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Chinese Whispers

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    Originally posted by scottishquilter
    Originally posted by Limbania55
    Yes Mareen, it's ok to share my information with everyone else in the group.

    Have fun Wendy! Lots to read when you're back :wink:

    I've alredy told DH about taking a trip to Scottland in 2014 and he's all for it. Will have to work on the times to see if he can accommodate the trip with his work schedule. He even was like "I think I can get a job in Scottland if you want to move there" :shock: :shock:
    I don't think we'll go that far but at least a trip over there might be in our future :wink:
    What a great guy although after living in the sun and heat, I don't think he would like the cold and the rain in this part of the UK. :lol: :lol: :lol:
    I'm the one that will have an issue with the cold and rain. DH has been working in the north coast of Alaska for almost 30 years. Lived in Anchorage, AK for almos 20. I lived there for 5 years and as much as I love summertime there, winters are too much for me. I was told I'd get used to the cold, never did :roll: DH regular schedule is 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, except during summer when the "big" projects happen (6-9 weeks). I don't know how he can go from -45c in AK to 15c in AZ during winter :shock: Even now, he left last Wed at 38c and got to work to 5c and snow. He's pretty adaptable.


      Well Limbania I think the key there is that he doesn't have to spend all the time in either climate - lucky him.


        That's a good point Rita. Never thought abou it that way.


          Here is a site that is talking about this years Loch Lomond Quilt Show (held in May) by a lady who visited it. You will get an idea of what part of it was like. I thought she might have had some photos of the Chinese Whispers exhibition but she only had the last quilt in it. Maybe somewhere else there are other photos.



            Maureen, Thank you so much for that beautiful link. Some of the quilts were jaw-dropping beautiful!


              Thanks for the link Maureen - some stiff competition then! Ladies I hope you are sharpening your needles. :lol:


                Maureen, such wondrous quilts--will take more that sharpening our needles to stay afloat at Loch Lomond... :lol: but it will be fun and a total joy to participate in Chinese Whispers...


                  Looks like they had a lot of wonderful quilts this year. Thanks for the link, Maureen! My needles are sharpened, even if my mind is a little dull...



                    Originally posted by rehak
                    Looks like they had a lot of wonderful quilts this year. Thanks for the link, Maureen! My needles are sharpened, even if my mind is a little dull...

                    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      Originally posted by rehak
                      Looks like they had a lot of wonderful quilts this year. Thanks for the link, Maureen! My needles are sharpened, even if my mind is a little dull...

                      I am sure you are all terrific quilters with different skills judging by your photos in your profiles. All your Chinese Whisper quilts will be a beautiful sight to behold. We will be the stars of the show. :P :P :P :wink: :wink:


                        Originally posted by scottishquilter
                        Originally posted by rehak
                        Looks like they had a lot of wonderful quilts this year. Thanks for the link, Maureen! My needles are sharpened, even if my mind is a little dull...

                        I am sure you are all terrific quilters with different skills judging by your photos in your profiles. All your Chinese Whisper quilts will be a beautiful sight to behold. We will be the stars of the show. :P :P :P :wink: :wink:
                        You bet Maureen! I'm sure we'll all do our best. :wink:


                          Originally posted by scottishquilter
                          Originally posted by rehak
                          Looks like they had a lot of wonderful quilts this year. Thanks for the link, Maureen! My needles are sharpened, even if my mind is a little dull...

                          I am sure you are all terrific quilters with different skills judging by your photos in your profiles. All your Chinese Whisper quilts will be a beautiful sight to behold. We will be the stars of the show. :P :P :P :wink: :wink:
                          And whether we are the stars or not (although I'm sure we will be the stars!!), I'll enjoy the process and the camaraderie!



                            Originally posted by rehak
                            And whether we are the stars or not (although I'm sure we will be the stars!!), I'll enjoy the process and the camaraderie!
                            That's exactly where I'm coming from!


                              I have just received confirmation that our registration form for Chinese Whispers has arrived at the Loch Lomond Quilt Show headquarters. Now we just have to wait a little bit longer for the photograph to arrive and then - we are off :P :P :P


                                So exciting. I need to tell you, Maureen, that I now have a bit of your spirit in my sewing room. Rita made an AAQI quilt using one of the reels you made for the exchange and I bought the quilt. It arrived yesterday. It so very lovely. That little quilt has been lots of places I've never been and it so nice to have it here.


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