS as a safe place to play where people are nice and I can escape for a while each day.

                    I try to remember the quote:
                    "Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

                    SEW LONG.................

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Originally posted by Margo
                      Originally posted by Margo
                      Originally posted by maureent
                      it is really time that everyone realised that there is no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved

                      I started off as an enthusiastic member but because of problems with viewing the shows gave up on that very quickly so saw no point in rejoining

                      Maybe its my loss but I doubt it somehow
                      Maureen, I'm really sorry you feel like nothing has improved since the beginning, and that you don't want to rejoin because you have problems viewing the shows. TQS has so much more to offer than just the shows if you have difficulty with them. I think it is definitely your loss. The more you participate, the more you will get out of it, and your profile speaks volumes.
                      Maureen, I'm sorry I came down on your comment. Of course you are able to voice your own opinion on this web site.

                      It is just that a lot of TQS members are dealing with some really difficult issues and I for one think of TQS as a safe place to play where people are nice and I can escape for a while each day.

                      I try to remember the quote:
                      "Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

                      SEW LONG.................
                      i should let this go but I will not

                      I didn't ever say nothing had improved
                      I said I had problems viewing the shows so gave up on THAT
                      Because I can't view the shows I won't BUY them therefore am not a full member

                      WHAT I DID say was that everytime someone offers any opinion other than everything is wonderful they get shouted down
                      I stick by that comment

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Good morning, I ask that you please refrain from using the words "that everyone" you do not know me and have no right to include me in your opions in anyway at all. I myself have had negative thoughts on subjects. I find your comments as not being constructive at all; they are negative at the very least. I often read with interest the many constructive comments on how to improve the TQS.

                        Also regarding your comment “no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved” can I point out this site allows a person the option to post a comment, if I wish to make any comments in a gushing fashion because that is the way I feel, then that is my right and I make no apologies for my words spoken from the heart AT ALL.

                        Also because internet is very expensive in Australia I only have a very low gb allowance and cant watch the shows, I buy the DVD’s and watch as many times as I like, and that is why I find the shows are only one part of the TQS and there is so much more to offer.

                        Just as a matter of interest if you read the forums you would find many different views for and against on just about everything. But it’s the extraordinary enthused help, tips, explanations, advice, links, kindness and understanding that is freely given, that I find absolutely wonderful. None of my friends sew so I am on my own and I don’t live in a major town and have to drive half and hour to a patchwork shop to ask for help and sometimes I can’t do that. I can go to this site and find the answers for just about everything I need. Also the friends I have met along the way and reading the friendly and funny interaction are deeply appreciated by me and I thank them for that.

                        I am only sorry that you have not taken the non attacking comments posted on the forums in a happy and friendly way (gushing and all) of interacting and hope you may wait a few days and read with an open mind further comments on your post and then see if you would give the TQS another chance.

                        As a kind and friendly person myself and someone who would be only to willing to help with my own beginner thoughts and or help to you on the forum, I found your comments “then I thought maybe it would be my loss but I doubt it somehow” as offensive.

                        Yours in everything is wonderful and many things have been improved.
                        A gushing Jill - Australia

                        Originally posted by maureent
                        it is really time that everyone realised that there is no other point of view allowed on the forum other than everything is wonderful and nothing can be improved

                        I started off as an enthusiastic member but because of problems with viewing the shows gave up on that very quickly so saw no point in rejoining

                        Maybe its my loss but I doubt it somehow

                        Taree NSW - Australia
                        My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                          I LOVE TQS, and it's so much more than I had envisioned when I joined. I hate it when the negative stuff sort of grows with a life of its own. So, everyone, just PLAY NICE! And I wish the complainers would just leave, without swinging their scythe, and without assuming THEY know more about how to "FIX" the site than the amazing, creative, and dedicated team that runs the show. That's it. :wink:


                            I agree with eileenkny. And I do think Maureen has a point (which could have been made more diplomatically if it had to be made at all). I thought this was an interesting thread and full of good constructive feedback until those giving feedback were called "whiners"! That kind of took me aback because I hadn't seen this thread as overly negative (but of course, that's MY interpretation. Others may feel differently and that's ok). That being said, I've enjoyed my time with this community very much. This is an informative, helpful, friendly place. I know I can post a newbie question here and get all kinds of help from people who are probably way past me in experience and knowledge. And like someone said, any healthy community is going to tussle here and there but come out ok. I've checked in on this forum often over the past year or so, and it was at least partly due to the quilters who gather here that I took the next step, wanting to see the shows with everyone else!


                              The features and functions of TQS are light years beyond what they were initially. We will continue to upgrade the site, make shows more accessible to members with slower internet speeds, and provide quality entertainment and education to quilters worldwide who feel TQS is a good fit for them.

                              Although we cannot please everyone, our statistics indicate that our efforts are supported by the overwhelming majority of our members. TQS is not for everyone. We encourage those who don't find TQS to their liking to dig deeper in to the site and thoughtfully make their opinions of TQS.

                              If after careful review, a person finds that the site is not helpful or beneficial, then we encourage them to seek out a website and community that is better suited to their needs and personalities.


                                Originally posted by Patchworkjill
                                Thanks Ricky for following up on Alex comments, and its been very interesting to read about, and learning how the shows are all put together and I now think we all should have a better understanding and appreciation for the overall fantastic TQS and its wonderful team.

                                Jill - Australia
                                Maybe, TQS can have a bonus show on one of their DVDs /seasons where they walk members thought he trials and tribulations on how the show is put together.... I say bonus cause heaven forbid they should cut into the quilting aspect. A lot of DVDs have special features / GOOF UP segments included on their discs. It might be informative for TQS members have a better understanding of all the behind the sceans activities.



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