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    I cannot explain how much I love TQS....I feel as if I have adopted, and been adopted by, a whole new family.....It is wonderful to be able to share our passion, and have support when one has questions.........Thanks Margo for explaining how to find where I've put stuff, postings, It's so easy when you know how....I'm definitely computer challanged and need all the help I can get.....To answer the question about my "name".....Years ago when I was trying to join the Berninna forum I kept trying "cute" names and each one was already taken. So in anger and frustration I just typed in Sewugley and guess what? It was accepted, mispelled and all.........Again, it's great to be here and I hope to get to know you all.......And again, I can now find where I put blogs......hopefully........Happy Stitching, Sewguley

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Sew happy to see you finding your way around. I love this place too.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Hey Dogquilter, you asked about my background fabric. It's Ricky's Rapsody.....would never have tried it if they hadn't shown a picture in the first lesson.......I haven't yet developed the courgae to venture too far from the colors used in the pattern......I'm working on it and the BOM is a great chance........

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Kris, great blocks! I love the look of the background fabric, too. Judy in Torrance


            Originally posted by sewugley
            Hey Dogquilter, you asked about my background fabric. It's Ricky's Rapsody.....would never have tried it if they hadn't shown a picture in the first lesson.......I haven't yet developed the courgae to venture too far from the colors used in the pattern......I'm working on it and the BOM is a great chance........
            I am using Ricky's Rhapsody fabrics too. I am using the light and dark every other block. I have expermented with colors and been disappointed in a few of my choices, but I am finding a way to make them work.


              Dogquilter, where I teach we have a slogan. There are no mistakes, just opportunities for creativity. Make it work........I should get my May block finished tonight....Have them all turned under, just have to stitch them down.


                Originally posted by dogquilter
                Originally posted by sewugley
                Hey Dogquilter, you asked about my background fabric. It's Ricky's Rapsody.....would never have tried it if they hadn't shown a picture in the first lesson.......I haven't yet developed the courgae to venture too far from the colors used in the pattern......I'm working on it and the BOM is a great chance........
                I am using Ricky's Rhapsody fabrics too. I am using the light and dark every other block. I have expermented with colors and been disappointed in a few of my choices, but I am finding a way to make them work.
                Hello Sew and Dog :wink:
                When you are making a rhapsody remember its not the background fabric that makes the quilt but the APPLIQUE!!!!!!! It will change a rather boring or way of top into an exciting quilt!!!! :lol:


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