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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    My "Lemon Souffle" #31a and "Cherries Jubilee" #12b went in the mail this morning

    Margarita in Auburn California. USA


      "berrylicious" and "baked asparagus salad" are ready to be labelled tomorrow night and hopefully in the post on wednesday

      jamai: i saw a recipe for a baked fruit salad today, oranges, apples & pears, baked to make the flavours more intense, then served warm with greek yoghurt - looked absolutely delicious :lol:


        Looking delumptios Lottie. Margarite I can't wait to see yours too. Now I am hungry again. This is definitely a fattening topic - and after all my hard work to lose weight last year :roll:


          Originally posted by lotti
          "berrylicious" and "baked asparagus salad" are ready to be labelled tomorrow night and hopefully in the post on wednesday
          Lotti, berrylicious and baked asparagus salad--scrumptious! I'm so looking forward to receiving your Wot RoTTs and playing again! Renata


            I have finished my reels but can't remember how to post the pictures. Can someone give me a hint


              Gosh ladies, I've only been away for a few days and y'all have taken to "drinkin" and taking on another project - the cookbook! :lol: I want in please! I'm about to put my reels in the mail tomorrow and am enjoying this exchange AND all the posts!


                Originally posted by vickimoss
                I have finished my reels but can't remember how to post the pictures. Can someone give me a hint
                In your post, scroll down until you see two blue tabs (one is "options" and the other is "upload attachment"). Click on upload attachment, then click on "Browse." At that point you will be taken to your files, find the picture you have saved, double click on it. It will bring you back to the upload attachment tab. Click on "Add the file." Finally, you will see something that says, "Place Inline" and you should click on that. At this point your picture is loaded and you can submit your post. Hope this is not too confusing and that it helps. Can't wait to see your reels! Renata


                  Oh, Lotti, where is that receipt for the baked fruit salad? Would dearly love to give that a try. Probably another 10 lbs even though I do aerobics 3 x's a week...aaackkkk.


                    Whoa! I go on a quilt retreat weekend, and come back - no notices in my email inbox that there has been any activity - and now I take a peek = (a lttle because of unbelief) and poof! Reels and reels of chatter about reels and food and recipes and I almost feel totally out of the loop.

                    Then, I got a confimration email from Rosemary saying she got my honey and tossed salad reels in the post, so I know that I'm still in the loop. Don't know why I didn't get notices about your activities.

                    PS - The retreat ROCKED! I finished one small HST exchange project, a few other things and learned a lot. If anybody is wondering if they should go to a quilt retreat - GO! ( I'd never heard of them until about two years ago. - I hear they have cruises too)


                      It's been so hot here that I haven't been out to my sewing room for about 2 weeks (it has air conditioning but I don't like to run it if the air con in the house is running - I figure that might be just a bit too much power usage!). Luckily it has cooled down now, and the kids are back at school so I am about to make a start! My red fabrics remind me of tomatoes - so maybe a "ripe tomato relish" and all I can think of with the blue ones is blue Vodka Cruisers. Don't know if you have them in the US but yummmmmm


                        Originally posted by lotti

                        jamai: i saw a recipe for a baked fruit salad today, oranges, apples & pears, baked to make the flavours more intense, then served warm with greek yoghurt - looked absolutely delicious :lol:
                        Yum, Yum, Yum!!! Thanks ever so much!!! I would love to see it..


                          Originally posted by benno
                          It's been so hot here that I haven't been out to my sewing room for about 2 weeks (it has air conditioning but I don't like to run it if the air con in the house is running - I figure that might be just a bit too much power usage!). Luckily it has cooled down now, and the kids are back at school so I am about to make a start! My red fabrics remind me of tomatoes - so maybe a "ripe tomato relish" and all I can think of with the blue ones is blue Vodka Cruisers. Don't know if you have them in the US but yummmmmm
                          Oh, benno- I can so totally relate... We had a horrible heat wave here in the States (esp. Texas) with 102 days over 100F. My little quilt room is in the made-over attic space, and I do not have central heat. I sacrificed, though, to keep the window AC on in there, otherwise I would have had to relocate my sewing machine!!! Hope you are taking care of your precious one (sewing machine).


                            i'll get that recipe out and translated for you....
                            hopefully tonight
                            and the second best thing is (first is obviously that it's just got to be scruptious), it's healthy! and as low-cal as you want (fruit are in just about everyone's diet plan - if you bake it you don't need any sweetener as it makes the natural sugars more intense and you can use a low fat yoghurt / cream alternative if you wish for the topping ...


                              Originally posted by lotti
                              i'll get that recipe out and translated for you....
                              hopefully tonight
                              and the second best thing is (first is obviously that it's just got to be scruptious), it's healthy! and as low-cal as you want (fruit are in just about everyone's diet plan - if you bake it you don't need any sweetener as it makes the natural sugars more intense and you can use a low fat yoghurt / cream alternative if you wish for the topping ...
                              Perfect! I do try to eat tons of fruits and vege, and have really tried to "clean up" my food from years past. I am loving the dessert/food/drink terms for these gorgeous blocks - I know this is one way to get non-calorie intake of all of those! LOL. :lol:


                                I have finished my reels/spools. I have decided they look like grape jam. Will go good with some butter and brown bread.


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