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Chinese Whispers

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    They look great Wendy! Have you looked at Sharon Shamber's second tutorial here? She shows how to approach feathers in lots of different ways, very helpful. I really like your one on the far right - you are looking more at ease with the process by that one.


      Love your feathers, Wendy... The quilted ones and the ones that left a trail in certain houses

      My roomba (automatic vacuum) would love to get his mouth on those (the spread around the floor kind, not the Quilty ones), he got to work last night and found some green thread...
      When my hair was longer he constantly complained that the hair jammed up his brushes, but last night he enjoyed decorating my whole living room with green thread trails (from chair leg to table leg and so on...), and happily wrapped almost a whole spool of thread over all his brushes, every turny bit in his mechanism and wherever else he could wind it up... Never a note of complaint till he ran out of power... I was in my bedroom packing for china... and never noticed until he was all done... Luckily this quilter has more than one good pair of scissors, also sharp pointy versions of the 'non-sewing' kind, so damage was reduced to a minimum, and the spool roomba got a hold of was an old one I received from my godmother, so I wouldn't have used it for quilting anyway...
      Now to get some order in my apartment and then rest that knee... Got more medication to keep me going if things turn bad while I'm traveling - so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend


        Perhaps your vacuum has got the quilting bug Lotti and was actually trying to escape with a spool of thread! :lol: I am really feeling for you having to travel all the way to China with a bad knee. I hope you will be okay.


          Wendy, Your feathers (quilted ones) are fabulous. (So are the other ones.) You can see improvement with each go around. The last one is wonderful and shows so much creativity and playfulness. Just imagine how your skills would continue improve if you decided to make 100. Nice work! Keep it up.


            Wendy, I agree with Lois, you can really see the improvement you have made from quilt to quilt :P :P :P Well done.


              Originally posted by lotti
              My roomba (automatic vacuum) would love to get his mouth on those (the spread around the floor kind, not the Quilty ones), he got to work last night and found some green thread...
              When my hair was longer he constantly complained that the hair jammed up his brushes, but last night he enjoyed decorating my whole living room with green thread trails (from chair leg to table leg and so on...), and happily wrapped almost a whole spool of thread over all his brushes, every turny bit in his mechanism and wherever else he could wind it up... Never a note of complaint till he ran out of power... I was in my bedroom packing for china... and never noticed until he was all done... Luckily this quilter has more than one good pair of scissors, also sharp pointy versions of the 'non-sewing' kind, so damage was reduced to a minimum, and the spool roomba got a hold of was an old one I received from my godmother, so I wouldn't have used it for quilting anyway...
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                Lottie, can I order some of the needles as well please :?: :?:


                  Originally posted by Limbania55
                  What a gorgeous piece Wendy!
                  I'd love to see photos of your daughter's silk felted pieces too, Maureen!
                  I have been away again, but when I get a minute I will try to get a couple of Kim's felted pieces.


                    Your feathers are looking wonderful, Wendy. I think they're quilt-ready. Can't wait to see how you use them!



                      Thanks it's an adventure for me. I've not seen the video yet Rita so that's for later when it rains.

                      We went walking in the Peaks this morning and there are still big snow drifts, wish I had taken my camera to show you. There were bikers on the trails goodness knows how they coped. It was a beautiful morning I feel refreshed.

                      Lotti I think my cat would be impressed by your roomba :lol:

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Well I don't know if it is headed your way Wendy but we have had torrential rain for the past two days. All through that terrible snow that you have had there in the UK we had glorious sunshine - but freezing cold. I guess that was our summer. :roll: :lol:


                          Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                          Well I don't know if it is headed your way Wendy but we have had torrential rain for the past two days. All through that terrible snow that you have had there in the UK we had glorious sunshine - but freezing cold. I guess that was our summer. :roll: :lol:
                          Same as us Rita but rain forecast for tomorrow. When I was in Northern Ireland visiting family my brother came to pick us up at the airport. Driving to our sisters we went through country roads that had walls of snow at least 8 ft high at each side of the road that was frozen solid. Luckily my sister’s place was fine.


                            Gracious !! I feel almost guilty...with my sunny day :? It's 45 degrees and windy !So not as nice as it might be....


                              Better send some to Maureen brrrrrr. Safe journey Lotti , keep them knees moving gently

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Sorry, I'm late to this blog too. Would someone tell me what page # to read for info on the "needles" ? Lotti, so sorry about your knee. I've had miniscus repairs on both my knees so can somewhat feel your pain. Take care, and hope you won't need to take much pain meds while away.


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