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All Things Rhapsody

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    Inspired is what you did for me. Your Quilt Is Ravishing. I can't blame you for just staring. It is extremely gorgeous. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
    Living Threads


      Hi, I need to find out what a Rhapsody quilt is
      Living Threads


        A rhapsody quilt is a quilt that is made using a technique a lot like making paper snowflakes - the design is made by using a square of paper folded into a wedge and drawing lines which are then transfered to the other sections of the wedge. Check out Ricky's Rhapsody blog (flag flying on the daily blog page) and there is a whole series of little videos where he is detailing what a Rhapsody quilt is and how to make one. Also check out his web page (link in the banner at the top of this page) to see pictures of his quilts. Bohemian Rhapsody is my favorite!!
        Living Threads


          Originally posted by CelticAnnie
          Hi, I need to find out what a Rhapsody quilt is
          A Rhapsody quilt is....a wonderful quilt :lol: You can learn how to make one by watching Ricky Tims blog (you´ll find it under Daily Blog) or you can visit Rickys homepage and watch his gallery. His book Rhapsody Quilts and DVD Grand Final takes you step-by-step on how to make your own Rhapsody (and you learn a lot of tips and trix useful for any quilt). The greate thing is...You cant buy a pattern with a fabric kit to go with it. If you decide to make one it will be totally your own design. I am making my first rhapsody right now...and I love it! and the best part...its greate fun!
          Living Threads


            I have posted my attempt to make a Rhapsody on my profile and on my latest blog.....a lot of work but real greate fun!!! :lol:
            Living Threads


              Hanne-Grete, your rhapsody quilt is gorgeous. I love looking at them and sort of know the process from Super Seminar, but will not attempt it. More power to you.

              Nancy in NC
              Living Threads


                I noted from some website or advertising circular I saw recently that Ricky has a second book coming out on Rhapsody quilts. Is that right???

                No wonder that boy has been so busy!!



                  Ricky's new book is Feathers and Urns - Rhapsody Quilts: Design Companion Volume 1 to Ricky Tims' Rhapsody Quilts. It's not listed in the TQS Shoppe yet, and Amazon doesn't have it yet either, but you can see the picture of the front of the book on Amazon! Looks GREAT!!!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Originally posted by ntrquilter
                    Hanne-Grete, your rhapsody quilt is gorgeous. I love looking at them and sort of know the process from Super Seminar, but will not attempt it. More power to you.

                    Nancy in NC
                    Ohh really need to make a rhapsody...its greate fun!!!! after appliqeueing for over 30 hours..and to see the pieces come its fun!!! and it looks even better in real life than on pictures!!! I am excited, but hubby is even more :lol:

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !



                      Love the picture of your Rhapsody in progress. Looks wonderful!

                      WandaM in Shiner TX
                      Happy Quilting,

                      Shiner TX


                        Thanks for the info, Margo. It looks like it'll be a big help to those of us(like me)who are creatively challenged. :roll:
                        I'm going to the Super Seminar on May 1st. I wonder if he'll do a debut?? Wouldn't that be cool?

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          I have finally posted a picture of my rhapsody-in-progress. I don't know if the final fabrics will be the same. I like to reserve the right to change things at any time. I have fallen in love with the blanket and double blanket stitches on my Bernina and plan to incorporate this fusing and stitching technique into other quilts I make.


                            Robin, that rhapsody quilt is looking very interesting. I like your colors and am looking forward to seeing more of it. I may be getting inspired to do one myself watching everyone else's emerge. They are such beautiful quilts.


                              Have you thought about gold at all in place of the orange? Or maybe it's my monitor. It looks rather pumpkin-y. I love your shapes-they are streamlined looking. Please keep posting more pics, I need all the inspiration I can get.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Ricky, I just finished making myself a design wall from the instructions in your book. Thanks for the idea, I love it. It takes up one wall in the hallway but is still out of the way and won't bother anyone else being there.
                                Now I have to get my rhapsody pieces cut out and I'll post a picture of it on my new wall.

                                Cher in BC

                                Vancouver, BC Canada


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