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Quilting with disabilities

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    A few moths ago...I found myself almost inside the sewing neck was in pain and my back i wont mention.......All I needed was new glasses :lol: So check it out girls, maybe you just need new glasses too

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      Sharon, I know it might not work for applique, but one thing I have just recently found for hand quilting is using the kitchen table. My neck has given me problems for years because of a car accident in high school. What I do is I sit at the end of the table with the table on my left side. I rest my left elbow on the table and balance the frame/hoop on my left hand, then angle it up till the work is almost perpendicular to the floor (work surface facing toward my chest/face.) This way I can work on my quilting or embroidery, even pulling it up to my eyes if need be, without bending my neck too much. It has done wonders for me since I am no longer stooped over my floor frame or slouching in my armchair.

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Check out this little table:

        I've seen it in action and it really helps.


        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Hi mandy, I have a hoop that my husband put on a base with about 8" 'legs', so I can sit in my recliner with my knees bent and the quilting area is almost at chest level. So I don't have a problem with that part of it. What would help right now is to get in bed!!! It's almost 2:30 am, EST and here I am.

          Well, girls, gotta go get some sleep, so I can be on here tomorrow!!

          Have a great day/evening/night, Sharon in TN

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            Well lady I got home from one my kids swim meets last night got in to bed and the pain started 2 hours later had to wake my husband to go to the hosptial was their all night with alot of pain meds I had my 2nd round with kindey stones let me tell you this is not something any of you need I have been in bed all day I hope that I will feel more like my self tomorrow but for now I am going back to bed not so Happy

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Hope you feel better in the morning. Sleep well.

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Yesterday I went to my pain mgmt doctor and she told me that she thinks I've reached an endpoint with my injury and will now be considered chronic. She said that she's putting in her report that I am permanently partially disabled. Now I have to wait and see what the WC board is going to do. It's kind of depressing.
                One friend told me that the board will probably try to settle-either by paying me for life or a lump sum.
                Has anyone here had to go through anything like this? It's all new territory for my husband and me.
                Should I worry about this?

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Happy I hope you're feeling better... no fun at MWH on a weekend! But DH was in last year w/ kidney stones & they did take good care of him, hope your "visit" went ok, Florence

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    eileen please please please get professional advice before you settle anything with workmen's compensation. Once you have settled there is no going back and getting it changed so you need to evaluate your situation and determine the best course but coming from a lifetime of working with people with disabilities I have never heard anyone claim that they settled too late . You cannot predict the future (unless you are whole lot smarter than most of the professionals)
                    I know I flunked fortune telling in college and gave up on it early on lol this may sound like a negative cynical attitude but I know from experience that is better to stand your ground in the beginning than try to come back later and have your settlement changed.


                      Thanks, Ann.
                      I had to hire an att'y last fall because I had to go to a hearing. The DIL of a friend works as a paralegal for a WC lawyer, so he went with me and has been receiving all the reports from the doctors since. I emailed him and told him what the doc said. I'll wait until they come to me.

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        WELL ladys I feel better this morning I did not go to MWH I went to Civista in Md. it is closer to my home

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          ops: Oh, right, I forget about that bridge! ops: Glad you're feeling better

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ



                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Hello everyone!! Just thought I'd come in and give you an update. I had my surgery on 1/23. I was up walking that night. I came home the next day. The dr. did 3 disks, one more than what was planned. He also cleaned up some arthritic issues (not sure what that means but I'll talk to him more about it at my check up on Tuesday). But, it needed it, he was in there and so... maybe he saved me a future surgery down the road.

                              The first weekend was a bit rough, mainly because it was so hard to get in/out of bed and get my self up from the sofa. I just felt like I got hit by a truck. Things have improved since then. I am getting around ok. I can't sit for any longer than 30 minutes at a time, and only 3 times a day so, it's been a challenge finding things to do standing up. Laying down gets so boring, and I feel even more sore after a while. My hips and knees start to hurt!! Can't win huh?

                              But, the good news is... that horrible pain I've had in my butt and going down my leg for going on 5 years now is GONE!!! AMEN!! I still have a bit of tingling and some calf pain but the doctor said the nerve was pretty compressed and it make a while for things to get back to normal. Truthfully, if I never get any better than I am right now... I've still improved 100%!!!

                              So, for me the surgery was the right thing to do, and at the right time. Too much more compression on the nerve may have resulted in permanent nerve damage. Thank you all for your prayers.

                              Hopefully I will be back to quilting real soon. I don't go back to work until March 3rd. It would be great if I could spend some of that time doing something fun, like finishing a project I started well before Christmas!!

                              Chat later all!!

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Jessimina, glad to hear your surgery went well and despite the pain caused by the surgery, you are feeling free from the pain in your leg. God bless your recovery.


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