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    Good new avatar Rita. Did you meet Ricky & Justin recently in Ireland :?: :?: :?:


      How many hours is it before you can fmq?

      Jelly for breakfast ............hmmm not on your scrambled egg maybe.

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Well...?? Green eggs and ham..... :mrgreen:


          Lovely feather, Wendy, and nice contrast of color to show it off!

          Happy birthday to Izzy and I hope you all have a great time at the party (isn't is this weekend or am I totally off?). Rosemary, in another posting you said you were also preparing for a thimble class... should we be advocating for a Rosemary classroom on TQS on thimble making? You know that would be fantastic!


            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you ladies are so much fun!

            Great work on the feather Wendy!

            ¡Feliz Cumpleaños to Izzy, Rosemary! Sounds like she'll have a blast.

            Great idea Renata! I'd love to learn too.

            Woohoo!!! I never thought I'd be happy about it but, I got the third chemo today. Blood white cell count went from NONE (last week) to normal range so, we're on schedule. DH arrived at 9:20 am and after picking him up at the airport, went to the clinic hoping everything would work out and it did!

            Today DH and I are celebrating our 13 wedding anniversary. DMIL has a very good friend that makes gorgeous beaded pieces and he special order this for me. Gotta love that guy, he's a keeper for sure. :wink:

            The most amazing thing is that Judy has really bad arthritis in her hands and she uses the smallest bead size.

            Now that DH is home I'll be able to have some me time and work on those mug rugs and (I hope I not getting too ambitious here) 2013 BoM. Might have to adjust to make Margo's smaller version.

            Have a great weekend!


              Buon anniversario, Limbania and your DH! He surely is a keeper! Congratulations on the good test results at the clinic today, I hope things continue to look better and better for you! What a lovely beaded piece and what an inspiration that someone with severe arthritis hangs in there to create such beautiful art work!


                Many happy returns on your anniversary Limbania. What a beautiful gift! And I am so pleased with your results today - celebrations all around. Have a good weekend.

                Maureen, yes Ricky and Justin (and Justin's mom) are here in Ireland at the moment, on holiday. I was very fortunate to meet up with them on Tuesday. That's not my house in the background BTW - it's Powerscourt House. We had a walk in the gardens on a beautifully sunny but very cold day.


                  Now we know where Justin got his cold :mrgreen:
                  The envy talking, I'm sure...
                  Hope he's getting better. But a vacation in Ireland is a vacation for the heart and soul, no matter what weather!


                    Managed to get my dads quilt in the post today, yeahhhhhh!
                    Hoping to get a good whack at a mug rug or two tomorrow (today actually... Been up for the last two hours with the worst cramp in my left leg I've ever had... Hoping the painkillers will kick in soon, need to be at the hotel at 7 am or so, to get our visitors safely on the way to an excursion to mount titles... My colleague is meeting them in Lucerne, I just need to get the tickets, dress them in warm clothing ( they're from Miami and India) and get them on the right train. Then I can sew. I'll be doing an excursion with the Indian fellow on Sunday, don't know where yet, will have to see his interests, and the weather. Wish spring would hurry up and get here!


                      Lotti, I don't know if you can get this stuff in Switzerland or not, but regular apple cider vinegar will give you some relief from the leg cramps.


                      I use it. It works and it works fast!

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        I've been taking homeopathic meds... But will try the cider vinegar right now, have ginger here too, and could mix in a little garlic...
                        Will have to get a bottle of the stuff when I'm in Canada!
                        Thanks Margo, have lots of cramps, this one has been building up for three days, the whole left leg from thigh to toes, feels as if the muscles are being shredded, havn't ever had it this bad, must be a reaction to something or other...


                          Lotti, I hope it helps you as much as it does me!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Wonderful Lotti! So glad you got the quilt on the mail. Did you take a photo? If so, can we see it, please?

                            So sorry you're dealing with cramps, that's awful! There seems to be some relationship between cramps and low potassium leves. Here's some info about it. Maybe a massage with some lavender essential oil in some carrier oil (sweet almond, avocado or coconut oil) to help relax the muscles. Hope you get rid of them asap.

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Happy Birthday to fellow April girl, Izzy !

                              And Happy Anniversary to you and your DH Limbania ! What beautiful beadwork.
                              (My DH often gives me flowers on special occasions....but he believes in that kind...ones that will stay beautiful forever !)
                              Yours is a keeper for sure !! :lol:

                              Lotti.. Hope tomorrow finds the leg cramps abated...that some of the remedys help ! They are so painful ! :evil:

                              Thanks for the info on Moriss dancing ! How did I miss that all these years ?? :roll: Deprived childhood Peter
                              and Paul dickie birds in my past, either. At least in my memory ! :roll:

                              Thank you all for the birthday wishes ! I'm humbled by your kindness. This TQS "family" of quilters is such a
                              bright spot in my life ! Our weather is a little iffy, but I think we'll go shopping and have dinner out of town... perhaps a
                              visit to a LQS :roll: .


                                Lotto cramps are horrid. I found putting a bar of olive soap in bed worked with stretches before going to sleep. Crazy but I was so scared of it happening again.

                                Limbania what a lovely gift on a special day - bones and marriage

                                Happy birthday Marilyn and Izzy

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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