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Quilting with disabilities

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    Okay everyone sorry about all the editted post,I can't go back to correct all because I don't remember what I said on the dated occation.You lovely ladies know how I felt and I still feel. I'm truely sorry for all those that have health ailments in thier daily lives. Just remember I feel ya.
    Love,Hugzzz to all

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      I've been taking Mucinex 600 mg twice a day for two months now, after reading about it after someone's post here. I still have some soreness, but the real difference I've noticed in my Fibro symptoms is that my mental fogginess has almost disappeared! I was beginning to think I had Oldtimer's disease. I'm trying cutting back to 400 mg in the evening and 600 mg in the morning--if that still works, I'll go to 400 mg twice a day. I'm so glad someone mentioned that here. Thanks to whoever it was.

      Pat in Rockport, TX

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Hi Charlotte,
        I have carpal tunnel in my right hand at this point in time. I went to my orthopedist and we decided to hold off on surgery and have him give me a cortisone shot in the wrist instead. That was in December, and I'm still doing good.
        If I can get one or two shots a year and put off surgery for two or three years, it's worth it to me.
        eileenkny 8)

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ



          I think with fybromyalgia we all get that fog some-times. I don't think you should worry about that olds timmers thing just yet. "I think thats just a nic name for it". yeah you are quite to young for even the early stages of this, "I believe". I Tell ya what with all the editting today,I was beginning to get brain freeze or brain fartzzz! I think we're still safe on this one. Does this health problem run in your family history. I think both may be heridatary.
          My short term memory is bad,gets foggy some-times. where did I put that, What was I gonna do,kinda thing.

          Sorry to hear about the carpple tunnel. I'm happy to hear the shot is still working for you. I had it but the surgery didn't help mine for very long.Dr. say some-times it comes back and you have to be treated again for this. I never went back,I've just chopped it down that the arthritus has taken over the carple tunnel.
          Now about that spinal trouble it could be triggering the carpel tunnel syndrome. Have you asked Dr. about that,if it could relatein any way. I've thought about c.shots but I hate needles! I'm guessing some day I won't have a choice.


          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            For the carpel tunnel, I wear the stretchy gloves you can get at most drugstores and supermarkets. $5.00. They fit tightly and seem to work very well on decreasing the pain when typing and sewing.


              I was taking Mucinex for a really bad sinus infection and took it for several months. Decided to stop it when I ran out. Boy oh boy. I had whole body pain. I've never been diagnosed with fibro but all that pain went away once I restarted the Mucinex again. It makes me think that what I have called arthritis over the years may indeed be fibro. Anyway, I won't be stopping the Mucinex again. Gloria
              PS Kathy, glad to see you back and not GONE anymore


                Hey ladies I had carpal tunnel in both hands do not let it go to long I had surgery in Oct on the right and Dec on the left and I just had to have 4 different surgerys on the right foot I put it off and them it came back to bite me all at one time Happy


                  Did you change anything else when you started taking the Mucinex? Are you doing the protocol from one of the fibro sites online? I'm very interested in this-the doctor just upped my Lyrica to 150mg at night. I do wake up feeling better but if I can find something that's not a prescription, that would be great.

                  Welcome home, girlfriend!!!

                  eileenkny 8)

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Ladies I am a little late on your talk about Fibro but I have been doing a lot of research about it. Have any of you had your B12 levels checked. I know for me that makes a huge difference in how I feel. I have to take shots twice a month. Also believe it or not a tanning bed. I know it sounds weird but it seems to work. I don't know why. In the summer true sunlight is best but for those winter months layiing in a tanning bed for as little as 5 minutes is beneficial. Also true oldtimers disease (Alzhiemers) starts in late 30's early 40's and can only be diagnosed with a autopsy. Otherwise it is called Organic Brain Syndrome. They are making great strides in it every day thanks to stemcell and other research. Another thing to look into is your auto immune system ask your Dr. to check that to see if something is attacking your thyroid. For years I suffered Various symptoms then finally one Dr. checked that and what do you know I had a huge problem with my thyroid. Just keep looking for answers do not accept "it is all in your head" Hope this was helpful Rachel

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Please Please be very careful with tanning beds. I had a cousin over use her tanning bed and, her organs turned into stone,I don't recall name of her disease that the Dr. called it. But her organs slowly turned into stone. It's very sad but she did bake her organs. She said; That she Loved having a good tan and said she got in her tanning bed every day. It took along while to diagnose her case. Because it started out attacking her complete umune system first. Slowly the disease progressed.

                      I hear b12 is great for helping fybromyalgia patients. The
                      most problem I have is the Arthritis in my hands/joints.
                      The sun is great this I know.

                      Thanks everyone

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Don't worry-I'd never use a tanning bed. I've already had one skin cancer removed from my face, and I don't plan to ever have to do that again.
                        I'm going to see an endocrinologist next week to have my thyroid checked. My Mom has hypothyroidism and I know it can be hereditary. I've always tested low in the normal range. I want more tests done.
                        eileenkny 8)

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          Hi all, thought I'd jump in here on the fibro thing. I've read the web site that tells all about the Guaifenesin protocol. 'she-quilts' is on this plan and is doing very well. My problem is that guaifenesin makes me nauseous and I can't afford to buy special toothpaste, make up, and all the other things that don't have mint or menthol. I'd like to be able to try it for a few months, just to see if it works.

                          Eileen, I didn't know you're taking Lyrica, too. I take 150 at night and one 75 morning and afternoon. Have you noticed a weight gain since you've been on it? For my first 3 months, I could hardly complete a sentence. I couldn't think of words when carrying on a conversation. It was horrible. That has gotten better recently.

                          I called about a research study last week. The drug is called milnacipran. The website is:

                          I'm going to check with my doctor and maybe I'll try it. I'll have to stop my other meds for 4 months. If I get the placebo, I don't think I can make it for 4 months without any kind of relief. What I've read sounds promising, though.

                          Also, wheat and sugar make my pain so much worse. I still have to have chocolate, knowing that I'm going to hurt. I'm eating dark chocolate, with less sugar. I eat spelt bread and can tolerate it well.

                          To all who have fibro, I can certainly sympathize.

                          Have a great weekend, Sharon in TN (quiltnlady)

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            Sorry, I forgot something in my other post about the carpel tunnel problem. Sometimes carpel tunnel is the diagnosis, but the problem is coming from a bulging/ruptured disc in the neck. A friend recently had a fusion operation in her neck. She kept having problems in her hand and was repeatedly treated for carpel tunnel. Finally, she saw a neurosurgeon, who found disc problems. If your wrist/hand problems don't seem to go away after surgery, you might want to check for disc problems.

                            Take care, Sharon in TN (quiltnlady)

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              I had the disc surgery, and still had the carpal tunnel. That's why the ortho did the shot. They wanted to take the CT out of the equation. Came to find out, the scar tissue from my 2nd surgery is what's pressing on the nerve.
                              I've decided against the stimulator for now. Doctor says that it is really a last resort.
                              eileenkny 8)

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Eileen, sorry to hear you're still having problems. I hope you can find a doctor that will be able to help you. I spent hours on the computer trying to find a doctor, and ended up in Atlanta. The doctors in my hometown just (figuratively) patted me on the shoulder and told me when my pain got bad to come back and see them!! Hello....that's the reason I was there in the first place!!

                                In my research, I've read several forums and people say the pain is worse after surgery. That's one reason I don't want open-back surgery.

                                Don't rule out a miracle. I went from being practically a vegetable one day, to having no pain 24 hours later!! But that's another novel that I won't write tonight!

                                If I can help you in any way, just let me know.

                                Take care, Sharon in TN (quiltnlady)

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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