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    I've changed the privacy to public on the album above on facebook so you'll be able to use the link. I tried it and it said I couldn't look :roll:

    This is the link to other pics of the show - loads of them and Rosemary making thimbles while stewarding and getting the Japanese quilters excited about her work;l=4785541daa

    It only takes seconds loading pics on facebook now I'm impressed.

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Rita has your quilt arrived yet I posted it on the 19th?

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        OMG Wendy. My quilt arrived on the 23rd and I sent you an email to thank you etc., but I guess you didn't get it! Yes my quilt arrived safe and sound and many thanks for returning it to me. I will send you a cheque for the postage tomorrow - went looking for my Natwest cheque book and got side-tracked on something else entirely. :roll: Apologies.


          Not bothered about postage it was a pleasure seeing it again

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Lois, Renata, Marilyn, Limbania, and Nancy,

            I finally got your quilts in the mail to you today. Sorry about the delay. I sent them priority so they should be there in a week or so. Love all the quilts. It sure was a fun game to play!



              No worries about any delay. Thank you so much for doing this for us!! Let us know what we owe you so we can send that along.


                Ditto,ditto,ditto !!!


                  Thank you so much, Lorna! Will let you know when I get mine. Glad you enjoyed the show; for myself, I am very appreciative of the photos and commentary of those of you who were able to visit together. It sounds like the camaraderie and fun was wonderful and those of us who could not come over really missed a great time. As with the others, if it's not evident from the package, let me know what I owe you for shipping. Strangely, I haven't missed my quilt--wonder if that will change when I get the package next week? LOL! :lol: Thanks again!!!


                    You should have missed it it's stunning, you're going to have to tell us how you made it. Pleeeeese

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard



                      I had to look up the answer to your question about birches and aspens. No, they are not the same tree.

                      "Birch trees and aspen trees both feature white bark and medium green leaves, but, upon a closer look, these trees are very different. One of the main differences between the two types of trees are the leaves. Also, birch trees are stronger trees than aspens, and are capable of withstanding drier conditions."

                      ...and now we know.



                        That's interesting I better check before I start I was going to do a section of trunk with colourful leaves so better make sure I get the right ones

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Originally posted by Lorna1021
                          Lois, Renata, Marilyn, Limbania, and Nancy,

                          I finally got your quilts in the mail to you today. Sorry about the delay. I sent them priority so they should be there in a week or so. Love all the quilts. It sure was a fun game to play!


                          I checked the USPS site this morning and it looks like all the quilts were delivered on Friday or Saturday except yours, Nancy. As of Saturday morning, it is supposedly "out for delivery" and it lists Jamestown, CO. Either they didn't update the site or that is one dedicated delivery man out all night looking for your place?!



                            I got mine! It's in great shape. Thanks so much, Lorna. You'll be hearing from me by snail mail soon.


                              I found mine on my doorstep, thank you Lorna, you'll be hearing from me soon too!


                                Mine was in the mailbox yesterday evening when I got home. Thank you so much for sending them all out, Lorna! And for the book and the show fliers!! I'll let you know when I get the postage into the mail to you.


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