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Time crunch on shows

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    Time crunch on shows

    People have mentioned that in Episode 603 Alex rushed Gayle through her segment. I've noticed this on other episodes, and it's particularly annoying to me when I may be enjoying a guest and the host keeps interrupting them and rushing them through the segment.

    What may be a stupid question is this. Why is each show limited to exactly one hour? They aren't on broadcast TV with airtime limits. Is there some time limit for each show on the internet servers? Is it a bandwidth issue? What's the deal?

    Ken in Spfld, MO

    I kind wish they would stick to the quilting stuff and nix all the music, travel pics, horsing around they do.... I do not like looking at travel photos of family and friends unless it is exceptional .... I do not like the travel segments on the cooking shows... or even the travel shows ... ie EQISTRIAN- TRECING ON CREATE or RICK STEVES.... they are just boring.... I want quilting, thread talk, fabric talk, long arm and machine quilting .... I want the lectures/ teachers etc I would otherwise not be exposed too cause I do not get to go to Huston or Paducka... KEEP ON TOPIC PLEASE.


      Well, I actually like a bit of variety. My working life is focused on a lot of very serious stuff, and so I love to be entertained a little whenever possible, and I'm delighted that the folks at TQS are willing and able to make me forget for a while what I had to deal with at work, and so contribute to the 'Let's Keep Lorchen Sane' Campaign.

      For me the shows are like a colourful magazine that I don't have to read, but can just sit back, with my feet up, and a drink, and enjoy.

      If I find something a little tedious (doesn't happen often) there is always the fast forward button.

      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        I agree with Lorchen. There is always a lot of sewing content (some episodes more than others) and I really like getting other background information about guests as well as Ricky and Alex. It's a nice mix and very well rounded. Karen
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          This thread wasn't intended to start an argument about content.
          I started it to find out why there is a strict time limit of one hour on the internet, when the guests are so often rushed through their demos.


            Are the shows always 1 hour? I've never paid any attention but my sense was always that the length of time varied. I think they tape more than one show in a day which would influence time management. Just thoughts. As for me I'd love 3 hour classes.


              I agree with Lorchen and others -- I think the shows are ways to expose us to lots of different types of quilting, rather than to teach us in depth, and I find them valuable because I would never have tried to learn about some things that have been shown because I wouldn't have known they existed! If there is something in particular that I'm interested in, I can follow up by getting a book (perhaps by the person interviewed) or taking an in-person class. Watching these shows is my "dessert" time and a treat!
              I suspect that they do have to keep some sort of a schedule for the shows. Besides Ricky and Alex, there are a whole host of people involved in producing these and those people all have to be paid for their time. Plus, some of the special equipment probably has to be rented, which means $$ and specific return times. Robin


                I love the shows just as they are. I'm sure there's a good reason for a time limit on segments. I think alot of us love TQS so much that we would watch a 3 hr. show! It's probably good for us that they're only 1 hr.--we'd never get to quilt! :lol:


                  I think what Ken is asking, which more or less my query on the 603 post, why cram in 4 or 5 pieces that are rushed and infuriatingly cut short when 2 or 3 longer segments would give a more rounded presence.

                  It would probably film quicker too.

                  It's not the what, it's the how long for.


                    Having been a guest on another show (with time limits) the host isn't so much rushing the guest along as they're trying to get the content in within a particular time frame. While TQS isn't so much limited by time because of where they're airing the shows (on the internet) they are limited by time as they have to tape each segment. All of the shows are taped within a certain time period when all of the folks involved are available. The host is trying to get all of the pertinent details in so that the whole technique is presented. As a guest I went over time...whoops! They were able to leave all of the content in however it was tight.

                    Even with this being an internet show I wouldn't be surprised if they want to keep the show within a time frame where the viewers will watch the entire show in one sitting.

                    It might be worth a direct email to the TQS folks.


                    Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                      Having been in the audience for several shows, I will tell you all that the tapings per show are 3 - 4 hours. BTW I am in the audience for the upcoming Linda Taylor show. The tapings are a lot of fun but very tiring. I can only imagine how Ricky, Alex and the crew feel after doing a week of shows. Exhausted. I am also sure that money comes into the formula, I do agree they do rush sometimes. I noticed when David Taylor was on they gave him the entire show, and it was wonderful.

                      Sharon in CO


                        Originally posted by LadyRags
                        I kind wish they would stick to the quilting stuff and nix all the music, travel pics, horsing around they do.... I do not like looking at travel photos of family and friends unless it is exceptional .... I do not like the travel segments on the cooking shows... or even the travel shows ... ie EQISTRIAN- TRECING ON CREATE or RICK STEVES.... they are just boring.... I want quilting, thread talk, fabric talk, long arm and machine quilting .... I want the lectures/ teachers etc I would otherwise not be exposed too cause I do not get to go to Huston or Paducka... KEEP ON TOPIC PLEASE.
                        I would suggest to you that you contact ARJJ directly with your requests. The content has to be varied to keep the interest of a wide spectrum of people. If the programs get too narrow, they'd lose a lot of members.

                        As to the length of the programs, I'm sure studies have been done about the attention span of people. Maybe trying to fit in fewer guests would be a better idea. I loved David Taylor's show as well.


                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          What I love about the shows, no matter what the content, is I can fast forward if there is something I'm not interested in, pause if I need to leave my computer for a short time, stop watching, and come back to it later if I run out of time. You can't do that with TV unless you record the show.

                          I think a mix of shows with lots of content, and some with less content, longer times would be great. And if there is enough interest in a guest that was on a short time limit, then reschedule them for another show, and give them more time. Granted another show with the guest would probably not be able to be scheudled until the next series or later, but that would give them time to arrange schedules and content.

                          I would also like to see more classroom type shows. Since not every one can attend classes, if there were a way to tape a class and offer it in 3 to 5 video segments, I think that would be great. Then have a place where people could ask questions if they needed help with something. Granted, it wouldn't be as good as actually being there, but it would be better than not being able to take the class at all. I'm sure that would be a whole lot of work, and may not be possible, but hey, it's on my wish list.

                          Diane in Colorado Springs


                            I, and THOUSANDS of OTHERS, respectfully request that you all STOP the whining!! This is an amazing venture. Anyone else remember the "dark days" of the 70's???? Appreciate what we have here, and ask yourself "what is my agenda in complaining?????" I can't think of any other two people on the planet that could do a better job to produce as great a site as TQS..... To make amends, I challenge all the complainers to personally get their friends to join! :x


                              It's hardly whining. It's constructive in-put. How can they know what is liked or not liked if we all sit here quietly nodding our heads?

                              Having a guest on the show have something snatched out of her hand, said item thrust briefly under a camera and told there's not time is not good viewing.

                              The ARJJ team are gracious enough to often ask our opinion so they know what it is. They're not mind readers, they want the show to be 110% just like we do.


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