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Which Quilting Magazine do you recommend?

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    Originally posted by sanann
    Free cell works really good for stimulating your brain and doesn't cost as much as nintendo. I read a study that just reading out loud helps too. My hubby already thinks I am nuts cause I talk to myself, so guess reading out loud will land me in the funny farm. hehe

    Sandi in hot hot FL
    Sandi, I play Free cell everyday and also Bookworm at Yahoo. It's a great word game and very addicting. Free too!

    My favorite magazine is Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting, a great value. that magazine just keeps growing!

    JoAnne in so. California
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Hi Judy,I'm not sure but I think you have to reach a certain level on the first games before your allowed access to the other ones.Each time you do well enough another game is introduced.If you need help,just ask a kid.I've asked my kids to please not snicker when I need computer/game help.We have BrainAge2 so I'm not sure about the first one.I actually like the math games because that's what I'm really bad at and where I need the most practice.And Karen I wouldn't run out and buy a ds,its just something to do with my daughter,who's 13.If you have 2 ds's you can play together,not that its a real challeng,she skunks me everytime!And Joanne,what is free cell and bookworm?I love word games,currently my daughter is busy beating me at Upwords.Also,free is always good. Julie


        I went on Bookworm. Loved it. I must have played for 30 minutes. Of course, I clicked on the worm once, Big Mistake. I got burned a little until I figured out what to do. I play Free cell solitaire already. I didn't know about Bookworm. I did these little games while I was watching the Olympics. I should read aloud more. The Brain age math games get boring after a while but I guess I quit too soon. My brain age is still 80. Judy in AZ


          Book 53, I too love word games. Play solitaire Scrabble frequently. Found it on sale at 1/2 price books one day!


            I played Brain Age and instead of reading aloud for my brain age check, I solved the math problems. Now it says that my brain age is 42. That makes me feel a whole lot better. I knew there was something wrong as I was giving the right answers orally, it kept telling me to try again and my brain age was always 80. Not great for my self esteem. Judy in AZ


              There you go Judy,just give it 10 or 15 mins a day and pretty soon your brain will think it's 13 again!I don't actually play all the time but I've not been feeling well,turns out I need gall bladder surgery and I can't get an appointment for a consultation til next week.This isn't the kind of thing I handle well,can't read,sew,play piano because I can't concentrate so I've been "vegging out" on the ds.And spending time on TQS,which always makes me feel better.Now, I think I'll go walk around the garden,see if I can pull weeds with my mind!Lynn,I love scrabble,its one of the few family games we can all still play together,along with Boggle.Its supposed to rain later so I'll ask my daughter to find Bookworm on the web for me.Thanks for chatting with me.And since this was a magazine thread(didn't mean to get off topic),I'm keeping my subscription to Quilter's Newsletter,shortened or not.I still like them best of all. Julie


                Julie, sorry to hear about your gall bladder. Put yourself of the Prayer list thread if you haven't done so already. Keep playing the games. Judy in AZ


                  Bookworm has been a favorite of mine for years, too. I seem to remember a time several years ago when it frequently deprived me of several hours of sleep per night! :lol: :x


                    Is there a goal to reach in Bookworm or is it just to make words and get rid of the red tiles and build up your score? Judy in AZ


                      Originally posted by jbtaz36
                      Is there a goal to reach in Bookworm or is it just to make words and get rid of the red tiles and build up your score? Judy in AZ
                      Judy, there is no goal, as far as I know, except to get a higher score. You achieve different levels, titles, as you get further along.



                        You realize, of course, how much time this takes away from quilting? I guess this, too, will run its course playing less and less, not like now. You can, though, watch the O games while playing this. Judy in AZ living on her computer


                          Julie, sorry to hear about your gallbladder. Get better soon. Praying for you.


                            I don't envy the gall bladder problems Julie, but rest assured once the !@#$ thing is out of there you will feel better than you have in years. Just count yourself lucky you will get to plan for this - mine was taken out 8 years ago in emergency surgery while I was out of town!!! I didn't know what had been causing my on and off pain for years, and being a college student I did not have money to see a doctor. One month after my first child was born I went to stay at my mother's for a week and found my self on the floor with severe pains - I thought I was having a heart attack! Went to the ER where they told me my gall bladder was WAAAYYY out of wack and had to be removed immediately - it had in essence turned to stone. After that thing was out I felt like a completely new person! Dr. said the pains I had been feeling for the last 4 years had probably been the gall bladder all along, and I have not had anything like that since. It was a pain in the behind at the time, but the surgery was SOOO worth it in the end. Good luck.


                              First,thank you all for your kind thoughts.Its good to have kindred spirits out there in the world.Mandy,I felt stupid saying it,but I thought I was having a heart attack too.Thanks for sharing your experience.And since I had to cancell my vacation,I now have 3 quilt magazines stacked up waiting to be read.I know,its a tuff job but someone has to do it!That's what front porches are for in the summer. Julie


                                Oh, Julie, I do so envy you sitting out on your porch in the summer! I'm banished to the inside in the summer - because for me, summer in Houston is almost unbearable! The heat and humidity are not my friend, although they do make for lovely gardens when well attended. Summer is mostly for quilting! ha


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