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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Well my reels look kind of blue on line but they really are shades of purple. Thanks Renata for the help posting the pictures


      Thank you, Lotti, am waiting in wild anticipation


        Yum, grape jam with butter and brown bread sounds delicious. I suppose we should hold off on the receipes until we do the book, do you think?


          I will try to find a jam recipe with a little wine in it. That would be very tasty I think.



            A brown bread receipt sounds great too! My recipe for blueberry cheesecake would have to be a low cal recipe as I am in the process of loosing weight :roll: Hope low cal recipes are okay :lol: I have a great Weight Watcher pork loin and broccoli soup but wouldn’t there be some copyright issues? I could pass them on I think but I don’t think we could publish it.
            Love all your postings :lol: :lol:


              Vicki! Totally agree - grape jam!!


                Originally posted by RiverOwl

                A brown bread receipt sounds great too! My recipe for blueberry cheesecake would have to be a low cal recipe as I am in the process of loosing weight :roll: Hope low cal recipes are okay :lol: I have a great Weight Watcher pork loin and broccoli soup but wouldn’t there be some copyright issues? I could pass them on I think but I don’t think we could publish it.
                Love all your postings :lol: :lol:
                Here's a link to some information that seems helpful with the recipe writing issue:
                It says that the list of recipe ingredients are not "copyright-able" and that each writer needs to explain the process in their
                own words & give credit to the source. We will definitely work within copyright law & not step on toes!


                  Vicki, your grape jam looks great and a touch of vino would be great! Renata


                    do you actually make your soup just the way they say - or have you taken the general idea and adapted it to your own version - in which case it's a NEW recipe isn't it?
                    i don't think any of us would mind low-cal recipes - and if there's anyone out there that actually needs extra calories (i know some people who do - so this is not as strange as it sounds), anyone can adapt the low-cal version with a few minor changes


                      Originally posted by romira
                      Originally posted by RiverOwl

                      A brown bread receipt sounds great too! My recipe for blueberry cheesecake would have to be a low cal recipe as I am in the process of loosing weight :roll: Hope low cal recipes are okay :lol: I have a great Weight Watcher pork loin and broccoli soup but wouldn’t there be some copyright issues? I could pass them on I think but I don’t think we could publish it.
                      Love all your postings :lol: :lol:
                      Here's a link to some information that seems helpful with the recipe writing issue:
                      It says that the list of recipe ingredients are not "copyright-able" and that each writer needs to explain the process in their
                      own words & give credit to the source. We will definitely work within copyright law & not step on toes!
                      This is really good to know, thanks a lot for finding the info. and passing it on


                        Yay! I have finished my first two challenges. #1 - Reels are completed, #2 I have decided on my recipe (Vegan Eggplant Tagine with tons of kale and a" Bam" of Smoked Paprika :lol: :lol: ) Now for challenge #3 Mailing! Thank you for the great time everyone, trying to keep up with the antics! Carrie


                          Carrie, that sounds wonderful! And your spools look wonderful too!


                            Your colors are beautiful and the description is perfect!


                              Carrie, I love the color of your batiks and a tagine, one of my favorite food preparations from my time in Morocco. Thank you!!!!


                                mmmmmmh - love those browns - and adore tagine - very hard to wait for all the wonderful and delicious reels and recipes :wink:


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