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Questions for Ricky

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    Karen, I feel your pain about throwing out your little bits of fabric. I have an idea - but keep in mind that I've never actually DONE this, so anyone else out there let me know if this won't work. I would cut them into even smaller pieces, sort them by color, draw a simple landscape (or whatever floats your boat) on muslin and then fill in areas with colored bits of fused fabric. Since Steam-A-Steam is sticky, you should be able to move bits around until you get them where you want them (but try not to think about it too hard). In the end, you'd have a Monet-esque artsy quilt. Then the quilting could just be free-motion all over the place - since it'd be a wall hanging, you wouldn't have to stitch down every single raw edge. How does that sound? I've actually thought of doing this with those little bitty corners that you cut off of stitched triangle squares (instead of fusing, I would overlay with some tulle and stitch down) - those little bits just look so pretty in my trash bowl... but I haven't brought myself to being THAT crazy yet... I think... :lol:
    Tina, in a cold, rainy Arlington, Wa


      This question doesn't deal directly with Rhapsody quilts, though it could, if you put trapunto in them. What do you when you cut a hole in your quilt top while trimming out the excess batting from the back when doing trapunto? I'm assuming you've had it happen at least once. It's not in a place where I can applique something over it and pretend that's what I planned all along (been there, done that, too).


        Originally posted by elsielf
        This question doesn't deal directly with Rhapsody quilts, though it could, if you put trapunto in them. What do you when you cut a hole in your quilt top while trimming out the excess batting from the back when doing trapunto? I'm assuming you've had it happen at least once. It's not in a place where I can applique something over it and pretend that's what I planned all along (been there, done that, too).
        Had that heppen to me too :shock: :lol: ops: and I took a little piece of fabric, ironed on some Steam-A-Seam, and put it on the wrong side of the fabric under the hole...with the SAS up against the hole...put the cut edges nice together and ironed....and the I planed for this gorgeous free motion quilting to go right on top of the hole :lol: :P ...and one can tell there is a hole in the quilt :wink:


          I solved that problem the same way Brink did.


            when I'm reorganizing, I throw them away
            Sounds a bit like leftovers in my refridgerator! :wink: Good intentions....



              That's exactly what I did, not just one, but 3 holes by the time I got done. Hopefully the quilting will cover it.


                Ricky; Is there a new book of yours out there? I was breezing through my little quilt books and I thought I saw a New one by Mr. Tims. :roll: I have been looking for your stable stuff, it would be perfect for labels. Thank you :wink: debbie
                Living Threads


                  Originally posted by BrinkOfNorway
                  Originally posted by elsielf
                  This question doesn't deal directly with Rhapsody quilts, though it could, if you put trapunto in them. What do you when you cut a hole in your quilt top while trimming out the excess batting from the back when doing trapunto? I'm assuming you've had it happen at least once. It's not in a place where I can applique something over it and pretend that's what I planned all along (been there, done that, too).
                  Had that heppen to me too :shock: :lol: ops: and I took a little piece of fabric, ironed on some Steam-A-Seam, and put it on the wrong side of the fabric under the hole...with the SAS up against the hole...put the cut edges nice together and ironed....and the I planed for this gorgeous free motion quilting to go right on top of the hole :lol: :P ...and one can tell there is a hole in the quilt :wink:
                  Elsie - Grete answered it perfectly. I use the same fabric with some steam a seam and patch it on the backside. The cut it usually right next to the background area next to the trapunto - to the trapunto area does not need to be repaired. The steam a seam and quilting will secure that so it will not be a problem in the quilt. Once my quilt is completed, I cannot even find where it happened. It usually happens once per quilt.


                    Originally posted by longarm1
                    Ricky; Is there a new book of yours out there? I was breezing through my little quilt books and I thought I saw a New one by Mr. Tims. :roll: I have been looking for your stable stuff, it would be perfect for labels. Thank you :wink: debbie
                    Yes, there is a new 'book', but it is a compendium to the 'mother book' Rhapsody quilts. It is a design suppliment, with a full size freezer paper pattern for Viva Violetta. There will be six of these coming out.

                    Stable Stuff will be available again soon at my website and probably later on the TQS Shoppe. - Thanks for your patience, but it is a manufacturing issue.


                      Thank you Ricky, I will look for the stable stuff when it comes in.
                      Now I will go look through my quilt books and see what kind of trouble I can get into. :wink: My lqs has your patterns. Which are VERY interesting. : :P Friday, is girls day, So I will be in more lqs's time to have fun. Thank you very much.
                      Living Threads


                        'Nother question for Ricky. When are you going to again have the Convergence pattern for sale? I know a shop that wants to carry it.
                        Living Threads


                          Ricky, I am gathering for my Rhapsody quilt but wanted to ask if there will be an opportunity when I am in LaVeta on the 1st April if I can purchase your material and book(s)? And could I get you to autograph your book(s)?
                          Thank you,
                          peg in mo
                          Living Threads


                            I am SO glad Stable Stuff will once again be available. I have never used anything else since I'm pretty new at doing this kind (machine applique) of work. I bought some at the SSeminar a year ago and had it on hand 'just in case' all this time. Then I began using it, loved it, and found out I couldn't get any more. :cry:

                            But now we will be able to!


                              Ricky, good morning, hope the snow melts for you soon. Are you enjoying your hot tub any? Okay, get to the question. Will you be digitizing the It's a new day emblem anytime soonn? :roll: Love the rhapsody embroidery debbie
                              Living Threads


                                I'm using Stable Stuff for my BOM and it is truly great. I bought a pack at Super Seminar and am using it up quickly. Glad it will be available again.

                                Nancy in NC
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