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Questions for Ricky

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    I just checked, and couldn't find it, either.
    Also, Ricky, are you going to get some more Stable Stuff in the Shoppe? I think it's a great stabilizer for a lot of projects.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Originally posted by RickyTims
      If you want to ask something about Rhapsody - do it here.

      When cutting out the applique pieces do you cut on the bias or straight grain of the fabric? I imagine it would make a big difference especially with smaller pieces. Niki Healy.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Hi Ricky, I'm having a difficult time drawing a decent looking skeleton. Mine all seem to be the same - Dull and Boring!! I think I could do a better job by sketching the drawing on the full sheet, and then folding the paper to refine it. Do you ever add or subtract lines after the skeleton is drawn and unfolded?

        My latest (and best) skeleton is now on my profile. (If this is my best, you can imagine what the others look like!!) I welcome any comments from you or anyone else on how to improve my drawings.

        Thanks a bunch, Sharon in TN (quiltnlady)

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Originally posted by Margo
          I just checked, and couldn't find it, either.
          Also, Ricky, are you going to get some more Stable Stuff in the Shoppe? I think it's a great stabilizer for a lot of projects.
          Sorry gang, we updated the Ricky Tims online shop today, but there seems to be a glitch - don't you just love it! I'll post again when it is fixed.

          Regarding Stable Stuff. There was a switch in the manufacturing proces and I put a hold on the product until it is corrected. Once it is available again, I'll let you all know. Until then... sorry.


            Originally posted by quiltnlady
            Hi Ricky, I'm having a difficult time drawing a decent looking skeleton. Mine all seem to be the same - Dull and Boring!! I think I could do a better job by sketching the drawing on the full sheet, and then folding the paper to refine it. Do you ever add or subtract lines after the skeleton is drawn and unfolded?

            My latest (and best) skeleton is now on my profile. (If this is my best, you can imagine what the others look like!!) I welcome any comments from you or anyone else on how to improve my drawings.

            Thanks a bunch, Sharon in TN (quiltnlady)
            Sharon, the skeleton in your profile is just fine. I would prefer not having the lines flow out of the four corners. If you just removed those lines, and perhaps tweeked in a border - it would be just great - IMHO. I continue to preach that your skeleton can be 'boring' but the quilt can be spectacular.

            Yes, I do erase, and reivse when I like MOST of the design, and realize a coulpe of simple changes would be in order.


              Sharon I think your skeleton is pretty and has promise.

              P.S. got a big laugh at the American Gothic picture!


                Steam a Seam 2 update: It is at the Ricky Tims Online Store under quilting supplies. Check your LQS too.


                  Ricky, thanks so much for your advice. I don't have your book yet, so I'm sure when I get that, many of my questions will be answered.

                  pattisure, thanks for your comment about the American Gothic. It just 'hit' me one day when I was watching the pictrues scroll on the home page. I'm just a 'wee bit' weird!!


                    Sharon, while I haven't made a Rhapsody quilt I must agree your skeleton is fine. Ricky's right about the lines heading toward the corner, there ends up being too much of a break in the flow of the border of the quilt.
                    Have fun with this and remember this is a practice piece. I can't begin to imagine how many practice pieces Ricky must have made before being happy with's always a process and each quilt has something for us to learn.
                    One last thought, we are our own worst critic thinking everything has to be just so. I'd tell you to relax & enjoy the process however I'm not sure that would be particularly helpful.
                    Happy Quilting!

                    Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                      Thanks, Terri, I know I should relax and enjoy, but just like you said, I'm my worst critic. My husband tells me that all the time. Maybe I should just buy a ream of paper and several sharp pencils and lock myself in my sewing room!! It's fun to see how the design evolves when you get the entire design finished.

                      I'll probably dye my own fabrics, too. Is anyone else doing that? I have this 'thing' about doing everything myself (a little like a 2 year old - 'I do byself'!!) I'll need help with colors also. Actually, what I need is a kit!

                      I appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions.

                      Take care everyone, Sharon in TN (quiltnlady)

                      Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                        Is there a recommendation for a stabilizer to use until Totally Stable becomes available again?

                        Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                          oops, I meant Stable Stuff.

                          Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                            Hi, Ricky!
                            I am still getting used to this whole forum deal...posted my question in the wrong place. I wanted to know what you do with the left over fuzed fabric that you have (like the handle for the basket) and how do you store it? I live in a tropical climate & I am really stingy about my little bits and pieces and try not to fuze too much at one time. Thanks so much. Karen


                              Originally posted by janiceby
                              oops, I meant Stable Stuff.
                              I'm expecting the problem to be resolved within the month. Keep checking my site - or the TQS Shoppe.


                                Originally posted by klg727
                                Hi, Ricky!
                                I am still getting used to this whole forum deal...posted my question in the wrong place. I wanted to know what you do with the left over fuzed fabric that you have (like the handle for the basket) and how do you store it? I live in a tropical climate & I am really stingy about my little bits and pieces and try not to fuze too much at one time. Thanks so much. Karen
                                VERY good questions. For which I don't have a very good anwer. When I do try to keep my steam a seam treated fabrics, I just place them in a flat container - one or two folds at the most. Then, about three or four years later when I'm reorganizing, I throw them away. Oh well, at least I tried, and had hopes of using those bits.

                                Anyone else feel free to chime in.


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