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All Things Rhapsody

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    Hi me again! Thanks for the good ideas and compliments. I hoop to see something from you girls to. Don't be bashful, show your progres.
    Here in Belgium is the tempeture to lowe for the time of the year.64,4 F but today we wil have 77F( hoopfuly,when it wil stop with raining). It is raining every daynow for over a month. Good quilting wether.
    Can you pusch some heet over to here I Send some rain over to you!!!
    What is a hoot????? My dictonairy does not have that woord in it.

    Lots of love from Belgium Duffy

    and we we are loooking for the bear ( Ricky):lol: .......and we are looking ( waiting)for the bear Ricky........... :lol: :lol: :lol:


      Duffy--your quilt is gorgeous. I'm with the others--I think the dark red for a border.
      One of these days I'll get some photos up. I've tweaked the design so much that the drawing doesn't look what I originally started with. I've spent the past two days designing the applique, and as I did that, some of the piecing just didn't look right, so off to the drawing board yet again. I think I'm getting there, though.
      Now I get to play a waiting game while my fabric arrives. I've ordered pfd (prepared for dye) fabric. I'm hoping I can get the colors that I'm visualizing. Sometimes dyeing fabric brings some surprises.


        What is a hoot????? My dictonairy does not have that woord in it.

        Duffy, it means that you are JUST TOO FUNNY!!! We are all enjoying your posts and get a kick out of your take on English! Keep it up!
        Margo in SE Tennessee where we could really use some of Duffy's extra rain and cool temps!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I miss your wilderness adventures, Ricky!! I hope none of the wild things in Florida got you at the convention.
          We're all waiting for the next installment. :P

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            I have two sketches in my profile and I like them both. The one might need to be simplified a smidge for my first rhapsody and the other might need a bit more to it...but I'm afraid to commit to either one! :roll:

            Any thoughts for me?

            I hope to do a smaller sized one - thinking of just 36" for my first one, btw.



              My apologies to you, Duffy for confusing you with a slang word. We might have to find you a new dictionary. :wink: As Margo said, hoot means that you are funny. You make me smile, and that is good, right? :lol:
              How wonderful it is to have quilting friends all over the world!!! And, yes, please do push some of that rain over this way!!
              HUGS from Spokane, WA.


                Hi Shout4Joy!
                I like the simple one better, and would try to make the two rings look like they go "over and under" each other!
                SEW LONG!
                Margo in SE Tennessee

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Originally posted by elsielf
                  Duffy--your quilt is gorgeous. I'm with the others--I think the dark red for a border.
                  One of these days I'll get some photos up. I've tweaked the design so much that the drawing doesn't look what I originally started with. I've spent the past two days designing the applique, and as I did that, some of the piecing just didn't look right, so off to the drawing board yet again. I think I'm getting there, though.
                  Now I get to play a waiting game while my fabric arrives. I've ordered pfd (prepared for dye) fabric. I'm hoping I can get the colors that I'm visualizing. Sometimes dyeing fabric brings some surprises.
                  Something made me click on your profile. I love the quilts that you have pictured there! When I become a real quilter, I want to do quilts just like the ones that you have done!

                  Joyce in MI


                    Hey, we have rain! Thank you, Duffy :lol:
                    Jan in cooling off Spokane, WA.....AAAaaaaahhhhh


                      You just wont believe it! It does not rain any more. We had yesterday a warm day and could sit outside. Today it is gone 30°c that will be 86°F and tomorrow it get more warmer( hotter?) It will be a BBQday!!!!
                      You did push very hard girls. Thanks for the good weather.

                      What my English concern I do my best
                      I try with hand and foot but that is no sight and you can't see it anyway :lol:
                      So you have to do it with this, and if I make a mistake you can tell me so I can learn. :lol: I learned what a hoot is!!!!!
                      Here is something for you girls how is your Dutch? :lol: huuuummmm :lol: :lol:
                      I am joking, the important thing is that we understand each other.
                      And that we can get on with ore quilt.
                      I am glad that there are more how are making the Rhapsody quilt
                      and that we can compare and ask for advise. It is so much fun!!!
                      Were is that smooth talker? Does some one now where he hangs out?
                      The suspense is to much for me. I thing I gone have a nerves breakdown. ops:

                      En we zoeken naar de beer......en we zoeken nog altijd naar de beer (dutch)
                      And we are looking for the bear....... and we are still looking for the bear


                        I'd go with the simpler design. I like the way it intertwines. If you have some really good contrasting colors, it'll jump right off the design wall.

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          Duffy, I truly admire you for being on this forum and not knowing the language so well. I think you're doing a tremendous job at getting your point across to the rest of us. I can't imagine me trying to learn Dutch and writing to a forum in your country. So you keep on writing. If there's something we don't understand, we'll just ask, how's that?!

                          You're work is beautiful and I look forward to seeing much more.

                          Sharon in NE TN (who only speaks slow southern!!!)

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            :!: Duffy maybe you should post everything in Dutch with a translation underneath, then we could all learn. I actually knew what you were saying
                            and we are looking for the bear
                            without seeing the translation. yeah, six Dutch words learned.

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Hi Duffy,

                              I am impressed that you post in English. That is the best way for you to learn our difficult language. I want to learn Dutch as my relatives are from Holland. My maiden name is Van Valkenburg. I believe there is a town in Holland that has that name.

                              Anyway, I am anxious to see your Rhapsody quilt finished. I haven't even begun mine as I am trying to finish a Log Cabin quilt I started. When that is done, then I will start my Rhapsody quilt.

                              How do you say "Have a good day" in your language?

                              Leslie in Colorado

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Originally posted by RickyTims
                                Would you all like to see me work in Photoshop sometime? It is not a drawing program, but the overall aspects are similar. Curious Ricky in Colorado, USA
                                Yes, I would love to see you work with Photoshop!

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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