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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    i will be so glad to get mine back....


      OMG -- I can hardly stand the waiting. Thanks again and again for all your hard work,



        Rosemary, I love the photo - you should make it your new avatar! We have been watching Lord of the Rings - Two Towers this evening so your photo was very apt. It's 'The Return of the King' next Saturday - I think you must have been watching it too on Channel 4? Hope you are not planning on doing the same as Gollum to keep the preciouses? :lol:


          Rosemary - You ARE a party! :lol: ...all by yourself, can't imagine when there are a few with you!!!

          If I ever go to England, you're going to be one of the sights to see.

          Fantastic picture!!!


            So precious. Rosemary you are the tops!

            Happy anniversary Lori. Best wishes

            Lotti, now temporarily on the emerald isle. :P


              Lotti, Welcome to a very un-typically sunny Emerald Isle! I hope the weather stays fine for your holiday. Looking forward to meeting up with you at the IQFOI.


                Thank you Rita, just got to the first night hotel. (bewleys near the airport - as well be going there again in the morning to pick up ou car - didn't fancy looking for the hotel when we arrive only late in the evening), from tomorrow we'll hopefully be doing the B&B's. Not doing any hiking though, Daniela managed to get herself a severely crinked neck, so she's starting this holiday with a suitcase full of heavy duty drugs... Not much good for hiking... Bit we'll head - probably down into the Wicklow area and explore. According to my weather forecast the weather should stay good on this side in the next few days, and once the rain finds us we'll start heading for the museums.


                  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:


                    A good picture for your label when you get the quilt done, Rosemary.

                    Coast of South Carolina USA
                    Sewing/Quilting on my Viking Sapphire 870


                      I feel fortunate that my blocks weren't sent out yet and got blessed by Rosemary! What a great photo, rosemary you look fabulous!


                        Rosemary, is Lorna sending the ones we sent to her now too?

                        Margarita In Auburn, California


                          Yes I am trying to get them in the mail. I've been back to the states for a conference and work has been overwhelming. I did get a few sent out yesterday.

                          Congrats on the anniversary! We celebrated ours on Wednesday.

                          Rosemary, too funny! And that is a great pic. Lotto, glad to see the wonderful weather we are having here is in Ireland also. We're planning a trip there in July when one of our daughters comes to visit.




                            You are sew creative! Love your photo :lol: :lol: :lol: Wish you lived next door to me! I would be at your house every morning for coffee!


                            One of your many fans :lol:


                              Hi everyone

                              I have just returned home from my quilting group when – guess what I found in my post box – yippee, my beautiful gorgeous reels, such lovely mouth-watering colours and culinary names, wonderful. I am reelly going to enjoy looking through the two bags to see whom they are from and ohh and ahh over them.

                              It will be a while before I can start sewing them but I will leave them where I can enjoy seeing them.

                              Thank you everyone and especially Rosemary & Lorna.


                                Lucky you Maureen! I guess mine will take a couple more days to get across the water..... waiting patiently.....tum te tum..... oh well, at least I have a visit from Lotti tomorrow to look forward to. :mrgreen:


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