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    Nancy~ your new job sounds exciting! I admire you for blasting out of a comfort zone and making the change! Lorna, I join Kathy in thanking you for your service. I'll bet you are looking forward to filling those retirement hours!

    in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA

    Comment wishes with the new job! I'm sure there will be good days and bad days, but with time it will prove to be the right move! Money doesn't always equal happiness. And, you'll have your dog there for comfort! How cool is that! Love your snow! We got one major 2' to 3' snowfall, and that was about it! We will be in the mid 50s for the next week or two. No snow on the ground! others have said, Thank you for your service! I grew up an Army brat, so am familiar with the military life! Enjoy your retirement! Every day is precious!

      Rosemary.......oh my! I do hope your husband gets well quickly, and returns home soon!! Am I remembering correctly, that this happened before, a year or so ago? How's the mini Bargello

      In beautiful Northwest Montana


        Scoopie, DH is ok, but he is having to play nursemaid to his parents, as they have both had severe colds, which landed his dad in hospital, and his mum not fit to leave the house, so support is needed.

        Regret that there is no advance on the mini Bargello at the moment - I've been sidetracked :whistle: by useable patchwork cups & saucers for Izzy's next birthday party. Theme of which is Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter's Teaparty.

        First one off the production line, nine more to go :blink:


          Rosemary, you are amazing. How do you come up with these things? You have a terrific imagination and are very talented too. Hope your inlaws get better soon.

          Lorna, thank you for your service. My DH retired from the Air Force 29 years ago, after serving 20 years. He would have stayed in longer, but he decided he would rather eat. :lol: :lol: :lol: Are they still so particular with weight? The closest base is about one and a half hours away, so we hardly ever go there. I hope you have a wonderful retirement.


            Rosemary, your talent and creativity never cease to amaze me! Izzy is going to have so many wonderful birthday parties to remember, I'm sure they're all unforgettable. Glad your husband is able to get to his folks and help them; hope they get over the nasty flu quickly and with no lingering aches and pains, or fits of cough! Loved to see the green in your backyard; today is the first day we've seen our yards but they don't look to green after all the snow and ice... hmy:


              Lorna, congratulations on your upcoming retirement and a heartfelt thank you for your decades of years of service to our nation bridging across military services in a field that is crucial to the well-being of our service members and their families! May you and your family enjoy fair winds and following seas as you transition into civilian life and spend more time with those you love!


                Lorra, I blame Limbania for the latest idea :kiss: . Sometime last year she mentioned about making a patchwork tea set, and there were instructions available on a site called 'Instructables' (I think) so I wandered over to take a look, and in the comments was someone else wondering whether it could be made and be actually usable. Thus the idea was lodged in my brain as a 'that could be fun, don't know if I will ever need it though'.
                Then a couple of months ago Izzy announced that she wanted a Mad Hatter's Tea Party theme for her birthday. Click, click click, the cogs started whirring through the brain cells and I thought 'what could be madder than teacups made of fabric?' Got a couple of metres of dirt cheap sale fabric (£2 per metre :woohoo: ), after the designs were ok'ed by Herself (unfortunately the repeat of the designs were larger than imagined, but hey they work) and started playing about with bits of cardboard etc to work out pattern pieces and made a mock up (that leaked - back to the drawing board) But now I have a pattern that doesn't leak, and just enough fabric left to make co-ordinating side plates as well. But I must get the cups finished first!


                  Originally posted by "lorra" post=128205
                  My DH retired from the Air Force 29 years ago, after serving 20 years. He would have stayed in longer, but he decided he would rather eat. :lol: :lol: :lol: Are they still so particular with weight?
                  My son says there is plenty of food at the base cafeteria, but they also have physical training several times a week. A few months ago, a leader of his training group decided he wasn't doing a fully proper push up and sent him to remedial workouts for a month :blink: He is thin as a rail and very fit, geez, no slacking off allowed!



                    Rosemary your Mad Hatters tea service is amazing - your creativity and skills amaze me.
                    Best Wishes Pam


                      Wow, Rosemary! That's amazing!! You continue to stun me....


                        Rosemary, I am so glad you don't have six kids. Tea cups are so cute. And you are making service for______? You are crazy! But so much fun!


                          Completely bonkers Rosemary! Lois, if she had six kids she wouldn't have the time. Izzy is a very lucky girl. I look forward to seeing the complete set.


                            Originally posted by "Reetzbobeetz" post=128236
                            Completely bonkers Rosemary! Lois, if she had six kids she wouldn't have the time. Izzy is a very lucky girl. I look forward to seeing the complete set.
                            This is what I would write if only I could spell it :silly: . So thank you, Rita, for writing my comment :whistle:

                            living in Central Denmark
                            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                              Lois, I'm glad I don't have 6 kids either Kudos to those that do.

                              living in Central Denmark
                              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                                Rosemary, oops, my bad! ops: I saw the DH, but missed the FIL! I'm glad to hear that your husband is okay, but sorry that his FIL is not. Hopefully by now he is better. I got something that is going around here, and am just now getting well after being sick for over three weeks! Still have the cough, though.

                                The tea cups are interesting! Doing one looks like fun. Doing many looks like a chore! I hope they all stay leak free! Have fun!

                                In beautiful Northwest Montana


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