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    Dear SoTTT;
    It would be funny if you think about it? Imagine all those packages coming into your home or PO Box? Could you imagine the Post Master being called in? The conversation would be funny, what are these, what would they look like in XRays, or would they use one of those body scanners? It would still look kinda funny since everyone is packing them differently. Can’t wait to see what you all have done & what fabrics you have picked out!
    Still excited Barbara
    Sue Roper
    New Zealand


      Originally posted by Cybersue
      Hi Ladies,
      It's really hard to know how to help in a disaster - we are only a 3hr drive away and felt the intitial quake ourselves and we feel helpless!
      Your suggestion of some extra HST's might be a good idea. I wouldn't mind putting them together into something special for my brother-in-law, Keith, and sister-in-law, if that's OK. She's a great quilt admirer already and he would be touched by the international support. His sister, Jane, was a nursing tutor. I have loaded a picture of Keith on my profile page. He's standing in an earthquake crack outside his home!
      It's a gorgeous day here today and we have a big annual Art event on today so we're off to enjoy that. Take care everyone!

      TO ALL OUR SoTTT's MEMBERS...if you would like to send additional HST's for Sue to make a quilt for her brother-in-law and sister-in-law who were affected by the Christchurch earthquake, please do so and I'll make sure they get forwarded on to her. Just mark them as going to either New Zealand or Christchurch. If you've already sent your packages to me, you can always put some in a regular envelope and send them to my P.O. Box. What a great opportunity to expand our Sisterhood & Brotherhood even further into our incredibly 'small world'.

      Thanks all,

      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


        Originally posted by NaneeWolf
        Pictures of HST's Received To-Date:

        Thought you might enjoy seeing a couple of pictures of some of the 268 one gallon (a few are 2-1/2 gallon!) Ziplock bags containing 105,242 HSTs. In the picture showing one tote, that tote holds 45-gallons and measures 37" long x 21" wide by 20" high. The other picture is four 64-qt. totes and one paper box. Since the sorting process has been figured out now, I'm currently going through all of these bags to take the contents out of the smaller baggies and leave them in their larger bag.

        They don't look like too many because of the angle of the pictures, but they are pretty much taking up about 1/4 of my extra room.
        For some reason - best known to my poor deluded brain - I was imagining a bath tub full of packages, then to finish the image I thought of having a bath tub full of hst's :? . I think it is time I had a lie down and try and think about something else for a while :wink:


        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


          Originally posted by PosyP
          Originally posted by NaneeWolf
          Pictures of HST's Received To-Date:

          Thought you might enjoy seeing a couple of pictures of some of the 268 one gallon (a few are 2-1/2 gallon!) Ziplock bags containing 105,242 HSTs. In the picture showing one tote, that tote holds 45-gallons and measures 37" long x 21" wide by 20" high. The other picture is four 64-qt. totes and one paper box. Since the sorting process has been figured out now, I'm currently going through all of these bags to take the contents out of the smaller baggies and leave them in their larger bag.

          They don't look like too many because of the angle of the pictures, but they are pretty much taking up about 1/4 of my extra room.
          For some reason - best known to my poor deluded brain - I was imagining a bath tub full of packages, then to finish the image I thought of having a bath tub full of hst's :? . I think it is time I had a lie down and try and think about something else for a while :wink:


          Actually, Rosemary, my spare bathtub is probably the next place I'll have to stash more packings until sorting day arrives. Had I left them in the original envelopes, they would have filled two Jacuzzi bathtubs by now :shock:

          "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


            Originally posted by NaneeWolf
            Thank you, Kathy. We are going to try our best to make everyone happy with their 'Christmas in April' surprises. It gets to be pretty overwhelming sometimes, but in the end it will all be worthwhile and very satisfying. We (actually Clara does!) have the sorting plan all worked out, a good many quilters are lined up to help, and now one of the big challenges will be to get all the HST's to the church where we'll be sorting...I'm thinking a U-Haul truck :lol: just might work for us!

            By-the-way, I love the quilt in your Profile Picture!

            Debbie, that was my 2009 BOM! I took it to Colorado for the Ricky Tims quilt retreat in July of last year for some show and tell, and Ricky took the photo and put it into my profile. I sleep under it every night and think about how much I love the quilt. Thanks for noticing!



              Sue, I went over to your profile to see the earthquake picture. I also looked at your blog. You do beautiful quilting! I'm praying for your BIL's sister and family.


                Originally posted by NaneeWolf
                Originally posted by Cybersue
                Just a wee update from New Zealand about the earthquake we had in was so nice to hear from a couple of TQS members with thoughts and prayers this way, thank you!
                It's been 11 days since the quake: 163 bodies have been recovered with another 60 missing in the rubble. 14,000 homes are still without power and many, many more have no sewerage or running water. The Council is distributing 1000's of portaloos and trucks with water. 70,000 people have left the city and relocated in other parts of NZ as their homes are destroyed...that's 1/5th of Christchurch's population. An estimated 50% of our heritage buildings will need to be demolished. Multiple aftershocks are still occuring on a daily basis and we are told to expect them for another year!
                There has been unprecedented support for the quake region with millions of $$ being raised and donated and homes and schools opened around the country for the displaced. Our brother-in-law's sister is still missing in the rubble, but the rest of our families escaped unscathed.
                The mood, although sad, is positive and Christchurch will rebuild, so don't put off those plans to visit NZ!!
                Good luck with the sorting ladies, I wish I could help - a trip to Texas maybe?? I'm really looking forward to receiving my triangles back.
                Sue Roper

                Sue, if some of our SoTTT's members would like to include extra HST's in your return package, would you be inclined to use those HST's to make a 'friendship' quilt for someone you know that has been hit hard by the quake.

                Let us know and I'll put out the call


                Debbie and Sue - I'd be happy to send extra triangles for this friendship quilt. Debbie - please let us know if you receive other offers and plan to send those with Sue's package. I'll even help with the postage on that. I'm sending you another envelope with HST for the other 2 ladies and sending extras for Sue will be a pleasure. Debbie - thanks for all your work and Sue - we're all praying for your sister-in-law!



                  Originally posted by NancyW
                  Originally posted by NaneeWolf
                  Originally posted by Cybersue
                  Just a wee update from New Zealand about the earthquake we had in was so nice to hear from a couple of TQS members with thoughts and prayers this way, thank you!
                  It's been 11 days since the quake: 163 bodies have been recovered with another 60 missing in the rubble. 14,000 homes are still without power and many, many more have no sewerage or running water. The Council is distributing 1000's of portaloos and trucks with water. 70,000 people have left the city and relocated in other parts of NZ as their homes are destroyed...that's 1/5th of Christchurch's population. An estimated 50% of our heritage buildings will need to be demolished. Multiple aftershocks are still occuring on a daily basis and we are told to expect them for another year!
                  There has been unprecedented support for the quake region with millions of $$ being raised and donated and homes and schools opened around the country for the displaced. Our brother-in-law's sister is still missing in the rubble, but the rest of our families escaped unscathed.
                  The mood, although sad, is positive and Christchurch will rebuild, so don't put off those plans to visit NZ!!
                  Good luck with the sorting ladies, I wish I could help - a trip to Texas maybe?? I'm really looking forward to receiving my triangles back.
                  Sue Roper

                  Sue, if some of our SoTTT's members would like to include extra HST's in your return package, would you be inclined to use those HST's to make a 'friendship' quilt for someone you know that has been hit hard by the quake.

                  Let us know and I'll put out the call


                  Debbie and Sue - I'd be happy to send extra triangles for this friendship quilt. Debbie - please let us know if you receive other offers and plan to send those with Sue's package. I'll even help with the postage on that. I'm sending you another envelope with HST for the other 2 ladies and sending extras for Sue will be a pleasure. Debbie - thanks for all your work and Sue - we're all praying for your sister-in-law!


                  Hmmmm....this is getting to be a rather :roll: long post, but since it's ALL here, I'll just add on to it :lol: ...

                  I've received several emails from members saying they will be including more for Christchurch, and it's not too late to put some in an envelope to me if you've already mailed your package.

                  I just read an email from Maryjo (Josew) and she made a very profound statement in it that I'd like to share (and I'm also thinking it could become a name for a new exchange):

                  "Maybe quilters can build a more peaceful or is that pieceful world."

                  I say "Government leaders... just turn it over to quilters and we'll fix it for you"

                  Here's to your peaceful, pieceful sewing...


                  "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                    Originally posted by kathyst2
                    Originally posted by NaneeWolf
                    Thank you, Kathy. We are going to try our best to make everyone happy with their 'Christmas in April' surprises. It gets to be pretty overwhelming sometimes, but in the end it will all be worthwhile and very satisfying. We (actually Clara does!) have the sorting plan all worked out, a good many quilters are lined up to help, and now one of the big challenges will be to get all the HST's to the church where we'll be sorting...I'm thinking a U-Haul truck :lol: just might work for us!

                    By-the-way, I love the quilt in your Profile Picture!

                    Debbie, that was my 2009 BOM! I took it to Colorado for the Ricky Tims quilt retreat in July of last year for some show and tell, and Ricky took the photo and put it into my profile. I sleep under it every night and think about how much I love the quilt. Thanks for noticing!

                    I haven't made that BOM yet (I'm a procrastinator :roll: ops: ), but I sure am inclined to use simlar colors now that I see yours. It's beautiful and you should proudl!


                    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                      Originally posted by NaneeWolf
                      I haven't made that BOM yet (I'm a procrastinator :roll: ops: ), but I sure am inclined to use simlar colors now that I see yours. It's beautiful and you should proudl!

                      Debbie, the quilt was a *lot* of work but so worth it. The fabrics were mostly batiks and some Kaffe Fassetts, from my stash except for a couple of fabrics. That pile of fabrics was out for a year during construction- just looking at the fabrics made me happy! If you're up for a challenge (Oh wait, I guess you have proven that ) it's a great quilt to make. Kathy


                        Originally posted by NaneeWolf
                        Originally posted by kathyst2
                        Originally posted by NaneeWolf
                        Thank you, Kathy. We are going to try our best to make everyone happy with their 'Christmas in April' surprises. It gets to be pretty overwhelming sometimes, but in the end it will all be worthwhile and very satisfying. We (actually Clara does!) have the sorting plan all worked out, a good many quilters are lined up to help, and now one of the big challenges will be to get all the HST's to the church where we'll be sorting...I'm thinking a U-Haul truck :lol: just might work for us!

                        By-the-way, I love the quilt in your Profile Picture!

                        Debbie, that was my 2009 BOM! I took it to Colorado for the Ricky Tims quilt retreat in July of last year for some show and tell, and Ricky took the photo and put it into my profile. I sleep under it every night and think about how much I love the quilt. Thanks for noticing!


                        Debbie - It's not too late...I am currently working on finishing my 2009 BOM. It's full of HSTs :shock: so you may want to defer the project until you are well recovered from the SOTTTs sort! :lol:

                        Your quilt is gorgeous Kathy! I am using the kit for mine as it will be a gift for my Mother but your colors are more to my personal taste...great choices!

                        I haven't made that BOM yet (I'm a procrastinator :roll: ops: ), but I sure am inclined to use simlar colors now that I see yours. It's beautiful and you should proudl!



                          Dear Debbie,
                          Thank you for all your hard work for the HST's exchange. I have sent in 448 HST's today from my post office in New Jersey. Thank you Alice


                            To our International SoTTT's Members:

                            NO ENVELOPES, PLEASE...ONLY AN ADDRESS LABEL(S) .......

                            When sending International packages, please include an ADDRESS lLABEL ONLY and NO ENVELOPE.

                            We will only be using special International Flat Rate boxes for returns to you. If you sent more than 300 HST's, you will need pay for multiple flat rate boxes returned to you, so I will need an address label for each return box. If you send an addressed envelope, we will have to create the address label for you. The envelope is not of any use & will be thrown away plus it will cost you more to mail your package with that added weight.

                            The information on how many HST's fit into certain size International Flat Rate Boxes can be found in the 2nd Forum (I think :roll: ) on Page 1 of the Forum. You will need to refer to that to determine how much you need to charge on PayPal and how many labels you need to create.

                            And please be sure to include your PayPal receipt (s)!!!

                            We will greatly appreciate your efforts in this area.


                            "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                              Originally posted by radquilter
                              Dear Debbie,
                              Thank you for all your hard work for the HST's exchange. I have sent in 448 HST's today from my post office in New Jersey. Thank you Alice


                              Please send an email through My Profile Page. That way I will be able to send you a reply email when your package arrive. The forum gets to busy for me to scroll through posts to be able to reply.

                              Thank you so much for doing this...


                              "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                                Here is an interesting little bit of history about exchanges found in one of my quilt books.
                                "In the 1860's, quilters began trading scraps of fabric with friends and relatives, using their collections to make "charm quilts"--scrap quilts in which no two pieces were cut from the same fabric. ........Legend held that when a maiden had collected exactly 999 scraps for her charm quilt, the young man of her dreams would appear wearing the fabric for her one thousandth piece."
                                So ladies, if you are looking for the man of your dreams, this may the the answer. :lol:

                                "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


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