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    Lois you and your friend did a great job. It looks wonderfully. Margarita
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Your Communion table cloth is wonderful Lois and I am sure the church loved it. Congratulations to you and your friend for making it.


        I haven't been on the forum for a few days and look what happens ops:
        I missed Renata's birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day. And Lois, your work is beautiful.

        living in Central Denmark
        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


          Beautiful, Lois! I hope you'll post more pictures when you get some close-ups!



            Lois, great job on the table covering. I love it! It's must be so nice that you now have a close-to-you quilting buddy!


              Lois, fascinating looking altar frontal - totally different from anything we have over here.


                Originally posted by crocus999
                Lois, great job on the table covering. I love it! It's must be so nice that you now have a close-to-you quilting buddy!
                You are so right! I love it! It makes quilting so much fun. She often come here on her day off and we sew all day.


                  Originally posted by PosyP
                  Lois, fascinating looking altar frontal - totally different from anything we have over here.
                  I am sure the setting is much more casual than what you are use to seeing. It is not really an altar. It's a communion table.


                    Beautiful alter cloth Lois. Where did you get the design? It's great. And good on you for joining us in the CS mystery. I have just got back from the UK and saw this weeks task which I hope to get done before I have to go away for another few days on Tuesday. It seems doable thankfully.


                      Rita, Thank you for the compliment. The design came from a book called Adoration Quilts by Rachel W. N. Brown. I believe it is out-of-print. You might be able to get it on eBay. When I was looking for a copy of it they were going for $50.00. Fortunately, a friend at church had purchased it hoping someone would make one or some of its beautiful wall hangings for the church. There are many absolutely gorgeous projects in the book. I am glad I didn't have to pay $50.00 for it but I can understand why some people might. I chose the project we did because it was the right size for the Communion table. There are other projects in the book that I believe are more beautiful,

                      As for the CS quilt I am almost done with week 1 and now I am still 2 weeks behind.


                        Lois, I am sure you will catch up soon enough. What I found with week 2 was that I spent a lot of time standing cutting the pieces but once I had that done they sewed up very quickly. I am doing paper piecing for the HSTs this week. I am hoping that I can get them done quicker that way because of my limited time. Good luck with yours. Post photos when you are done won't you?


                          Hi ladies - I'm sorry but I'm a bit lost here.

                          Where is this winter solstice quilt a few of you a are posting pics about? I like the bits I've seen so far....Sounds like it might be a mystery quilt - how do I find it?


                            Hi Terrie!

                            Celtic Solstice is a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt, not a TQS item. You can find instructions on her blog at Today the third set of instructions came out and it goes on for about six (?) weeks or so. Just like TQS BOM, though, you can download all the instructions and make the quilt anytime you want. However, the instructions will disappear in June 2014. None of us know what the quilt will look like--every week a different clue (set of blocks to make) comes along. It's been a lot of fun to do--lots of work because of compressed time but I've talked to lots of folks who have really enjoyed doing her mystery quilts. This is my first one--I'm sure someone on the forum has done them before and can say more about it.


                              Looks neat - thanks very much, Renata!


                                Hi all -

                                I finally got pictures of the bags I made for Christmas uploaded so I thought I'd share what I've been doing.

                                First is a bag for my niece who is a nurse. This is from a pattern from a Craftsy class (Quilt-As-You-Go Patchwork Bags by Tara Rebman). I used a bunch of different fill patterns on the different patches. It took a long time to do all of that dense quilting, but it was fun and was a good place to try new things.



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